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Posts posted by Emster23

  1. Horrible, but not all that unexpected. Seems mental health system was not factored in when deciding to open borders. Imagine coming from home country where crap fest war been raging, what once was peaceful looks like set from Full Metal Jacket, forced to live hand to mouth at refugee camp, and then..... doors open and can go to Europe! But no "happily ever after" scenario awaits. Still have mental and emotional trauma, things not as nice as you dreamed, etc. Disappointment, anger, frustration.... and outcomes like we've seen recently. I am surprised there has not been more of this. More to dealing with refugees than just opening doors. Intense PTSD care needed.

  2. Who voted this guy in? Oh yeah, oops.... missed that one.

    "Choice" is similar to "Do you want to be shot or hung?"

    "Thaksins red terrorists were taking about sedition and had set up military style training camps in the north and were arming people." Perhaps you missed part where Suthep's people prevented election, registration to vote or run, police were told to stand down by army and not enforce laws. Seems a bit of a stretch to claim party in power wanted to revolt against party in power....

  3. Not defending the controller but it struck me as entertaining that a group of people come forward to complain that they have been bribing a public official to allow them to get around the rules and then want the authorities to get the other party to adhere to his part of the corrupt deal. Shouldn't the whole lot of them be arrested.

    And just what are the rules? When cops and military are the mafia, who do you complain to? The other mafia? And what do the van drivers get from "controller"? Insurance, training, etc? No, it is simple extortion.

    Serious money here being spread about.... you can only squeeze so much blood from a turnip. Admire drivers optimism, but also realistically think nothing will happen as this whole enterprise seems to be cash cow for the savior army.

  4. Truth is not a defense in cases of defamation here, which folks from countries with laws find unbelievable.

    Perhaps in future reports like these need to be written with touch of sarcasm (which seems beyond most Thais):

    "The temple, being strong supporters of self sufficient economy, developed international markets in indigenous wildlife to aid in returning happiness to both those of the holy order and selfless volunteers who spent countless hours processing the product to the highest standards. The display jars of young felines were kept to show the close attention to animal husbandry shown by staff in order to ensure sustainable economy"

    Or something like that....

  5. It's called a reverse mortgage in the US. It wouldn't work for our house up country. Who wants a house in a village in nowhere surrounded by people from the same family that used to own it.

    The title is off: "Government pushes new program to help the elderly till the rest of their lives" It should have 'for' instead of 'till' unless 'till' means until the banks kick them out of their home? Maybe they have mixed up words and it should be ' Government pushes new program to help the elderly till they are reincarnated'?

    Hmmm my take was that government would have them working rice paddies, raising crops, "till the soil" until they "buy the farm" so to speak....

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