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Everything posted by connda

  1. That's sort of just projecting what the US, Europe, and Britain have been doing for the last three centuries. <laughs>
  2. A new model of BYD EV has a "hybrid powertrain capable of traveling more than 2,000 kilometers (1,250 miles) without recharging or refueling", allowing it to travel from Signapore to Bangkok on a single charge. The new EV will retail for approximately $13,800 (500K THB) making it a highly affordable EV and one that even I'd consider purchasing (and I'm not an EV sort of guy - but once they start having ranges like this - I can change my mind) https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-28/byd-shows-off-new-hybrid-powertrain-capable-of-ultra-long-drive?sref=6uww027M China haters "All Chinese cars a junk!!! Junk I say!!! Grrrrr Mom, Apple Pie and 3M THB Ford Truck EVs!!!" Smart consumers "Where can I buy one!" Well, don't need one yet as my Celerio still gives me plenty of love with 50+ mpg. But BYD will be high on my list if I need another car in the future
  3. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-68988190 https://www.citizen.co.za/network-news/lnn/article/us-president-did-not-warn-of-sanctions-if-ruling-anc-wins-2024-elections/ Example to threats above. You obviously don't keep up with U.S. sanctions threats. Give it time. As BRICS+ allows more of the Global South, ME/NA, South and Latin America, Asian, and countries which the U.S. openly dislikes to join the alliance, the U.S. will threaten sanctions in order to convince these potential member countries to reconsider. Why? That's the standard operating procedures for the U.S. and other European post-colonial powers. The BRICS is an existential threat to U.S. and Western unipolar economic hegemony as well as a threat to the U.S. Reserve Currency status, and its going to kick, scream, and throw a temper tantrum when it loses market share and its reserve currency status to the other 6 billion people on the planet who don't want to play by the U.S. "rules-based international order." What real difference do you think it will make to you if/when they do join? An economic and security realignment that will allow BRICS nations to ignore the economic and military threats posed by Western countries which currently make up the G-7 which represents less than 1 billion people on this planet, as well as a loss of relevance of the G-7 nations as well as isolation of countries who are openly hostile to countries in the BRICS alliance. What nonsense. Time will tell. Watch for news from the October 2024 BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russian. https://infobrics.org/
  4. Where can you buy car cameras in Chiang Mai?
  5. Providing superior customer service by making it impossible to get an appointment.
  6. Ever seen the average Thai waiter or waitress, or average employee pretty much anywhere in Thailand with perhaps the exception of sales staff on a commission. Sad, brooding, unhappy looking faces sans any semblance of a smile. That's pretty universal here in Thailand from my experience unless the help staff know you personally. Well, except shortly after post-Covid when the tourism industry was completely decimated and the bar-girls and massage gals hadn't seen anyone but local expats for 3 years. Just stop by their empty shops and everyone was all smiles especially if you bought a round of drinks. Now it's getting back to normal where there are sufficient tourists that they can go back to brooding. Saw the same effect in Olongapo PI back in the day when most of the ships were out to sea and the only USN customers where those of us working SRF Subic. Walk into an empty bar and all the bar-girls were your friend. Smiles everywhere. Once the ships came to port - not so much. 😁
  7. He's got "medical excuses" down to a science for avoiding the justice that commoners would never be able to avoid.. <laughs> So if convicted, he'll do a few weeks in another hospital penthouse.
  8. In civilized countries, the justice system work to protect victim who may actually be afraid to file charges in fear of retribution and future attacks. So in civilized countries, the state prosecutors file the criminal charges for criminal assault and battery. Here? If you're afraid someone may kill you if you file charges, its a pretty scary incentive not to act. I wonder if they have had a friendly Thai advise them not to file charges. Perhaps given an offer they can't refuse. Like, "nothing bad will happen to you if you just drop it and go away." 🤔
  9. "We love tourist <multiple football kicks to the head and body> See, they fall down easy. No cause problem anymore. Ha ha ha! Tourist are fun. No know how to fight Thai group. Ha ha ha!"
  10. Farangs don't fight in groups. Untied we stand; divided we fall. If you're going to get in a fight with a Thai in a bar scene, better have a entourage of friends who are completely like-minded and willing to fight as a coordinated group. Fight as an individual and you'll just get beat-down by a group of Thais. Thai are raised to beat-down single individuals as a group thus insuring maximum damage to those who are group-attacked with minimum chance of suffering injuries themselves. Then after the beating are over, the cops let it all go with a wai and a small fine. And then they go out and do it again as there is not down-side to their actions. Welcome to Thailand - TIT.
  11. Nah - the criminal court system and prisons are only for commoners and political enemies of whomever is in power at the moment.
  12. I don't. Go out and pick a kratom leaf and chew it. Much better effect than these horrid tasting "energy drinks." 🤮
  13. The kid is not on the Interpol Red List. I've looked. You won't find him. That's just PR fluff.
  14. Anyway - the kid's probably just going to mark-time until the statutes of limitations run out an then come back to Thailand and laugh in the public's faces.
  15. So a defamation case will simply reinforce the veracity of "criticism about the privilege and impunity enjoyed by the rich in Thailand." Dad should work with the Thai leadership to get "The Boss" home. You know - the poor kid's on his deathbed, should be remanded to a hospital penthouse for a year, wear some medical props for a month while on parole, and Somchai's your uncle - Freedom. Yingluck too seeing its now a proven recipe for cooking up pardons and avoiding the **** conditions the commoners scum are thrown into - all for the rich and wealthy only of course. Plebs and commoners? "Prison for you low-lifes." Move along...nothing to see here. 👮‍♂️
  16. I see this got buried in a hurry. No problem. Time. Given enough time all facts floats to the surface. This week, next week, next month - then suddenly it can't be ignored. ⏲️
  17. It looks as thought Thailand has made a decision to align with China, Russia, Brazil, South Africa, and India, the Global South, and other non-Western developing and third-world nations in what will be an economic and possibly a future security consortium to counter the unipolar West and the G7. Next up: Sanctions threats from the US and the EU. Coming soon no doubt. Monopolies detest competition. "Bangkok sees Thailand’s future in a multipolar world, the Asian country’s government has said Thailand will apply to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc, the government of the Southeast Asian country announced on Tuesday" Source: https://thepressunited.com/updates/brics-receives-new-membership-bid/ You can find multiple sources on this development if you do an Internet search on "Thailand approves official BRICS membership bid"
  18. And there you have it kids: Thailand just came down in the multipolar BRICS+ camp in case you were wondering whom Thailand was going to align with in any future conflicts. "Bangkok sees Thailand’s future in a multipolar world, the Asian country’s government has said Thailand will apply to become a member of the BRICS economic bloc, the government of the Southeast Asian country announced on Tuesday" Source: https://thepressunited.com/updates/brics-receives-new-membership-bid/ You can find multiple sources if you do an Internet search on "Thailand approves official BRICS membership bid" Now wait for the threats of US, EU, and UK sanctions.
  19. I'm sure there are many military aged Ukraine's men hiding here as well. Send them back as well as Zelinsky wants to conscript them and send the to defend the Western front against "Russian aggression." Why should they be offered a cushy life in Thailand as their Ukrainian brothers and sisters fight for their country. Deport them all! 🇺🇦
  20. Should have gone to Mexico, crossed at the one of the many holes in the border, and claimed asylum. He and his kids would be on their way to U.S. Citizenship. Here in Thailand? He'll be lucky to stay out of Immigration Detention Prison. I want to claim asylum for me and my children here in Thailand. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA krap.
  21. I've lived here 17 years and did my first passport renewal in person at the Chiang Mai US Embassy. It was a piece of cake. Now doing this new mail-in process which in itself is a magnet for confusion, drama & problems. But thanks for the input - I'm happy your renewals went so smoothly. Good for you.
  22. Off topic but I'll reply as it's my OP. I take my wife to Immigration every time I go. In almost every case I let her do the talking as it tends to cut right thought the bureaucracy. We've been doing marriage extension for a long time at our local Immigration office. The head IO knows her, and she's getting to know the new female IO who now runs interference processes a lot of the initial paperwork prior to handing off to the head IO for final processing and review. One of the basic tenets I've learned while living here is that these people don't like us and prefer to speak Thai with native Thai citizens. So I just stay quiet and let my wife do the talking and we are usually in and out with a minimal amount of fuss and bother. Now can your 20 year old girlfriend or 30 something year old wife do that? Maybe not. But my "Pee" 64 year old wife tends to command a certain amount of respect from the younger IOs based on her age. And my wife is not your typical Thai woman -- she is actually quite assertive. Thai women are not assertive, mine is. Just saying... Back on topic! If you wish to take this further, please start your own thread. Thanks. Back to Passport Renewal Hell - 2024 Edition
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