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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. National Parks staff are under funded and have zero ability to stop poachers. Unlike in US, they have little power and do not carry weapons. They are usually not the problem (unlike when those tigers turned up in Bangladesh recently). My experience is that rangers make scant money but if they were caught poaching - their career is finished.

    They want to care but are not given any authority. You also have to realize that people hold grudges and if you send someone to jail - they may very well come back and kill you in the night.

  2. No, and you can't notarize a document that has not been signed in front of the Notary anyway.

    From the embassy:

    Please contact your county clerk in the U.S. and ask about the required documents to register your marriage in the United States. Once you are married you will need to file your marriage certificate with your county clerk in the U.S. for it to be legal there. In some cases the county clerk will ask that the marriage certificate be “certified” by the U.S. Embassy. In reality you will need to have the certificate translated and certified by the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then the U.S. Embassy can authenticate the signature of the Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs officer and add our seal.


    American Citizen Services

    This email is UNCLASSIFIED.

  3. Poor people that live in the mountains hunt orchid and game. Hard to tell poor people who have no other means of income they can't take the stuff. Well, it is well understod believe me, they know they will go to the monkey-house, but do so anyway.

    Thailand is a mixed bag of preservation of lands and wildlife. Usualy though - not much positive to report.

    My Thai wife is amazed at all the wildlife in the US. She loves it and understands the importance of protecting it. At first she wanted to eat all the small crabs - but then I explained that we have so many crabs becasue we do not eat the small ones. Further, it had ben years since I had crabed and the numbers and sizes are down so I also tossed back the females.

    We saw deer and elk in the grand canyon. Loads of other wildlife by my folks place on the Chesapeake. Nature is a big draw for us to return.

    Nature in Asia is at best snakes, birds and land crabs. Oceans are fished out and what has not died with the coral bleaching/destruction in last few years??

  4. Thanks very much for all that. I reviewed the doc attached to the link as well.

    So, I will have to work two weeks without a wp? Do I get a receipt to show the paperwork has been filed? So if I have some hassles I can show that the paperwork is forthcoming?

    So everyone basically teaches on the provisional due to terms and conditions not even asked for in Japan?

    Aidenai - you had stated that the certificate is good until you leave the school (with no time limit)? Curious, I am sure there is a huge migration of teachers to and fro annually.

  5. Everything is fine. I have the disk parted into 3 volumes and have always done this with big disks. That is so I can degrag them every so often and it does not take a century to do so. OR...I can remove all the data and reformat the partition. Never any propblems.

    Drive is fine and yes, if teh table goes - the table goes so <deleted>? I do tend to keep double and even triple backups of important stuff like photos.


  6. Who is stating that myself or anyone else is trying to rob someone of their dignity or humanity? This is absurd.

    The woman had a bad night with an obnoxious man and even if she was working in a proper restaurant most likely will have a few more. ITS PATTAYA.

    I suggest she move to BKK and try her luck up there. Surely she must have some idea of the nonsense she will encounter. If she did not, she does now and if there is any further doubt, when the OP rides in on his white stallion he can inform her of all this fundamental Pattaya insights he has now be availed to on this thread.


    CMKelly - Pattaya can host whatever it wishes, it will always be - Pattaya. There is nothing Pattaya can do to raise its reputation in the near to mid term. 10 years out even I have my doubts, especially with the Russians arrived.

    Yachting, OK at least Thai's are a seafaring people, but Dressage and polo - I vomited in my mouth, but only a little bit. How removed is that from Thailand, it's culture and people? How positively post-neo-colonial of you. Poor horses - they must take a beating in the tropics.

    Mint Juleps anyone?

  7. I'm really liking my Nexus7 B7000 shipped to US address. Next year I will get another perhaps and root that one. Lots of crap on the tablet I would rather do without incl Googles prying eyes. Missing SD slot and esp out here the cloud falls far short imo.

    No way I would spend that kind of money on a Kindle. Rather go for a Tab with 3g made for Thailand or even at this price an Asus (which makes Nexus7).

  8. I plan on obtaining a one year O visa <based upon marriage> and potentially teaching on that - making border runs as opposed to extensions. Will this work for me?

    Must I have a provisional certificate before I start teaching? Is this attached to the school, visa or wp? Is it renewable by self annually and independent of other processes?

    I had read here on TV everyone gets a waiver as the test is set up to essentially fail?

    If I have a waiver, will it assist me in getting a job over someone w/o?


  9. My largest question - What are my chances of landing a job at a university or secondary school at age 50+ (utilizing an O visa based upon marriage from Savanakhet)?

    One year of teaching in Korea (2 schools). I no longer have contact with said schools, but have remained friends with two teachers during this time period. This was from 1996-7, is this even worth a mention or should I simply state -no experience?

    I do not possess any sort of EFL/ESL coursework and reluctant to take based on low wages, personal issues (age/O visa). I find coursework really difficult to invest in with wages so low. I mean how long would it take to recoup a 50k course, a very long time.

    Some additional questions:

    How do you approach a university or grade school? Walk in to admin office with CV and ask to see whom? I have only taught in Korea and in language schools.

    How do you broach the topic - no visa, no work. I will not work w/o a visa. Do all schools require some work while processing a wp? How quickly might I expect this to come together?

    How many hours per week is standard and at what salary might I expect for start?


  10. I am surprised at the analysis, most of it is quite good.

    Most guys are done in by:

    Marriage to the wrong person

    Bad business judgement


    Moving overseas, but keeping home standards.

    *Lack of knowledge of understanding about Thailand.

    Lack of planning

    Bad investments (abroad)

    Declining investments (abroad, poor economy)

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