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Posts posted by GeorgeO

  1. Where we live the police provide security for a cockfighting den that stages events every month and one of the serving officers in the police station even runs a small casino.

    Rotten to the core.

    Entirely agree that gambling should be legalised.

    Legalise gambling and overnight you will have gang wars between gambling barons who want the entire market for themselves.

    Not to mention the massive increase in thefts/burglaries/robberies as a result of those who are unable to control their gambling also being unable to pay their rent...!!

    • Like 1
  2. What would be good to see is the Assets Commission investigating every one of these individuals who have suddenly decided to bail out. That would be interesting.

    They are both part of the new 56 state organization probes.

    They are resigning obviously sorting out all their crap, hiding masses of money and ready to flee.

    They should extend this to EVERY PTP politician also.

    Really the Junta needs to see this through to the end before even starting the reforms, because the knowledge they will gain from investigating the corrup will be a solid basis to work off, closing each and ever loophole along the way.

    It could take years, but at least we will have years of zero corruption. But they HAVE TO start making extreme examples of people and handing down huge fast tracked prison sentences and complete asset seizures and full family wealth checks since they gained their position.

    What was the wealth track record of every family member before and after they gained their position..... Look for unusual wealth increases to coincide with their time in office, make an investigation of that family member also, find out where the money come from... If it is linked to providing services to that particular ministry business... seize the lot and all their assets too.

    They should extend this to EVERY PTP politician also. Don't let your political bias show too much. Why limit it to PTP? Why not include the Dems, and others as well. Let's face it, I think a good exam of Suthep's records would reveal a lot of things. Such as how he was able to buy property worth millions of baht at a time when his accounts were frozen?

    But let's not concentrate just on politicians. I think an exam of finances of every cop and every military officer with the rank of Lt Co. and above should be examined. As someone here said a week or so ago, Phuket had a meeting of Ferrari owners, and many of them were cops. Please tell me how a cop of ANY rank, can afford a Ferrari?

    Corruption is endemic in Thailand, and hardly limited to just one political party. Politicians, military, cops, businesses, even school administrators.

    Whilst I fully agree that no political party should be exempt from scrutiny, I think that thumper101 was making a fair comment, and not demonstrating any particular bias, in demanding that they should start by examining the assets of the outgoing government.

    The Democrats did not have access to the state coffers over the past three years, and I, along with many others, so it would appear, believe that the auditors are going to find that around 2 trillion Baht has been either wasted or is left unaccounted for.

    If scrutiny of the PTP members' assets show that they have become "unusually wealthy" over the past three years, and they are unable to provide plausible justification for such wealth, then those assets should be sequestrated and the individuals concerned should spend some time behind bars so that a clear message is sent out to the rest of Thailand that the days of acquiescence to overt corruption are now over.

    I would love to see a poll on attitudes towards corruption carried out again, similar to the one that was undertaken two years ago. I would suggest that the 45% of people who felt that corruption was acceptable two years ago may well have changed their tune now ...!!

  3. No pressure from any political wing ??

    Resign to make way for reforms ?? why,?? would they be obstructing reforms if they did not resign ??

    If they were brilliant in their capacity they would be retained surely, no one would expect them to go.

    Looks like they were reluctant to want reforms to me....................OR they resigned because of fear of being investigated near the same as all the others that have resigned. Cowards.thumbsup.gif

    I think they all have some pretty substantial skeletons in the closet, and it has become quite clear to them that the military is not holding back from investigating absolutely anyone. Go now, and establish a safe haven overseas, before you are required to show all your assets ... and how you got them...!! But then, of course, make sure your safe haven is safe from extradition procedures...!!

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  4. Witnesses should never be barred...regardless of the type of court case. Wrong on so many levels.

    I would probably agree with you if she had submitted all of the names of the relevant parties from the start, but she didn't. She submitted names of witnesses, many of whom it subsequently turned out were unavailable to testify, so she then turned to alternative names, ad nauseam, in an attempt to stall the legal process.

    What the courts are saying is that they gave her every opportunity from the start to call her witnesses, but now the stalling game is being brought to an abrupt end...!!

    • Like 1
  5. There is a more detailed article in Bkk Post, the Labor Ministry basically ran it like a recruitment agency, forcing employers to take their workers. All for a fee! As I recall it, wasn't the previous Labor Minister someone with the initial C?

    It would be very pleasing to many of us on here if the Bentley/Porsche driving former Minister were to be found culpable for all of this; I have longed for the day when we see a picture of him peering through the bars...(and I don't mean the girlie bars)...!!


    The reason he has not been transferred to the holding tank is that he is a number one flight risk and everyone knows it. Which is why he is almost certainly already peering through those bars with his equally nauseating offspring.

    The Junta already know this guy is going down for a very very long stretch... what an idiot, If he had two braincells to rub together, he should have know their reign was coming to an end and that judgement day would come a calling.... Now he can't.

    This could be the end of his freedom for life.... I hope he now appreciates that Yingluck and big bro in Dubai couldn't give a flying fart if he is free or whether he rots in prison till he dies of an ear medicine overdose.

    Talk about misplaced loyalty.

    Yes, and you can almost feel the popularity of KhunT sliding away as all of his misguided followers are picked off one by one...!! The real telling moment will be when his darling sister is totally left out to dry and starts serving a stretch for her involvement (or at least acquiescence) in the rice disaster.

  6. Well done.... We won't be hearing from him any more.

    He obviously doesn't have the same sort of money as Chalerm or many other 'rich' socialite families from Bangkok.

    I don't think the vast fortunes of Chalerm and many of his associates are going to cut it when there cases eventually come up; indeed, i think they will find that huge chunks of said fortunes will be drawn back into the public coffers, where they belong...!!

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  7. ... This is potentially the most pointless poll ever to be carried out on Tv.com.

    If we collectively decide that Rooney should be dropped, what impact will that have on the England manager's decision...?!!

    I hope you don't expect that every comment you make or every opinion you voice to have impact on anyone else or their decision making process....

    If I was considering saying something and felt that it would have no impact whatsoever on anyone else or any contribution to their decision-making process, then I would probably decide to keep my comment to myself..!!

  8. Reading’s new owner, as yet unnamed, will now have to undergo the Football League’s fit and proper persons test before the takeover is confirmed.

    That'll be a breeze then.

    In case of disagreement, they could refer it to the Official Thai Visa Takeover Vetting Committee, which recently approved the takeover of an entire country by the Thai man who signed the GT200, Ukraine armoured car, combat balloon and aircraft carrier refurbishing contracts. The Committee also unanimously approved rejection of hypocrisy charges against its members..

    Oh dear, still smarting from your master's recent humiliating defeat, eh...?! In time, you will come to realise that what the good General has done is all for the good of the country, and not, as in your master's case, for the good of himself...!!

  9. Maybe on of those bizarre things that happens, But a school director with that condition and driving when he could have had this problem at any time.

    The other question is WAS it a fit or is that was reported----reality or excuse we do not know.

    Epileptic seizures are verifiable through blood tests and brain scans...!! Anyone falsely claiming to have had a seizure will be found out...!!

    • Like 1
  10. And that quote went on to say............. To support the army, may, just may, be the only way to restore it. It has been a general historical truth that regimes bringing order at least make a democratic transition possible. The converse is seldom true. Permissive regimes tend to lead to crackdowns that doom enlightened rule.

    So if you agree with the Professor of International Politics you must agree that the PTP were a permissive regime. Yet we are constantly told on here that the PTP were a dictatorship - what's it to be?

    You're the only one who cares. Your side lost, as we consistently told you they would, so no-one's interested in engaging in your pointless arguments anymore. Try letting go and observing all the good things that are happening to the country now, it might make you feel better...!!

    "Your side lost". Really. That implies that your side "won". Um, neither one of you "has a side" cheerleader. Neither of your sides won or lost because you do not have a side to lose or win.

    You are barking at the moon and calling your chorus of hounds a choir.

    Get over it.

    What a nonsensical post...hounds....cheerleader...?!

    Unlike you, I recognise that there were always two sides to the 'battle', which are invariably referred to here as 'Yellows' and 'Reds', and if you fail to recognise that, then you need to explain to everyone here what the **** was going on here for the past seven months...!

    Having said that, where in my post does it say I have a 'side'? I have always demonstrated neutrality since I have never had any love for Suthep, and clearly stated so, but others, including the one you come out to defend, have always displayed their true colours...!!

    I fully recognise that the extremist supporters of the exiled criminal were intent on getting their message across with as much force as they felt necessary. That side has now lost and I am very pleased to see it...! So ... get over it...!!

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