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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. 10,000 missing! Found 7000! Ehr where is the 3000 tons?
  2. Could have been worse and crashed into the jok shop! THAI RICE PORRIDGE | JOK | ΰΉ‚ΰΈˆΰΉŠΰΈ
  3. Great idea ! Touch a shark when diving jail, deportation! Bring in a cruise ship dump tons of sewage on your coral reef, and that's before you start the ships electric engines!πŸ‘
  4. I wish we had results like that and it might justify why we are being forced to install heat pumps and EV,s
  5. No they only make the ice from that pond! πŸ˜‚
  6. Is john the one in the California shirt? πŸ˜‚
  7. And where do they bottle the bottled water from?
  8. That's probably true if they have been trained! Having taken the HGV license in Thailand there was not much training I imagine there is even less in Laos, Funny part of our course when a thai traffic officer came into give a talk, the two points I got from this was he described himself as a referee of the roads, and dont run away if you crash your truck!
  9. Tied her self up and video called mum! Now that's what you call skills! I have to tie mine up to stop her phoning Mil πŸ˜‚
  10. Oh dear! Every single mum and pop shop has QR code to pay, nearly all noodle shop has a QR code, most bars have QR code to pay, I know someone who paid a short time experience by QR code,
  11. Brit carrying a OZ coin? Cant see the relevants of carrying a Australian coin wouldn't it be better a sovereign! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜—
  12. My mate got some of those Bangkok crabs from Nana ! It was hilarious! πŸ˜‚
  13. Is that frigate that is capable diving?
  14. And the money has disappeared quicker than a Chinese sub with no engine! πŸ˜‚
  15. Tax them all, Oh rent your house in the uk but live in Thailand Tax Tax !
  16. Sounds just like a normal Friday at my old agricultural college, Ah those were the days! πŸ˜‚
  17. A Thai woman, Suparat Thoncharoenphong subsequently stepped forward to clarify that the diver who touched the whale shark was a foreign customer. what a grass!
  18. And his foot down on the accelerator
  19. We had this clown in uk govt That sold this gold!
  20. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Try cutting the monthly allowance! πŸ€”
  21. I had an incident! Long time ago had a money belt on with money and passport in it, Long story short got very drunk and on taking a pee I peed into the money belt, After drying it out all the stamps were blurred, On approaching the female immigration officer in Don Mueang She ask what had happened to my passport I said in thai pee & what had happened And an demonstration with the money belt, Here upon she launched my passport about 30 feet in the air!
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