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Posts posted by bangkokburning

  1. It's not cut and dry. I have survived years and years and years on TRs (51), an entire year by choice. Now I am non - o.

    Never a red stamp. I pretty much had a good system.

    I could specuate why some and not others but that is all it would be. I think total number visas first, nationality is second, other visas other than Cam/Lao, visas from home country for starts. Lack.of red stamps.

    It will.only get tougher year on year for the runners. Home countries are also cracking down. Europe not easy, UK has changed and US is full of hassles.

  2. So you need a wp, you need to buy re-entry,does not entitle you to own land and costs 100k.In twenty years you will be even money. Any less is a loss + your time and any legal fees. If you don't include an annual.re-entry looks like thirty or more years.


    Funny, given the flooding, corruption and underlying political problems; I'm thinking more about an escape hatch rather than some more glue to keep me here. This place has a very uncertain future - nothing has been resolved.

    Again, there is not real net gain and that is why the question is constantly deflected. I can see those with money to burn putting down 100k, but 200k that is a total waste of money.

    BTW I used the Thai queue at the airport in/out more than a few times prior to marriage with my gf. No problems.

    What is hilarious is that every retiree with a million in the bank and a Thai spouse does not have PR status - because Thailand does not have a retirement program. This program is only related to work.

    Like another poster stated - I rather like my visa runs.

    A bird went in seach of a cage - Kafka

  3. My Google Nexus Asus rocks - its Asus hardware! Yes Android has had growing pains but get something with jb on it.

    As per the poster programs vs apps, one day soon your main computer will be running only apps / online software / cloud. Ubuntu is already doing this.

    Looking forward to phones and tablets running Linux.

    If you dont like all the crap on your tablet, root it!

    Apple is evil, it really is and the hardware is not all that great anymore. I despise the proprietary way it locks you into buying accessories and music. I absolutely hate itunes bloatware.

    I think there is s new Asus tablet out now? Anyway, I would go w a 7in tab.

  4. I can recommend Bleachbit, its better than CC. You are not a dumb guy and have covered the basics. Rather than getting all arcane - just reinstall, system will be fast and fresh. Yrs ago when I was on xp I used to reinst annually.

    Do note xp is a dead os. Really time to move on...

    Turn of Sys Restore and del file - totally worthless.

  5. I have a 7in Nexus Asus/Google. I do enjoy it for Internet browsing, email, reading. I like the size and happy not to have some massive 10in model. Typing on the thing does suck though.

    Im happy it was not Apple and while no sim card, only b7k shipped in usa.

    Really like jellybean!

  6. Thank you Mario, of course - you are just PR.

    But could you own a corporation that owns property? I bet you could get away with that.

    So it simply removes the visa requirement and allows a long uninterrupted stay BUT if you want to leave, that requires you check out - and pay and appears you may have to check in again which non o /m do not need to do.

    But you are now an insider as opposed to all of us loser outsiders...

    And if you are in business, there is seemingly benefit.

  7. It has long since been known Manila is one of the worst places for a visa. My hunch is if its better as Lopburi says, its for a rrason - document/cause.

    Fly to Cebu and on to BKK and give it a go

    or...fly back to mainland.

    If you have a few visas Penang aint gonna be much help either.

    Time for you to toss a bag on your back and go sort it out. There are no longer easy options for the region. Just luck...

  8. Why would you want the expense (1m++thb)? For what? Really, I am not seeing it. I see no benefit so help me out. You don't have to visit Immigration office??

    I think there is a subset of guys that like to feel like they belong as much as possible, PR makes them warm and fuzzy. Another similar group are the document collectors: taben bahn, etc...

    Not only loss of 1m but on interest, dividend, profit..

  9. Point taken Dave, so being more specific it is permanent residency. No more Thai visas needed. If I make a kid he will be Thai, taking a Thai queue at the airport immigration and few other things. In time being able to apply for Thai citizenship.

    first congradulations.....You dont need permanent resisdency for you child to be thai. This assuming the mom is thai....

    If it is not to personal what did this cost? Also did you have any surprises like having to sing songs?

    Yankee, I had to pay taxes based on at least 80,000 Baht salary for the last 10 years which amounts to about 10,000 Baht per month, also time and money to prepare all the paperwork. On the day of receiving residency I also had to pay 191,400 Baht in government fee plus some money as a token of appreciation. It was a long process. I got accepted in the business category. I believe family category would be easier and cheaper. Did not have to sing a song but had to pass Thai exam but it was not a hard exam, just everyday chat. Also they talk to you in Thai each time I went there to make extensions and also this time.

    So you are in for over one million baht, legal fees and a ton of paperwork - for this you get...?

    No visa and need to report on departure (presume rentry?)

    BTW I use the Thai queue with my wife and if I had a spawn it would have my name on the paper.

  10. Sorry, another post...Given his financials I don't have high hopes. That is not to say the B visa is not the better option. If you do marry and it all works out you may very well have issues with staying over four months. So..you) tay four months snd if you get a load of drivel, stay three - he dors have a child here! You also can file psperwork so as not to put the visa at risk as well (annually).Good luck and again - your financials are play almost zero role in a B visa outside the checkbox if he is paying for the trip himself.

    While I don't share most of your sentiments I think there is a huge underwhelming feeling of togetherness when confronted with all these logistics. Internationsl marriages have big issues - so if its not 100% about love and being together forever...imo it is hardly worth it.

    If I were not with my wife I would be single, let alone married. By choice Id not had a romance for near a decade and 20 years in Asia, never a gf in.Asia. After 3yrs we married because she is it! He better be worth the hassle :- )

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