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Posts posted by bifftastic

  1. Trex, do you happen to remember the name of the hotel? Or have a number for them?


    Phayao Grandroom Hotel Don't have number at the moment, but can get it. They have several billboards along the hiway in Phayao. I will get it tomorrow on the way to work....

    Thanks very much,

    I found the address and number (google)

    145 Siyaekpadeng Phahotyathin Tumbol Thawangthong Amphoe Mueang Phayao Phayao 56000 Tel : 0544I5RP8M8TEHM8AXBH29PG.gif-9

    hmmm not sure why the number didn't paste correctly...

    Tel : 054484238-9

  2. Funnily enough, there is a new product on the market here in the USA, called "Fresh Balls" and it is also a cream. It is supposed to be paraben, aluminium and talc free as well. Haven't tried it yet.

    hahaha! I can just imagine the commercial for it!

    could be just like that 'just for men' ad :)

    I opened this thread expecting to read about Thai talc, which I kindof have, but certainly did not expect to learn about what TV members put on their <deleted>!

    Still, thanks for sharing, I think! :D

  3. Trex, do you happen to remember the name of the hotel? Or have a number for them?


    Phayao Grandroom Hotel Don't have number at the moment, but can get it. They have several billboards along the hiway in Phayao. I will get it tomorrow on the way to work....

    Thanks very much,

    I found the address and number (google)

    145 Siyaekpadeng Phahotyathin Tumbol Thawangthong Amphoe Mueang Phayao Phayao 56000 Tel : 0544I5RP8M8TEHM8AXBH29PG.gif-9

  4. Biased???? (e.g. from London print)

    My top annoyance is while seated in an aisle seat (airplane) and boarding early (due to Mileage membership) I tend to get whacked in the face too many times by either the 'inconsiderate' and 'unaware' person with the over-sized backpack or the little old lady that's carrying the kitchen sink in her extra large purse.


    so how many times is too many? I mean, do you like to get whacked in the face maybe once or twice, but three times is just wrong? :D

    I agree that wearing a backpack somehow seems to diminish people's spatial awareness which is very annoying!

    Top annoyance, for me, would be on an overnight flight when everyone is trying to sleep, a group of people talking loudly. Generally, a disregard for other people annoys me whatever the situation but when you're tightly packed in a tube with people you don't know, something is bound to p1ss you off right?

  5. But the reference to Enoch Powell confuses me slightly, it's usually mentioned when referring to immigration and racial issues.
    Exactly and sums up the situation as I see it! The overflow from the UK's misguided Immigration Policy has spread through ALL the facets of there Foreign Office policies to situation where we mere mortals cannot get contact with the people we should do under normal circumstances. He predicted that!

    So...Enoch Powell predicted we wouldn't be able to get in contact with people we 'should' be able to contact? What are these 'normal circumstances' to which you refer?

    And how, exactly, has the UK's immigration policy, or lack of, contributed to the privatisation of government departments and their desire to keep track of expats? Perhaps it was by allowing too many Australians into the UK? Or is it the 'usual suspects' Caribbeans, Indians, Pakistanis, Bengalis, Poles?

    So, to summarise, you think that everything that is wrong with the UK is because of the immigration in the 1970's?

    I do hear this 'theory' in the pub sometimes, usually from someone with a court order banning them from football matches.

  6. Anyone who thinks their government acts in their own interests should read "Anatomy of the State' linked here:


    It really makes me question our society and its sheep like tolerance when people effectively say "I don't object to continued increasing erosion of my civil liberties as I have nothing to hide"

    That view has sure helped the UK become the socialist police state it is now:

    20% of the WORLDS cctv cameras

    ID cards

    DNA databases

    Stop and search

    Imprisonment on suspicion of planning to orchestrate a crime, without having actually broken the law

    monitoring of all calls, emails, websites

    etc etc.

    Just like the 'carbon dioxide based' global warming illusion is an excuse to increase taxation and control, so has the fabricated 'terrorism threat' led to huge civil liberty erosions.

    At least in Thailand corruption is more transparent and less sophisticated, and ultimately far less invasive.

    the 'SUS' laws were abolished in the 1980's

    stop and search...how else would you propose to tackle knife/gun crime on London's streets? Quoting stop and search and the sus laws could have been done in 1981 but not now.

    DNA database has convicted many rapists/murderers.

    Whilst I agree that the 'LOCATE' system is a way of our government monitoring us and I'm not very comfortable with that, it's more to their incompetence rather than believing they all have lizards skin underneath.

    I guess information like this always encourages people who believe there's a sinister plot to implant all our dental fillings with radioactive chips or something, whereas the reality is often the want to sell our information to 'carefully selected agencies' which is a bit more scary IMO

  7. Believe you me and I'm Australian who tried to sort an expat British Citizens affairs after he died in a traffic accident last week :- The Effin British Embassy only works 35 hours a week --- after that they don't give a f#ck. Unlike the Aussie Embassy who bent over backward to help me in a similar situation last year.

    Gorden Brown and the UK --- YOUR DOWN THE SHLT TUBE --- Why didn't you whackers listen to Enock (excuse the spelling) Powel when you had the opportunity.

    I can sympathise with the issues you had with the Embassy and it's lack of interest, the government in the UK has never cared about it's people really.

    But the reference to Enoch Powell confuses me slightly, it's usually mentioned when referring to immigration and racial issues. Was that what you were inferring? Our government would be less intrusive and more helpful and efficient if we had restricted our immigration in the 1970's?

    Can't see it myself to be honest.

  8. On the FCO website and the consulate/embassy sites in Thailand if you want any consular services you have to register with 'LOCATE' first.

    Given that our government is more like an unweildy string of private companies all sub-contracting out to one another, skimming off the tax-payers hard-earned rather than a cohesive bureaucracy, why would I feel comfortable giving them my address? When they say it's so they can contact you in an emergency, well, so can anyone else I give my contact details to, why would I want the government losing my information, handing it over to 'carefully selected agencies' or sticking it on a CD and then giving it to some random bike courier so he can 'lose' it.

  9. Nice story, slight variation from that usually told. We (brits) use two fingers, index and middle, in our famous 'pluck yew' salute. And it is commonly known as 'pluck off' rather than 'pluck you'. Kind of like a 'peace' sign in reverse. Apparently Winston Churchill, who often got the 'V' for victory salute the 'wrong way round' was told of his mistake but chose not to change how he did it.

    Also, 'giving the bird' is something I've only heard Americans use. Not sure of it's origin but it ain't English.

    wikipedia reckons;

    It is identified as the digitus impudicus (impudent finger) in Ancient Roman writings[1] and reference is made to using the finger in ancient Greek comedy to insult another person. The widespread usage of the finger in many cultures is likely due to the geographical influence of the Roman Empire and Greco-Roman civilization.

    Another possible origin of this gesture can be found in the first-century Mediterranean world, where extending the digitus impudicus was one of many methods used to divert the ever present threat of the evil eye.[2]

    No mention of birds though! Dunno where that came from.

  10. However if I was ever sat next to someone very obese (like in the photo) I would exercise my legal rights and request that the airline captain land at the nearest airport and let me disembark at the airlines expense.

    hmmm 'ladies and gentlemen we apologise for this change of route, we are diverting to Kabul to drop Syd off as he doesn't like sitting next to fat people and would rather have a holiday in Afghanistan than continue on to Thailand'

  11. I'm flying in january, I'm in training now....all the hard miles on the road at 3am, then the gym work, watch my diet, really work hard to 'make the weight' I can save myself 5 euros, Me and my trainer have a plan, I'll dehydrate, check in in my pants then once I've got my boarding pass it's off to the cafe for a fry up! haha! that'll learn em! (i really think I've got a chance at the title this time!)

  12. I don't mind if people want to learn the British version of English over the American version. However, be aware that if your child wishes to work with Americans, he will be assumed to be a homosexual. That is clearly another advantage for the British version. Cheers!

    Are you sure? I mean, just because someone works with Americans doesn't automatically make them a homosexual, although I can see how many might assume so. :)

  13. I recommend the same rules in any big city, strangers approach you with unexpected pleasantries, especially around transport networks, train stations etc. Hand on wallet/phone, mind fully switched on, smile, shake of the head and walk off. Especially if you're outnumbered (one talks to you the other moves around you.....) don't worry about offending them.

    They're relying on the idea that most people, when using public transport, are daydreaming and walking around in their own 'little bubble', they jump into your bubble and then run whatever scam they have in mind having caught you off-guard and burst it for you!

    Could be something small like poncing a cigarette, could be christians, could be anything. My advice, keep walking.

  14. I noticed when it comes to hiring a thai company to moniter the house when we are gone for 2 or 4 months is hard to find. Wont let local family do it because it wont be done and the house will be used and aboused by cousins of the wife, not her family they live far away.

    We talked to some friend who went away for work for 6 months and they paid a copany to look after things, like cut the grass, collect the mail water plants etc during there absence and keep an eye on the house...

    U know if u are not watching 100% ,,,,,,they paid every month but when they gotback nothing was really done and after talking to the neighbours they also said the company was only seen at the house 2 times in 6 months plants had died in the house fish in the pond were dead....

    sounds like a good business to start a honest trustworthy business even for thais. I think would pay for this service, eben thais wont trust there own family members going in to the house.

    what is your thoughts on this

    You know, I think it's a cracking idea, especially in somewhere like Phuket with a foreign population away so much from their homes. But, as you say, companies already "masquerade" doing this.

    The difficulty I see is who would be doing the house sitting? No way would a foreigner be allowed to do this type of work, and even if a foreigner owned the "house-sitting" business, it boils down probably to a local Thai to do the daily / weekly checks, and, sad to say, we're back to the issue of trust and honesty.

    I'm currently researching the possibility of providing such a service. Not house sitting as in occupying the property but daily visits to water plants/check for damage/collect mail etc. and a weekly house cleaning/gardening visit. The work would be done by Thai's but checked/supervised by myself and daily/weekly reports submitted to the owners. I envisage the service commencing a few days or a week before the owners leave so they are 'in situ' when the first few visits take place so they can show exactly how they want things done, provide a kind of checklist for their property which is then completed and signed off and emailed to them when they are away.

    I think the key to the whole thing is regular contact with the clients so that they can be kept fully updated as to the work being carried out. Proper moitoring/supervision of staff and a secure keyholding arrangement. (I have experience in transport and logistics, management/supervision, monitoring and reporting on staff working 'off site' and the associated security implications).

    Ideally this will be in the Chiang Rai area but I'm not sure if there are enough properties in a serviceable area and I would welcome sensible comments. As with any business model there needs to be suitable demand.

    I can see how somewhere like Phuket may be more suited to such a business, just not sure I'd want to live there!

    Please feel free to comment or PM me.

  15. Further to my earlier post I have received this reply from UK embassy in Chiang Mai;

    Dear Mr xxxx,

    Thank you for your email to the British Consulate. Please see the attached file of how to obtain a Thai driving license.

    Please see the document that we require as follows;

    - your current passport

    - fee for a standard letter is Baht 2,088 pay in cash at the Consulate.The process takes 1 working day.

    - completed registration (LOCATE) which available on the website www.ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk

    As you will be residing in Chiang Rai, you can send us a copy of your passport and proof of your address by post. Standard fee a letter is 2,088 Baht plus 100 Baht for returning by post. Please arrange payment by "Money Order" (OR Thananat in Thai) from local Post Office. Please make payment payable to "British Consulate" to be cashed at "Mae Ping" Post Office.

    Please contact us nearer the time before you submit the application to confirm the fee.

    Our office is open from Monday - Friday from 9.00-11.30 am. We are located at: British Council Compound, 198 Bumrungraj Road, Muang District, Chiang Mai 50000.

    Please let me know if you require further asisstance.

    They also attached a document;



    To obtain a Thai driving licence from the Thai authorities you will need the following documents:-

    PASSPORT (original plus a copy)


    LETTER FROM THE EMBASSY (confirming residency)



    TWO PHOTOS (1” x 1”)

    You may have to sit a driving test and pass a written test on traffic signs. If you take your current overseas licence with you, you may only be required to sit the written test.

    Please check with the Land Transportation office where you need to apply as this does depend on where you reside.


    Register with the Embassy (details on how to follow below) then please also bring your original passport with you.

    Complete the request form and state the address to be used on the letter

    The fee for this service is Baht 2,088

    The letter can be collected the following working day after 09.00 am or sent to you by

    EMS (Express Mail Service – Baht 100)


    We encourage you to register with the British Embassy - new Consular online registration system (LOCATE) at http://ukinthailand.fco.gov.uk/ or www.fco.gov.uk/locate. With facility in LOCATE, you will be able to 'manage' i.e. update and change, your own information at a later date, such as contact details, dates in the country, inform us of your plans etc.

    For long-term residents who have registered with us, we also strongly advise you re-register your details with LOCATE.

    British Embassy

    Consular Section Tel: 0-2305 8333 from 9.00-11.00 a.m. only

    14 Wireless Road Fax: 0-2255 6051

    Bangkok 10330 E-mail: [email protected]


    Opening hours:

    Monday - Thursday 8-11.00 am and 1 – 3.15 pm

    Friday – 8-12 noon (ONLY)

    There are a couple of discrepancies in the email and the letter, the email states that proof of address is required (I've asked them what proof)

    and the attached letter mentions a request form but doesn't mention proof of address. When/if they supply me with said request form and acceptable proof of address, I'll post a copy here.

    Hope this is useful.


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