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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. No follow the USA method and let in 10 million! 😂
  2. High seas ! I remember 19 meter waves went past the window as I was eating Christmas dinner, then pulling the rest of the anchor chain through the sub sea structures, Ah fun times
  3. I had 3 weddings in Thailand st$t I must be a lucky mother f$$$$er
  4. Just needs a ladyboy in this story then I may buy the book! 😂
  5. Scratching head wont help!
  6. Yes Mr Witoon that's not a brit, thats not a Brit 😂😂😂😂
  7. I would like to see a thai captains license so I can check if its real !
  8. Big joke is now the big joke! Or is that big porridge?
  9. The story is much better in UK papers it was a rumpus, no mention of lady boys, And some one hit on the head with a dustbin! 😂 https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26122817/brits-injured-knife-fight-thai-sex-workers/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebarweb
  10. Crikey they are jumbos! How many check points did they get through? Asking for a friend! 😂
  11. I would say they are too late , I never hear of them catching any of these Arsonists, When you see fires in the mountains! thai saying! ling tam cow lam!
  12. You have to look at the villages no work no income, if the jungle isn't burnt you cannot get through it to forage for food, education is needed, plus employment Some things need fire to re grow and shoot again, Bamboo is notorious for starting fire by itself wind=rub 2 sticks together = fire
  13. I wish we could introduce the 90 day reporting to Thais in the UK oh and not able to own vehicles and houses and land, Ps and called them racist terms like falang! Oh and 156 jobs they are not allowed to do! 😂
  14. At 4 am should have been out drinking at the bar now the hours have been changed and this wouldn't have happened!😂
  15. I've got this one it's great and has wi fi!! 😂
  16. Now that's going to go down well at the Chinese embassy,
  17. What an omelette admitting the charges! Its no comment fool!
  18. Ah this is therapy! I had a lousy father, not seen him since 1985, he died last year didnt go to the funeral, I got beaten, sticks, pipes ,batons, & the Clacken,& verbal attacks etc, Told the wife I didn't want kids from the beginning as I didn't want them,
  19. Phew thank God shes not a brit! 😂
  20. Phew thank God shes not a brit! 😂
  21. Ah another white elephant if it ever gets completed 6 months later starts the disrepair!
  22. We had the same in kanchanaburi, ground floor rent to some jehovah's church 2nd floor a brothel
  23. How come nothing like this fun happens to me when I am in pattaya?
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