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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. All you can do is try. Im sure you will have to help himwith the app.

    His financials do sound dire, not much hope there.

    Maybe a rethink about marriage but you need to really think about that. Hard.

    I would at least work.on making him a employee or a corporation that ships to you so he has a business.

    **Yeah, his employment or lack thereof is an issue. I should have glommed on.to this earlier. I thought he was somehow attached to.your business.**

    You cannot sponsor a B visa app so makes no difference abt all your business stuff here or usa. Zero all this stuff youve posted about business is meaningless in regard to B visa. Its him, employer, yrs worked there, salary. At interview...letter guarantee job on return, salary from employer. Then the secondary stuff, the glue. The docs showing ownership of x y z.

    Maybe if you are serious abt the guy, K visa might be better option or you can try one then a year later the other???

  2. I thought I was the biggest hard case on TV but ripping people for not taking a 350 bus to NK.ouch!

    Im old now and always do trains first, vip 2nd for overnights.

    But yeah — its slow and a waste. Pop across the border and for b50 you are in the city err village err city err well Vientiane.

  3. You think too mutt

    Just go for the B. Get all notions of marriage, other visas out of your head. Foget getting married for at least three trips t? USA. If that is not possible and you are on the fence about marriage, consider the K or even CR if you can come visit him during the process. But...DONT do the visit visa if you have any notion of adjusting status. That is a big problem. So, make sure its what you want and need and youre not putting a round peg in a square hole for convenience.

    Yes, I would say the B is for you and its a 1-2 visit visa. With any marriage visa you will indeed have green card issues if you stsy longer than ? (120 days??). If you are planning half year here in Thailand, youre gonna have problems, at least over time.

    He can keep the B after you are married, no problem BUT...there may be issues on arrival as ICE may beleive you may make a play to stay on. This is where all the docs come in agsin and most importantly - a letter from employer. Good job and salary.

    Hope this helps. Relax and make some solid decisions about marriage and all its complexities. If you want to do it, go for it but...if you go the B route, then that is your story and life and dont change thst up for a few years imo.

    Good luck, Im sure others will have something to say - its TV.

    BTW you can ask great technical questions on visajourney.com.

  4. Mossys (mainly dengue but malaria is coming)

    Viper and cobra



    Clouded Bengal Monitor


    All common, but I have never seen cobra in Thailand. India, Viet, Cambo an Burma yes.

    Since the die off of all the coral many dangers have abated but...





    Moray (these are very aggressive now)

    Sea snake (uncommon now)

    Any massive fish Trigger, Parrot, Grouper

  5. Yes, you are also correct if you gofor the cr you will have hassles returning to Thailand. We are sizing that up in years to come. In fact, we may apply for cr and the when we move back to Thailand and reapply for B visa.

    It sucks but when you have your visa it wont suck so much

    PS Not only with CR but K visa you will have to support green card and only way out of that is citizenship.

  6. I mean its easy because its de-facto. Its not a b so must be -c

    Don't freak out and overthink it - use the energy and apply :-)

    You imo best w K visa if you want to marry. If you have income and cash in bank.

    CR has greater benefitz but can take a long time. You can't apply here unlrsd you are in country 6mos on a non-o.

    B visa will get him back for ten years, up to six months. Its fast

    BUT...if you do marry you may have issues on arrival (will he stay??).

  7. While you are not adressing me, here are my thoughts...

    Yes, youd think that him being attached to you is a negative. He might try to modify the visa and stay on circumventing the k and cr process. It is a heavy concern of theirs.

    That is where your good name and promise comes in.


    If he is not attached to you who is he? Some single, broke, balloon dude trying to shank the system and get himself a job at a Chinese restaurant while overstaying his visa for 5yrs.

    It's a gamble we all have taken. Far better with us than single, I don't see alternative.

    My name was on my gf's app, she held my passport in her interview and the CO did look at it.I did not encl a note. For me it was cut and dry w her. Yes or no. She is ten yr holder.

  8. Easy really...If you are getting married in usa - k visa. Already married, you w/ O visa - cr1. Without getting exotic - leaves you with b1/2.

    Most of us applying the B route live here. Our names are on the apps, our loved ones toting our visas but most importantly, we are here sharing lives.

    Now having said that, all sorts of dopey guys still manage a few k visas for Internet and holiday brides— so hell, I think you have a better chance than that.

    **Schedule his interview while you are in Thailand, give him you pp along with a half page letter. Like Mac said keep it short not like your op :-)

    Have all the docs togethet that will support his return. Work guarantee, land-house his name, kids birth certs, vehicle titles, loans...

    Good luck

    PS he may have issues coming into usa without you as well

    PPSI would make nomention of any work in usa gratis, charity or otherwise. He is just coming to fill your hollow heart until you get a break and both can return to Thailand.

  9. I think Immigration far easier to renew the annual extention than to say start a new one or extend a tourist visa for a second month based on a dubious note from a clinic or perhaps even hospital— when you are not evenin hospital, but in your domicile relaxing.

    Of course people that are ill can get help reporting. Hell, you can mail it in.

    As for RabC— Great, but one incident from one office, especially bkk does not one law make.

    Again - the way I read this was the person was 'sick' maning to me not especialy ill nor life threatening. Hence, I do/did not see much sympathy from Immigration on said persons second extension of TR on some dicey note from a clinic.

    Not looking to pick a fight w Nancy or anyone else.

    You people have read a lot into the op's words. Appears to me as - minor illness, unable to getto Immigration at the moment, maybe even a few weeks.

  10. The way it was explained to me is that its a fling of youth, not serious relationship, dee is not necc lesbian, companionship, immaturity. Tom takes care in a caring way many men don't. Maybe more serious issues w males in.their lives.

    Most of these young women go on to hetro relationships.

    I was told the relationship sexually is very one way. Dee is not very if at all participatory.

    • Like 1
  11. I am an independant traveler and was hit up for the b20. If Savsn asks 40 I bet its split. Either way w Savan asks you must pay, you are w their service. l asked what it was for but she did not reply so its for ....MAKING THEM RICH derp!

    Fly to Savanaket? Even if possible, me? Surely you jest sir!

    Prices for visa are sliding scale, Colomumbai ypure not even close pal. Asfor the tax, that is in Vientiane slogan not present in south-yet.

    Ps the bus over the bridge is pretty much a shoving match. Never seen Lao people behave like that. I actually said something to a young woman trying to.push past me. Price is 45/50.

  12. OK, so after 11 years I am done with Dental Hospital. I was hit up for the new cleaning rate + checkup + panoramic xray. I left with no work other than clean/check paying nearly B2500

    Has anyone found a great dentist in central BKK??

    I have noticed a number of clinics along Suk49 popped up (to pull business from the DH no doubt!) but Thong Lor is a bit far from me.

    Off MRT is great

    Petchaburi area++

  13. I think a person will have serious issues when they are unable to physically at least get themselves to Immigraion office if not out of the country. My experience reading this board and a number of years here - Imigration does not really care. If for whatever reasons you cannot avail extentions, you are going to have a bad time. I believe medical visa is basically for procedures and recovery.

    If you are deathly ill or bed ridden - even with bills and notes from hospital. Does not see to matter so if you are not in hospital and only homebound/bedridden - good luck!

  14. Completed my visa run to Savanakhet

    My costs from my apartment depart/return was B8200 with my visa paid in US dollars - still included in that price as well as my B5000 visa. I did not change any money. I perhaps should have changed a tiny bit. Was somewhat problematic (minor) as the night wore on and eat/drink were only offered small places and in the street.

    The visa section in Lao (obtain a visa) is really greasy, they will ask for B1500, for the visa but the price is far less. For US citizens US35. PAY DOLLARS. Other nations may be even less!

    B1500 even by Vientiane standards, you guys are getting totally ripped off!

    The commie mafia will ask you for B20-B40 (entering Lao PDR). I was asked for 20 and an Isreali guy who spoke no Thai 40. Of course, I did not pay.

    Do not take a samlor from the bridge, get on the bus and go to the bus station. From there get a samlor to the consulate.

    I placed a stack of papers in front of the CO, he selected one of each including a copy of my finance letter from local back w/ B150k in it. I have no idea if he would have asked for it if I did not present it - so don't ask. You should really not be fronting up for a one year visa without money in the bank anyway imo.

    Beer was about B30-40 if I recall, maybe in Kip a bit better price. About 8-10K sit down facility.

    Don't buy any whiskey in the bus station. JL Red suspect.

    Imagine it is absolutely baking, smoking hot outside the cool season. People are lovely, but the lack of ocean, dryness -no rain, very dry. It would be desert if it were not for the mighty Mekong.

    Loads of women hiting on me in the bus station (Mukdahan) and all over Issan (stops) so if you are loking for someone from Issan - go travel Issan! Both actually approaching me and giving me the flirty eyes. Lots of women from Lao. Some cuties but lots of older gals.

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