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Everything posted by connda

  1. Pretty much any song from The Music Man, but "Ya Got Trouble," yeah right here in River City! Apt.
  2. Maybe the numbers will improve when a few more Thais assault tourists with guns. ????
  3. You'll discover a painful throbbing between your legs after which your wife will serve you a 'sausage' breakfast. If you're looking for a relationship, then you are just a jerk. Grow up. You have a family to care for. If you're looking for sex - you can purchase it. Even your Thai wife may let that slide.
  4. So, Chinese arrivals will be down 40% instead of 30%? ????
  5. Yeah, they know you're going to take your 10 pills and make methamphetamine out of them just like in Breaking Bad and sell it on the street. Right? It is ridiculous. The government has made pseudoephedrine such an 'evil drug' that it's pretty much unavailable as it's a precursor to meth <cue scary sinister music> The stupidity behind the rational of what is essentially a ban on pseudoephedrine is that meth on the street costs 10 THB a pill (from what I'm told). By the time you purchase some pseudoephedrine, the reagents and equipment to make meth, and assuming you have the knowledge ala Walter White, your meth would cost multiples of the current street value of the meth made in Myanmar. So why bother. The hyperbole surround pseudoephedrine simply leads to more needless suffering, not that either the government or medical 'experts' care as palliative care and pain support are pretty much at the bottom of their priorities. According to these people, "It's your bad karma that makes you suffer," don't you know?
  6. The problem with Loazapam as well as all Benzodiazepines is that if you get hooked (and they are physically very addictive) you'll curse the first day you took them as well as the day you were born. At best they are a short-term fix and nothing you should use more the two or three days. After that, if you continue to use them, you will experience even worse anxiety unless you continue to take more and more. Don't do it. Natural remedies. Try GABA. However, long-term use of GABA will create neurotransmitter imbalances and if you want to quit you'll need to taper. Just a head's up. Personally - I'd work on the sleep. Try Melatonin and Hydroxyzine HCL (Atarax). Hydroxyzine is an anti-histamine and I find it works well. Also, start working on acceptance. A good way to get there is via meditation. Don't meditate? I'll recommend Ajahn Brahm's book, Mindfulness, Bliss, and Beyond: A Meditator's Handbook. Find activities that will up-lift you. Afraid of death? Then work on death. A book I recommend include Advice on Dying: And Living a Better Life by the Dalai Lama. Best of luck.
  7. Just an FYI. Some browser will not allow you to remove individual cookies per site (Brave comes to mind unless they have changed). Firefox allows the cookies for individual sites to be deleted. tracfone set a cookie on in your browser tagging you as 'out of country.' That cookie needs to be cleared. You have a browser issue and not a VPN issue.
  8. I use PIA. If VPN'd into the US I can access that site. Suggestion. You need to clear your browser cache as well as any cookies for www.tracfone.com, then reconnect to the US using whatever VPN you use.
  9. I always love the TAT estimates that occur immediately after headlines like, "Chinese Arrivals Down 30%." ????
  10. Exactly. I believe that defamation/libel in the Western requires the proof that the statements were false and slanderous (although I'm sure that there are exceptions). Here in Thailand, truthful statements and statements of verifiable fact regarding another person can get you thrown into prisons.
  11. Or retro Westerns Have Gun Will Travel Wagon Train Bonanza (A Sunday evening family favorite)
  12. Or let's go retro (the black and white era): Twilight Zone Outer Limits Alfred Hitchcock Presents
  13. Now that you mentioned it. Yeah. Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad were epic.
  14. There really is so little that isn't a reboot or a tired rehash of worn out plot-lines that we have seen before now dressed up in different costumes and CGI. And as well, 'woke.' And I don't watch 'reality tv at all' With that said: Series that run more than one season Bosch (With author Michael Connelly as a producer, this show stays true to the book series) Foundation (although it isn't even remotely true to Asimov's Foundation series) Wheel of Time (Season 2 actually attempted to follow the plot-line of the books) Series that ran two or less seasons Utopia (British version) Escape at Dannemora Lonesome Dove
  15. You have less than 10 years? I hope so. I'm not particularly fond of living any longer that 10 years is this elderly body which is doing what human bodies do in old age. <laughs> Now I completely sympathize with all those "Old People Talking About Their Aches and Pains" that we laughed at when we were young, dumb, and full of....... well, you know.
  16. Is kindness something that works in life? Absolutely 100%. Kindness is its own reward. Now, if you're looking to get something back for being kind? Then you start to sound like most Thai Buddhist who give because the believe they'll get good things back in return. If you think like that? Well, it won't lead to happiness.
  17. Studying music theory. I plan to fiddle play guitar as the world burns.
  18. He looks to be the age where he'll be handed a rifle and reservist marching orders when he debarks his plane. Yeah - I could imagine that is stressful. Personally I would have opted for alcohol and dispensed with the pot. I will agree that cannabis in sufficient quantities or of sufficient THC concentration will stoke paranoia. Paranoid highs are no fun.
  19. Who are you to criticize how any other person attempts to find fulfillment and happiness?
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