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Everything posted by connda

  1. Govt Launches First Soft Power Strategy Meeting to Boost Economy Let see, call foreign who must register they address and renew their 'privilege' to stay in Thailand as "Residents" - for tax purposes only of course - and then devise ways to take a cut of any funds that they bring into the country before they even have a chance to use it to purchase goods in Thailand where another 7% is taken off the top. That strategy?
  2. You pay taxes in Thailand. It's called VAT.
  3. And for the majority of us, that's all that counts. My Social Security is deposited directly into a Thai bank, so I don't see an issue there. I transfer my pension using Transferwise (Wise). If they begin to deduct tax out of foreign funds transfers, then it's simple. I'll leave the money in the US. At the way T-Bill rates are going, we'll be getting in excess of 5%+ soon on short-term T-Bill, so there is incentive to not transfer those funds to Thailand. Who loses? Thailand. The nit-wits in the current administration completely fail to grasp the economic ramification of the impact of a decrease of foreign currencies entering the Thai economy. They are about to turn off the faucet to Foreign Direct Investments and foreign capital inflows at their own peril. Morons.
  4. The price of a flu shot is a pittance. If you want the shot.
  5. Not strange. The West has declared Open Season on all Russians. If you hail from a Western country, you're suppose to fall in line and hate Russians, Russian ethnicity, Russian history and Russia culture. That includes calling Russian businesses "racists."
  6. Not my type. But most gals who gravitate toward "beauty pageants" aren't.
  7. You're obviously not living in it. Those who 'live in the present' understand what it means. In the meanwhile, try some Adderall. Or Lithum. Maybe then you'll grasp it once that internal dialogue calms down. Maybe.
  8. You must be wealthy and well-to-do, correct? The fickle winds of fate will never blow in your direction and your ???? smells like ???? In the meanwhile it is soooo much fun and entertaining watching the suffering of other humans on Youtube as you congratulate yourself for living in the rarefied air of your own perceived status. Jesus - have some freaking humility.
  9. Well, unless the object of that racism is hatred toward ethnic Russians. That's Ok. Right?
  10. Better than driving while on a drinking binge. Then you wake up the next morning and can't remember a thing. Yeah - much better!
  11. PM Srettha aims to lift Thailand to upper-income status in four-year soar. That needs a rewrite: PM Srettha aims to lift Thailand to those with upper-income status to mega-wealthy in four-years as soaring inflation decimates average Thais. Much better!
  12. I hope we get more rain. The ponds and irrigation catch-basins where literally only half full three weeks ago in our area of Lamphun province. On the positive side, these water reservoirs are now close to being full. Another couple of good rains will hopefully fill these aquifers and hopefully raise the water table in the area before we go into Cool and Hot seasons. So for me it's like, "Bring It On!" Let's see some more monsoon rains!
  13. Get that Nose-Bag of Compliance on your faces commoners. It's pretty hysterical to look at pictures of foreign dignitaries - all maskless - surrounded by the 'commoners' who are all masked up. The current Wheel of Time series pretty much sums up the masking to separate the commoners from the elites. What do you do with those whom you control? You use a physical device to shut their mouths.
  14. Again - any argument used to justify the criminalization of marijuana can also be used to justify the criminalization of alcohol. So I find the anti-ganja temperance union who bash recreational marijuana on one hand while downing whiskey in the other. The hypocrisy is astounding. If you want to see the type of power freaks you are dealing with, look no further than Orwell and Huxley. In Orwell's 1984 the plods were rationed a small amount of alcohol to keep them compliant; and Huxley's Brave New World everyone was offered "Soma" which were numerous classes of drugs to take the plods drudgery away when they were not working. Obviously, we have Orwell's brand of power-freaks seeking to recriminalize marijuana. If they are going to do that, criminalize alcohol too. Pathetic.
  15. I'm just curious as to why hospitals put so much emphasis on fasting blood sugar (FBS) tests over using the HbA1C tests as the HbA1C test shows a three month average of glucose bound the hemoglobin. I'd think this would be more accurate. It is sort of like blood pressure tests. In the past in the US my primary care physician prescribed high blood pressure meds for me bases on two in-office BP readings. I ended up buying a home BP unit and measured my BP daily at different times of the day. On average, I was completely normal. I sort of didn't buy that I had high BP primarily because I was literally an athlete (skiing) at the time and as is phenomenally good shape. So applying the same concept to quarterly FBS tests, how would a single FBS be the "gold standard" for diagnosis diabetes when it is looking at a single data point over a 90 day period instead of using the HbA1C tests that uses the sugar bound to your hemoglobin with the intention that hemoglobin remains in your body for about 3 months, therefore provides a running three month average of your blood sugar.
  16. I'm worried about a member here on AN. I read his posts and he is literally screaming that he has a problem. Then he just seems to pass it off and with plans to go on a bender. I think that the most concerning sign that alarmed me was when he started posting that life has no meaning. I've watch alcoholics destroy their lives - literally - and I'm concerned for this member. I've done what I can and suggested AA or professional counseling. Of course he could just be acting out for attention. But if he has a problem, I care. I hope he can find help.
  17. Physical disability impacting my ability to clearly write. Which is why I use the form on a computer and print it.
  18. What Immigration office? The offices I've gone to in District 5 have always required a TM.47 plus a copy of the front passport page, the entrance stamp page, and the current extension stamp page - all signed.
  19. Android: Safe and Effective. Yeah - right. Most people are lulled out of sheer ignorance of their operating systems. The the sheer number of Zero-Day Vulnerabilities is simply staggering, the most recent Android Zero-Day Vulnerability was just patched in September. Android is not "very secure." It is hammered on my hackers to find and exploit vulnerabilities. And once exploited? You and a few hundred million others are fully open to zero-day attacks. Hackers go after the most popular and least secure operating systems. And Android fits the bill. Along with that even Google Play for all its hype about filtering out programs that are hacks miss a substantial number. So ok, you think you bank app is safe. You download a "Safe" app for Google Play. The app itself is a hack or exploits a vulnerability, then suddenly you bank app is no longer 'secure' and good-bye money. Or Android itself is wide open to a Zero-Day attack which is exploited. Here's the responses I'll no doubt see: Laugh until you're hacked. Then it will be ????
  20. Hence, why avoid online, non-cash payment like the bloody plague. And will continue to use cash for as long as possible. Also - even if you buy this "convenience' garbage, I'd suggest making the trip down to PEA and pay in person even if you are scanning the QR code in their office. Android (and iOS) and these online payment systems are simply too easy to hack and use to scam fools out of their money. Every month we go down to PEA in the Amphur and pay the bill in cash. We've no worries about being conned out of 30,000 THB.
  21. I'll do what I did the last time. Print the Accepted email and the copy of the form attached to the Accepted email, fill out a TM.47, and drop the entire bundle with the IO.
  22. As I stated - "The TM.47 form on the Thai Immigration site is only a download, print, and fill-it-out-by-hand." You must have missed that. Thanks anyway. It's the thought that counts.
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