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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Oh yeah

    Another Sino-Thai from Issan - heard that a few times. Can she read sny Chinese? Well, when you visit her home you will know if she is lying as the family will.have all.sorts of Chinese nonsense abt the house esp a Chinese shrine.

    Chinese girl.that has no one to borrow a bit of cash and no family to look to.

    Good luck!

  2. We are all.doomed and with us will see an earth that looks more like a landfill and stripmine, a wasteland dotted with oil rig, chemical brownsites and radioactive wastelands.

    Like a battered wife, the earth will simply accept its fate and time will march ever onward.

    Humans have shown their ability to live in the most digusting situations. Much like rats and cockroaches.

  3. Any Apple product that breaks must be sent at your expense to Singapore. They will return promptly with someone elses repaired product, no doubt dropped and abused but passed inspection.

    Apples older stuff could be repaired but they have done all sorts of wizardry to prevent you from fixing your own stuff.

    Then there is all the DRM issues and iTunes the slowest most bloated crap software on the planet.

    New phone, no hd screen either - for that kind of money you really have to be stupid no with jellybean launched.

  4. Many years ago I was in Korea hiking to some old temple. There was a big group of people crowded round. I went over to see what all the fuss was about.

    Someone was feeding sparrows.

    That's what the children's experience with nature had been reduced to.


  5. and stuff that doesn't that can be sold for medicine or magic trinkets.

    Pangolin cannot taste good!

    I stand corrected as my experience with rangers while pretty extensive is in the Andaman only can tell you they are pretty powerless. I even met a woman from the = of US FDA once and she laughed at my notion that Thailand should really make a dam_n effort to get the fish traps out of the NPs. She said - yeah, if you want to die.

    My big beef up north and borders is all the logging of old growth forests. Kills everything.

  6. Maybe I am dense but this is quite obtuse. I am not sure where the CBEST fits in if it does...

    Do you think I could/would qualify under Route1?

    Route 1 : Persons who have had teaching experience with not less than 1 year and

    Would my unverifiable teaching in Korea for 9+3 months = 1 year count toward the criterion in general? I am still friends and in contact with two teachers.

    1. Hold a degree in Education or

    2. Hold other degrees and a teaching license from abroad or

    Degree = History B.A.

    CBEST and 5 years holding CA Emergency credential (long since expired). This credential allows one to teach in CA classroom up to 30/90 (?) days. The school has history of renewing it repeatedly for months on end to fill vacancies. Thailand should be very undersanding of this :-). CBEST is the initial basic exam for those providing teaching or other classroom services in CA and OR.

    3. Hold other degrees and a graduate diploma in Education with 1 year course of study.

    So, is it possible that I meet the above criteria and what prize do I win, pass go or collect B200?

    In addition, they also must successfully complete a professional training course and pass

    assessment of knowledge as follows:

    (1) Thai language and culture

    (2) Professional ethics

    When they have passed the assessment according to (1) and (2), they can file an application.

    In case of applicants’ teaching experience with less than 1 year, they shall provide a certification

    letter, issued by an educational institution, and submit it to the TCT for issuing a teaching practice

    certificate and permitting them to attend the training course.

    SO...would I only need to complete the above to receive the certificate? I had read here that no one passes this and it basically amounts to fluency in Thai (1). Ethics?

    Everyone just gets shunted to the provisional certificate so I am wasting my time.

    Are my former credentials CBEST and licenses worth anything here? Appears yes - and no.

    When and if passed - this gives you what? A certificate to teach K-12. Do you own the certificate or is it tied to a school? How often and when must it be renewed? Is there more testing BS or is it simply paperwork and MONEE?

    Thanks too mutt!!

  7. Not to be Johnny Raincloud - but I think the whole AA venture in Thailand is dicey. Can fall apart any day - I question whether 80% of it's routes even break even.

    I don't look to AA as a monopoly as there are so many other ways to go. I mean flying is my last option and I think the hassles totally outweigh the benefits. Book me an overnight train any day! :-)

  8. farang - many questions there. You already have a green card for her? Not only are you married but you (she) is good to go (to USA). You need do nothing more insofar as getting into the US and required paperwork/checks to stay.

    My question for the board is when might you need or want to register your marriage in USA? Benefit?

    If you die...you may want to look into a will. Probate w/o will could be a hassle for non citizen, esp if you are sponsor. You want her to get the assets and move on asap. If there are family members that might have a go at her, double so.

  9. I am simply posting what I rec'd from the embassy. I asked a follow up and even they (us emb) were uncertain whether it would be necessary to have/do.

    Certainly, there is no national recognition I think we all agree of a certified valid certificate. It appears to boil down to the county level as you stated. We have no plans to return for some time but for myself personally, yes - I will contact the county registrar before going thru this hassle. I am not even certain what this "gets you". Her visa paperwork will be her visa paperwork. She can open accounts and get licenses with green card. I can see though IF you desired to register the marriage how he cert in Thai would be unacceptable as English is here.

    my 2 baht

  10. AA killed out BKK-DEL-BKK flight as well. Entire route was terminated.

    They have also rearranged our schedules and cancelled flights to Udon in Dec when we are going up to Lao. We had to take a later flt which was better for us and same price. But was a hassle and no, they don't care.

    I have only flown 2x domestic here (why bother?). This second time was a week ago+. BKK-UBP - flight up they lost money, return we were full. I could easily see AA imploding altogether on all these small domestic rtes.

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