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Everything posted by cowellandrew

  1. Sounded Scottish or maybe Welsh! 👮‍♂️🙈🐒☻😁😂
  2. Now I would pay money to view this! ☻🙈🐒😂😳
  3. Once you see this you cant believe it! Yes I understand the oil company's etc, Drax power station use to burn coal from a couple of miles down the road,
  4. Phew luckily our pm is busy!
  5. Well no ifs or buts dont go very far in court she has blown them off again!😂
  6. Yes I agree with some of your points, As for brainwashed we in the UK are cutting down trees in north and south America making them into wood pellets ferry them across the Atlantic in a ship burning bunker oil, off load it at liverpool docks, load it on a train class 66 built in the 1990s Burning diesel taking the wood pellets to the power station, Drax power station did burn coal, but now its green as the emission are created abroad!
  7. Dont think so is arm is still in the sling! 😂😂😂😂👮‍♂️🙈
  8. Just dont remind her about the rice scam, theres a billion tons of 10 year old rice stored in nakon nowhere!
  9. But how is the electricity produced? Coal-fired plants produce an additional 20% so coal powered bus! 😬😁😳🐒😂☻🦌🙈👮‍♂️
  10. I Think he spent one day just not one night, before taking the helicopter taxi to the hospital! 😁👮‍♂️☻😂
  11. Where there is a will there's a ladder! 😁☻👮‍♂️🐒🐘😬
  12. Sounds great fun, free booze and food and you forgot the gambling card games. Can you send me an invitation! 😁😂🐒🐘
  13. Making waves as both the youngest and second female prime minister in Thai history surely she was the youngest PM last time she was in power? now she must be the second youngest! 😂😁🐒🐘
  14. 14 used balloons Is there a discount on the used balloons! I hope this practice is not extended to other items that could be reused! Although the JAM used to reuse them! The Jam – Town Called Malice Lyrics And a hundred lonely housewives. Clutch empty milk bottles to their hearts. Hanging out their old love letters on the line to dry. It's enough to make you stop
  15. Well you should have gambled on bitcoin then! 😁😁😂
  16. 😂😂😂 Antihistamine over in a hour!
  17. Mine work great 😁😂😬
  18. I understand this is Thailand! But imagine if this was done in New york, London etc
  19. Someone needs to tell the public! 👮‍♂️😳😬
  20. No work permit! Job reserved for !!!!!
  21. Yes I am married to a som tam munching, chicken feet eating, rice 3 times a day, it's been 35 years but would change it, no 😬
  22. Think I am going for the music festival visa My local temple has something going on each week ! attending seminars and music festivals. Applicants need to provide
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