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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. I think this whole story sounds suspect. One does not simply saunter up to the counter for avisa nor does the rmbasdy have 7 hours to devote to ones case. If you were mentioned that could be an issue for her for a tourist visa and she would have to havesome connection for work visa.

    Were you listed or notedon her paperwork? Shedid the app herself??

    Has this escapade cost you anything?

  2. I did mine with the guy in the magazine shop direct. It was B400, I am a haggler but this time I did not bother. Some times you just pay up and this nominal fee from a shop I felt justified although Thai's had other translations being done far more cheaply I saw.

    It passed MFA scrutiny. He diligently worked on my app for about an hour. He had questions before and after and asked me to pronounce many family names and asked for clarification.

    My gf cum wife also approves of the writing and sound of my last time written in Thai.

    I was not approached by any touts. Surprised, I even waited around and pretended to be Captain Clueless, but no one approached me - maybe because I was alone and clueless guys always have tilac in tow.

    Was quite pleased with the process. If the translation was not accepted, he would correct it. Any other situation you are SOL. +1 for him.

    1 hour.

  3. I really dislike everything about Samui. It is the last island in Thailand I would go for any amount of time. Even the Thais get scammed.

    It stays alive thru tourist guidebook fairytales and initertia. Much like Chaing Mai.

    A dozen better cheaper islands.

    Then there is the Immigration hassles and overpriced living on the expat side. Not to mention all the petty mafia bs.

    absolute rubbish.....

    so you had a bad time, here? probably from your own mixing with the wrong type of people in certain areas?

    So, you readily admit that its basically Pattaya. Wrong people in certain areas. Yeah -

    A) All the idiots

    B ) On Koh Samui

    No, in fact it was the GH owners who would not rent me a bungalow because I did not want their shitty dive package. Then there were all the stupid hipsters that had more money than the stupid hipsters on Phangan. Fast forward a decade, massive overbuilding, jet skis. chairs and sour Thais w/ the you want it or not attitude. Another decade later..boat outfits refuse to take us to Ang Thong because we don't want their package and want to camp. Want double to bring our gear (which was nothing on a big boat). Impossible to get a taxi with meter (one taxi had cleverly put a sign topside of the front window "B100 (I forget) addl fee". The bus company would not change our tickets, less a fee. We did find a great place to stay, in town near the pier. Was a great room for B500 - we left the next AM for Koh Surin and NEVER LOOKED BACK. The only lovely people we met on the island were attached to that hotel - oh, and the people we met selling food in the street.

    BTW, your schools are utter shit. All the money Samui takes in - met a young schoolgirl, dauughter of a vendor. Lives on Samui, speaks ZERO English. Well done Samui expats!

    and pray tell where there are a dozen cheaper islands ?

    With the exception of Lipe, PiiPii and Phuket all the Andaman is cheaper and prettier and less crowded. Oh those islands - would not step foot on them either. In fact, I have never been in Phuket province other than on the roads and the bus station. Whatever beauty might be gleaned is overcome by the issues that tourism brings. And tourism in the Thai islands is a very ugly thing.

    I've yet to have a hassle at immigration too.... in almost five years of living here.....(that goes for most people I know here) ....

    Most, so that is 51%.

    There is accommodation in all price ranges and when I compare with places I seen in other areas including BKK, it can be cheaper for what you get.... food at Tesco etc same price...as else where in Thailand... rolleyes.gif

    Yeah right. So please sign me up for that beachfront bungalow on Chewang for Songkran.

    Tesco? <deleted>, I think you have made my point.

    My gold standard is - only my wife, myself and the park staff camping on the island. After that it's generally downhill.

    Other than Phuket, I cannot think of another island that has the goods and services we can get here....

    So who wants GOODS that they cannot pack in and what sort of services do I need? Please tell me as I have been living on/off Thailand for twenty years and I guess I am missing the rustic island experiences?

    Yes of course restaurants on beach might be more expensive... but too there are cheaper places to eat too, out of the tourist trap areas....

    Its all one big tourist trap.

    "Fairy tails" .... give us all that live here a break and I would add probably 99% of the tourist that come here to Samui.... don't have a problem...


  4. Incidently, I understandthe writers are paid poorly or not at all. The idiots do it for the gloryof having their namd in the guide and maybe even their photos. Much of the guidebooks have info dating back years and years. There is slso lots of fake filler info andheresay. Many of the info collectors are only doing just that. Funnh when you read their bios, so full of themselves but the new lot is just baby travellers.

  5. Tony and Maureen Wheeler sold LP, it was said that they lost interest in the world. I think.tbey got out at a perfect time.

    Could not agree more with the rumour, most destinations from an adventure point of view are a waste of money.

    The world is more a shopping mall than an adventure.

    I met Tony and Maureen many years ago in WDC. Tony provided myinspirational shove into Asia.

    For years I carried the bible, then I simply copied pages, then I copied maps - now I just wing it no matter where I go.

    A little Internet research and DL a few maps.

  6. Yes, last visit to Kathmandu I was really suprised (and somewhat saddend as I was with my gf). Plenty of young chickens.

    Hahahaha - Indian scuba divers.

    Indians never leave Pattaya

    Once I saw a youngish Indian man with a bar girl in tow at an Andaman NP. He looked totallyout of his element both in nature and with his bar-girlfriend.

    Years before that another mixed couple, Indian man and Asian woman. Both slmost drowned.

    Once I saw 3 Indian guys in a gogo, only one had a drink. They were looking at the girls like wolves. Imagine they have their fill snd off to the head for a quick fap.

    • Like 1
  7. I was just married but have known my inlaws for well over 2.5yrs. When I first started visitingI asked gf to tell.family mu name was bkb not farang. They have never called me farang. Mother always greets me with a smile and food, Pop is a stoic one. I really like her sis and brother, the whole family is dirt poor, struggles but the love is there.

    They have never ssked for 1b abd the 200k sin sod was my gf money. We gave them 30 of it and I will repay 15 to her.

    Mu wife works and I would not have it any other way until she approaches 45. I have indirectly made clear I am not a revenue source for mom and dad. Never a problem. As for her we share expenses abt 65-35 and our trips which I used to pay are now 50-50. I pay half her ticket to USA each year.

    One thing though I am at odds with though - they had come to bkk 40 yrs ago but still very unsophisticated and a bit crass. Further, they do not seem to managr money well. Aunt has done far better - but slso more favorsble situation, less kids. No grand kids...

    So far so good.

    We do though keep a distance and I would recommend this to most.

    My wife loves my parents. They were very accepting of her from start.

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