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Everything posted by connda

  1. Buying A Motorcycle Without A Greenbook. Yes I Am Nuts !!!!! Yes you are. So? Don't do it.
  2. The problem is - it doesn't work that way. The DTA outline the conditions under which a country can lay claim to you as an tax resident as well as which country gets the first shot at taxing your income. You need to read your DTA. Like, the fine print.
  3. Fyi, being an old fart over 65 years old really helps. In my case the wife turns 65 next year then we can claim two of those generous "over 65 years old" exemptions. See! Marrying an older Thai gal has its perks.
  4. The first option doesn't require too much thinking. But if you really want to know your exemptions then sit down and calculate your exemptions and determine you exemption threshold. You may find that your getting excited over nothing. Then you'll also need to look at your home country's DTA to understand what forms of income are off-limits to the Thai government, for example, the US Social Security payment is only taxable by the US government per the US-Thai Dual Tax Agreement, so then you only have to worry about other earned income like your pension or capital gains. Use this form, and crank out a "test scenario" and then you'll know. In my own case I don't remit anything close to my exemption threshold of 560K THB, so I don't worry about it. Thai_Tax_Form.pdf
  5. I find in interesting how other people live. I sold pretty much everything I owned and came with a backpack and a day-pack. If forced to leave, I'll probably sell everything I own and leave with a backpack and a day-pack. I find other people's attachment to "stuff" rather amusing myself. It's just "stuff."
  6. Just wondering, but why does durian look like a dissection of a "pod" from Invasion Of The Body Snatchers? 🤔 I probably wouldn't sleep with on of those next to my bed. 😳
  7. I wonder how much money they will collectively lose when cannabis is re-criminalized? 🤔 Wondering for a friend.
  8. Dear Fellow Reader, Thanks a million for filling in the blanks left by the news team. Perhaps you could apply for a job as Senior Weather Reporter as you have supplied the rest of us with a simply excellent and thorough report. In the meanwhile I guess the Mrs and I will break out the rowboat and waders, and perhaps the fishing poles, as we await the coming deluge. With a tip of the hat, A Loyal Reader
  9. I thought Thaksin was pretty well on his death-bed. Now - miraculously - he is mediating talks with Burmese rebel groups in Thailand's name without the prime minister knowing that Thaksin is now the de-facto "ambassador" for rebel affairs between Thailand and non-government ethnic groups in Myanmar. Amazing recovery. Amazing Thailand. Simply amazing!
  10. Dear Reporting Team, Re: Flash flood warning issued for 26 provinces due to heavy rain Which 26 provinces? Which 11 provinces in the North, 11 provinces in the South, and 4 provinces in the Central Region (although the article did mention BKK so we can assume that Muang Bangkok is included)? Considering that the title informs us of "Flash flood warning issued for 26 provinces due to heavy rain," the next logical step would be to inform readers exactly which provinces so we can plan accordingly. The linked article provides no additional information. Signed, A Loyal Reader
  11. He died of "Died Suddenly." It happens all the time nowadays to people under 50. Probably sunspots. 🙄
  12. I have no problem with GFM repatriations, but in this case the guy is dead. Fly out to Thailand, have him cremated, and and spread the ashes in a river or sea. 10K quid to repatriate a corpse. I'd give that GFM a pass as it's not a matter of life or death as "death" has already won. There are inexpensive ways to handle this.
  13. I bet they went after the foreign tourists and gave a pass to the establishment that rented them the "illegal" scooter. Bets? (not REAL bets of course). Of course, it seems that foreign tourist who have never been on any kind of motorcycle think they can come to Thailand and drive without consequence when they would be steeply fined in their own country for driving without a proper license. But registrations? Nope - that's the responsibility of the establishment renting the vehicle. But going after tourist for an unregistered rental vehicle is, well, low-hanging fruit.
  14. They are OTC at any drugstore in Thailand. If you really want to take that stuff.
  15. Then for the sake of "The Children" was well as "public health" and every other reason that is being used to re-criminalize ganja - then alcohol and tobacco should also be criminalized. Why should alcohol and tobacco remain "legal?" And stink? Nothing stinkier than a drunk who has been smoking cigarettes or cigars.
  16. Only if you get on one of the class-action lawsuits. Then you may get a few bucks - maybe. Otherwise you'd need to get a lawyer and line up for years of litigation. They'll hide behind the word, "rare" and it will be up to your lawyers to prove that the "rare" malady actually affected you. But it should be a warning that can be applied to other products like 🤔 EUA Covid shots - The drug corporations don't give a flip about you! If their product kills or injures you but they still make a substantial profit even after paying out damages? We'll heck - they don't care. Plus they have legal team that can litigate way longer than you can and they just write if off as an expense on the balance sheet.
  17. It's funny. With statics like this regarding 1 week of road accidents on Thai roads we never hear about "the pressure of Thai road accidents on the healthcare system" or "burnout and fatigue of healthcare workers" or a "lack of hospital beds" due to the 225 deaths and 13,834 injuries in only one week. The Covid stats pale by comparison with 1880 hospitalization and 11 deaths. Yet we are constantly told about the enormous negative effect of Covid on the healthcare system and yet? Not as much as a peep about the actual massive numbers of road deaths and injuries and THEIR extremely negative impact on the hospital system. Why? Injuries and deaths on Thai roads are truly of "pandemic proportions"; hospitalized Covid cases and death are not. Why are road injuries and deaths acceptable and given a nod as "normal," but a fraction of Covid cases leading to hospitalization and deaths are considered a "pandemic" and a public health emergency? That's a valid question as a true ongoing public healthcare emergency (injuries and fatalities on Thai roads) is deliberately overlooked, glossed-over, and dismissed as "normal," and then endemic cases of a flu-like illness with a fraction of the deaths and hospitalizations are deliberately hyped as "an emergency" and promoted online to invoke a fear response within the Thai public. Anyone with the ability to logically think and analyze can see through this nonsense. And it is "non" - "sense." It makes no sense. The over-reaction in the case of Covid and the under-reaction in the case of road accidents is absurd.
  18. I think I'll take the article, feed it into ChatGPT, and ask for a rewrite in the genre of Stephen King's Christine. That would be interesting?
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