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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. 450 more Christmas dinners didnt go down well in red wall seats! ☻😂🙈
  2. Imagine the email Dear sir Your gorilla from Nigeria has been stopped in Turkey, Please forward 150,000 baht! 😬😬😬🙈
  3. Try the UKs absurd border policy! At least the visitors going to Thailand are bringing some holiday money! This tourism boom has funneled a staggering 1.535 trillion baht into the Thai economy. ☻☻😬👮‍♂️🐘🐒
  4. How do you get a visa in the early hours under a coconut tree! 🤔☻😬😬😬😬😬👮‍♂️ In the early hours of December 16, an altercation unfolded outside Pattaya City Police Station, drawing the attention of onlookers and sparking concerns about the city’s tourism image.
  5. But the girl's mother reported the relationship to Dubai police after returning to the UK and seeing pictures and messages between the pair.
  6. I cant wait for the next chapter after they have met! 😂😓🐘😁😳
  7. In the great storms of the 1980s deep snow & ice brought down many power lines, we had no electricity for 3 weeks, cooking heating by fire wood & coal. We kept milking and feeding the 110 cows, Milking using a generator powered by tractor, the 300 sheep fed with hay as the snow was to deep for them to find grass, We had no mobile phones then, And I didnt play jet set willy on my ZX spectrum for 3 weeks,
  8. Erh When they failed to return at the agreed-upon time, the jet ski operator initiated a search. However, it was not until Mr.
  9. Let's hope it's the cassava (Tapioca) farmers that get the windfall bonus this time! 😂☻🚀🐘
  10. That might be pushing it a bit far!
  11. Bad move need to be female to get off with this! See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14131677/netflix-star-caught-smuggle-150k-drugs-uk.html 3 days earlier a bloke gets 18 month prison same idea! https://thethaiger.com/news/national/man-busted-in-uk-smuggling-cannabis-from-thailand-to-clear-debt
  12. The fuel was only 460 who pocketed the 40 baht? ☻🤔👮‍♂️
  13. cowellandrew


    It is if they dont have a job or any money!
  14. Sathaporn, who was also drunk, crashed the car into the traffic barrier, injuring them all. Sathaporn revealed that he had no car or accident insurance, so he had to pay for the car repair himself.😂
  15. I would guess that's its a bit more than just the bumper! 😂 Mazda 2 hatchback with a damaged front bumper
  16. And dont forget the Temples! 😁😂☻
  17. Just hard to pet them with Edward scissor hands bandaged hands! 😂😁
  18. Dont worry they dont get charged see Manchester airport Kong fu attack!
  19. I think its aptly named! Cuss" is a verb that means to say words that are not polite, usually when you are angry. It can also be used as a noun to describe a disrespectful or indecent word or expression. For example, "He cussed me out for crashing his pickup truck". Here are some synonyms for "cuss": swear, curse, blaspheme, and imprecate. "Cuss" is an Americanism that originated between 1765 and 1775. It is a variant of the word "curse" with the "r" removed and the vowel shortened. "Cuss" can also be used as a noun to describe a persistently annoying person. Synonyms for this usage include "blighter", "gadfly", "pest", and "pesterer".
  20. Over 250 watt band in the UK! https://www.gmp.police.uk/news/greater-manchester/news/news/2024/september/more-than-100-bikes-seized-in-100-days-of-operation-dealing-with-anti-social-behaviour-on-motorbikes/
  21. 5 minutes Thai mice get in and eat the wiring loom! 🤔
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