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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. Ive used freeware that allows you to connect thru w7 latop wifi and then use it as wifi base. I ultimately did not like it because that machinne need always be on. We have identical dituation - we just seem to work it out. Ive seen gadgets that work as repeater, router...worried though if they need log on as gadgets do we have a problem. Also connection now much better but used to drop all the time. Then what?

    Intrrested in your solution!

  2. They just fade back into Thai society. They drop all.the pretense and just look like femine men from the ones I have seen. Most of the surgery is not game changing save for implants, which are easily removed and many dont get them in the first place.

    Not too difficult to pick.out for a real.people watcher.

    Most katoey are not cut, in fact most katoey hookers are bi. Esp those that service farang areas. Many are even hetro - its just a job after all.

  3. To andwer op question - not expensive to maintain email communication via sat phone you can mcguyver something together. If you want to kill a few hours a day. on tv, that is. problem.

    Many Thai islands have a reasonable signal from mobile towers. So you could recv the Internet this way. Think mobile browser eg droid or fapple ios.

    There are other sat systems that might work for US Pacific and gulf Mexico, much cheaper but the dish and gear not marine quality. Should work though.

    PS Ive been out on boats in middle of nowhere Phils, Indo, Malaysia you can get a signal often, esp Phils. Dont discount cllever methods like calling friends for info or texting.

  4. Yeah, unless you are shooting action or animals you should really think about what you want to do with the camera. My GF sold off her DSLR and bought the G11, she could not be happier not lugging all that camera about.

    Next a word of warning - do not trust any review sites (unless the guys here can give you a few). I noticed when buying my camera after the fact that much of the review, critical elements were missing or omitted. Camera never tested under XX conditions. They simply never have anything critical to say about a camera - any of them. Never do they say buy THIS over THAT. Or..this is my pick for camera of the year - full stop, buy it. Sites are just vague crap of statistics you can get on the OEM sites.

  5. Thanks, Shes sort of "hooked" on these dancing waters things after the Belagio in Vegas.

    Underwater world - I have to give in to this as we have not been snorkeling for months and what women don't love swimming with dolphins? <sigh>

    Zoo could be back on the list, thanks for that.

    Amusements, I promised here we would go to a park in the states (real deal), further she has been to the real NYC and Hollywood. I do not want to spend the day around loads of kids.

  6. The lack of time is typical of tourists. Judging by the comments I see they may have rain but no need to worry about flooding as in Sukothai presently.

    I don't see October as the tail end of the monsoon any longer as it has essentially now been compressed into six weeks, but thank you for your observations.

  7. I've been to Singapore a few times and usually content myself doing a few city walks, orchid and bromeliad gardens, little India, colonial buildings and the Jurong Bird Park. Possibly to Orchard Road to have a look at some watches. We will do much of this but need to fill out a bit of the holiday.

    So....We will be spending four full days in Singapore. What to do?

    So far it's looking like Underwater World and Songs of the Sea (gag) and the Night Safari. Anything else seriously worth doing on Sentosa??

    What about the rest of the city <<attraction$$>>? Viewpoints? Marina Gardens? Singapore flyer $?

    Looks like the zoo itself is out or at least on the ropes.

    The river cruise looks like a real bust, even if done at sunset.

    Thanks and btw any information on discount passes online that are not overly complicated, expensive, more a la carte thx.

  8. For anyone that lives in Thailand and has time, Ao Nang is known as a jumping off point not a destination as has been pointed out.

    No way I would even use it as even that. My experiences in the Andaman are limited to getting to a pier that has as little drama as possible and getting a boat out to the most remote, lovely and coral gardened island as fast as possible.

    I am 50 but even when I am 75, this will not change. I really dislike being around crowds, trash, noise...

    BUT...I can see it could be a great place to LIVE, just not much of a holiday spot imo.

  9. Realize you guys are not magicians but I have some young backpacker friends coming to visit in October (yes, I told them not to). They want to spend a day+ in CR and a few in CM seeing major temples and the "old city" of CM.

    They also have on agenda Sukothai but I have been able to dissuade them of that one.

    What will be their issues in the north in October? Do they need addl days or not to bother (floods, rain, stormy skies...).

    Early to mid October.


  10. There are lots of other forums out there for SEA. I have personally found a few related to both Philippines and Indonesia, but I am too lazy to search them for you. They are in varied states of support and usage. There is always LPTT and travelfish.com as well as politically correct boots n all.

    There is a great forum for India called indiamike.com as well.

    You can also try the teaching forums, that will give you a good insight into living in any given country.

  11. You mean like REDDIT up and down vote?

    Beetle juice - great ad hominem (not really) maybe change your user to.include fanboy or polyanna? SHEEEEEESH!

    Yes, I live here and in fact my ugly racist self just wed a poor Thai waif - whatever shall she do?

  12. With the kid in the house the romance is surely finished. Wonder if you say no if she will find somone to take the kid. Sad situation really and you are dating mommy and that has baggage but you need not adopt a family. No way id put that kid or her in.my book.

    Best of luck -really.

    BillD - you are 68! This guy is 50.

  13. I guess the OP misses the point that living in Thailand we ourselves are the victims of all sorts of racism, jingoism and xenophobia.

    Some of the steam gets vented on TV.

    What's your point?

    PS If someone has a serious problem with the way the are treated outside their home country, they should return post haste.

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