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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. My thai wife apon reaching menopause has decided to go sky diving with Thank you for booking your skydive experience with Black Knights Parachute Centre. The adventure starts right here! Your arrival time is 13:00 on April 4th, 2024. To view your reservation detail please visit View Booking any one know a good life insurance company?
  2. All the locals go all over these areas collecting mushrooms, bamboo shoots, pak wan ( dont know english) Honey comb, Shooting birds pheasant, other small birds, Trapping small tree squirrels, moles, pangolin, tortoise, etc A few years a land owner, set up an operation, One of these caves or tunnels had a large population of bats, the cave was just up the hill side from the railway at Lumsum, wangpo viaduct, sapan molanar The workers employed were to bag up the bat droppings, this was to be used as fertiliser, but then to get it down the mountain side would be difficult, Thai idea, A path was cut down the mountain side, And a zip wire was put up and the bags slided down.
  3. I live in saiyok for the past 35years Father inlaw now deceased told stories of the Japanese using these caves and tunnels during the war, And the rumours of hiding gold in them! I went to the area that is now the Australian visitor centre, There was nothing there before just jungle
  4. as the submarine construction was reported to be halfway complete. why doesn't china just deliver the half a submarine for the 7 billion baht, theres a good chance it would dive without any engine! 😂
  5. Riding your motorcycle back to your hotel with two ladyboys on the back, after your swim! 😂
  6. Hope they all have a face mask on! 😂😂😂
  7. £10 to £30 459 / 1377. Baht
  8. Wife's last uk haul,
  9. I love this story and the NHS advice to the police, have you seen the size of the nhs nurses?
  10. Yeah but free at my house in thai, expensive in Chinatown uk, Wife ups her luggage allowance to 40kgs coming back from Thailand sometimes a few problems, over 2kgs dried shrimps can be problem, also some of the pastas, Dried fish ok, dried fruit!
  11. Cant believe thai jails would be high on the sanitary scale, good idea to mask up all foreigners before they are being sent to jail! 😂
  12. After watching ARA San Juan (S-42) On Netflix's
  13. Great advert for Thailand the land of smiles and stabbing
  14. Sorted in 2 minutes, ปืนไรเฟิลผงสีดำ I can recommend my next door neighbor, Until when drunk fired it off through the roof of his house!
  15. I think as long as the Thai flag is bigger than the Israeli flag, raise the colours high! 😂
  16. wearing nothing but summer trunks maybe he was used to winter trunks! TAt should advertise Phuket with free entertainment!
  17. And 56 year old Helmul Ing Obritzberger from oz I feeling a bit down!
  18. I blame weed! Discarded joint! 😂
  19. Just take a dingy no passport needed!
  20. DE FACTO PHEU THAI BOSS-cum-convict on parole Thaksin Shinawatra 😂😂😂😂😂
  21. And what could go wrong here! https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/15/asia/missing-lost-radioactive-cylinder-thailand-search-intl-hnk/index.html
  22. Sounds great experience!
  23. Phew not a brit, Just one of them from the penal colony Acting up!
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