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Everything posted by connda

  1. Talk about government officials who simply can't be happy: Feast - unhappy Famine - unhappy
  2. And yet high-ranking politicians and the millionaire/billionaire classes enjoy their beach front properties world-wide without a care. Hint: It sea levels were rising, then none of those beach front properties on the oceans could be insured. And those same people fly private jets which spew enough CO2 for hundreds of people. If this was real then all private jets should be immediately grounded to "save the planet" and all of the billionaire/millionaire classes force to take commercial flights and yet? None of that happens. Why? It's all πŸ‚πŸ’© Climate is cyclical and that cyclical nature is due to that big yellow thing up in the sky. Not cow farts.
  3. Dental World Chiang Mai. My wife experienced that same thing with a dentist in Lamphun. "Sorry, no see root canal dentist for three weeks." Called Dental World and was in the next day. If you're in pain - fly to Chiang Mai. Dental World is a large organization with a lot of dentists and specialists and I'm sure they can fit you in ASAP.
  4. "Do whatever you like. Live with whomever wish. You're my brother so your sexual orientation changes nothing between us and I'll always love you as my brother." Well - unless it does change things between you - but that would be on you. I've had gay friends and family members all my life. Their sexual orientation isn't about you or me. You accept them or you don't. If you don't - well - your loss imho. Don't walk around him like your stepping on eggshells.
  5. Palliative care is in the stone-age here in Thailand. Thai medical "authorities" view on the subject of pain medication is that if you haven't developed Buddha-like abilities to sit in pain-free samadhi, then it's your bad karma to suffer in pain and agony. So they have to keep pain meds away for the public - you know - like people dying of stage 4 cancer or those suffering with kidney stones. Someone might "abuse" the medicines so everyone needs to be kept from using them.
  6. Well - if this isn't a latent "April Fools" joke, then it is a positive for Thailand's abyssal lack of effective palliative care for cancer patients and others suffering end-of-life maladies. But then again, a signature on a piece of paper doesn't equate to the implementation of compassionate palliative care.
  7. Make sure to personally get all of your shots and every available booster whenever they are available. Never miss one. Otherwise, Killer Covid will get you. Safe and Effective.
  8. There's a sucker in every crowd. And a farang sucker funding every "traditional" Thai wedding. A million THB. <laughs> Run.
  9. Free - I point the kids to the Amphur office where they free to get married.
  10. Bottom line - this only gets resolved by the cops and the courts. But I'm really interested in how it is resolved.
  11. As a farang - keep up-to-date insurance with a reputable company and make sure it has at least a 2 million THB bail bond rider. Then let the insurance company handle the accident. The only people you talk with: the cops and the insurance adjuster.
  12. Let me reiterate: First: Who had the most to lose by "being first" to enter the uncontrolled intersection? The SUV driver? Nope. Uninjured. The EV driver? Sucks to be in ICU. Second: Traffic coming from the left in uncontrolled intersections in Thailand have the right-of-way. Ignorance of driving laws is not bliss. It gets you killed. Third: The accident was avoidable had the most vulnerable driver (Khun EV in ICU) slowed, looked, and attempted to evade. I was driving in Chiang Mai today can had a number of "near misses" including some ***-wipe who almost ran my wife over in a zebra-crossing when he ran the red-light. The Mrs is aware of her surroundings and would rather not be "in ICU even though it was the other guys fault." Nope. The Mrs stopped because she saw it coming. Unlike Khun EV in ICU. And those other "near-misses?" No my fault. All from people pulling out in front of me from side streets. Do I care about "fault?" No. I braked and avoided collisions. How the hell do you people who are so concerned about who is at fault stay out of accidents here in Thailand? Fourth: When you're in ICU or being cremated, "fault" will be determined by the Thai justice system. But "fault" doesn't do you a tinker's-damn after you've been T-boned by a car and they are spreading your ashes in some river - or - you're languishing the rest of your life as a paraplegic. It may get your family some compensation - maybe. Or not. Perhaps the court will see Khun EV in ICU as a "rich farang" and therefore the responsible party, especially considering he entered an uncontrolled intersection and did not slow, look, or yield to traffic on the left. It does happen. And again - I'd like to see AN/Thaiger stay on top of this story so that everyone has a clear understanding of the consequences of a situation like this - one that should be avoided at all costs by all parties. But I'd really like to know how the BIB and the Thai courts rule on this one. It would be a good object lesson for everyone here - me included.
  13. Want to know why there are so many farang road deaths here in Thailand? Just read the comments (or listen to them) by people who "clearly" don't have a minimal clue as to the laws of right-of-way at uncontrolled intersections as well as all of the excuses for the consequences of heedless driving. If you are driving a bicycle, an EV scooter, a motorcycle, car, truck, or simply walking - if you are on a Thai road your first responsibility is to "clearly" be aware of your surroundings and to navigate with caution and in a defensive manner. If you are driving an EV scooter or any other vehicle and get hit by another vehicle - trust me - it doesn't matter who was at fault if a modicum of caution and defensive driving could have avoided the accident in the first place. And after looking at the video this accident was "clearly" avoidable. The EV driver had the most to lose (like his life) so had I been in his situation (and I have before) I would have slowed down before the intersection (like I always do at intersections without working traffic lights or Stop-Signs, i.e., uncontrolled intersections), looked both ways (but haa haa haa, look both ways? - traffic is only coming from the left because it's one-way haa haa haa) like I said, "looked both ways", and then only crossed if it was "clearly" safe to do so without getting in an accident. Who had the most to lose by "being first" to enter the uncontrolled intersection? The SUV driver? Nope. Uninjured. The EV driver? Sucks to be in ICU. Hopefully AN/Thaiger will keep on top of this event come what may - I really would like to know how the BIB, Thai court system, and the insurance company settle this.
  14. I'd like to see some serious investigative reporting that shows all of the peasants. plebs, commoners average "elderly" incarcerated Thai citizens who are at this exact moment currently being treated exactly as billionaire, connected, frail near-death's door Tottering Tony in his "deteriorating health" was treated - ie, removed from Gen-Pop and placed in a penthouse conditions in a "prison" hospital. And given the current pictures with Srettha during Songkran, Tottering Tony seems to be the picture of a healthy and vibrant recovery. Buddha Be Praised. πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™ Sadhu sadhu sadhu Instead what will the peasants. plebs, commoners be fed? πŸ‚πŸ’© Mushroom food.
  15. Just found the video. Holy cr*p. Like I said, we have a very simliar road in Lamphun with two roads paralleling a railroad track with roads crossing the track and the the two roads. And my guess looking at the drivers on the other side is that none of the traffic lights are turned on (just like Lamphun). I NEVER drive across the parallel roads without slowing and looking (and I'm in a car), and given traffic on those road are normally driving 40, 50, 60 kpm - I'll yield to anything oncoming unless they are slowing and signalling a turn - and then I still drive with caution. The Swiss dude on his EV? Hammers the accelerator and "D*mn the traffic - full speed ahead." He didn't bother to slow down, to look both ways, to take any caution at all. I hate to inform the dude's wife, but "justice" will be paying his own bills as well as the damage to the car he drove in front of. This was totally avoidable. All he had to do was slow down, look, and yield for his own safety.
  16. Mr. Andeks was rushed to the hospital with severe injuries and has been placed in the ICU. Mrs. Samrit revealed that she was disappointed with the alleged lack of support from the driver, who she claimed has not offered any words of consolation or financial assistance to her Swiss husband. The medical expenses have already reached over 200,000 baht, but the driver, whose name has been withheld in light of an ongoing investigation, allegedly tried to hand over the entire responsibility to the insurance company. "but the driver, whose name has been withheld in light of an ongoing investigation, allegedly tried to hand over the entire responsibility to the insurance company." This is exactly why people have insurance! So that should an accident occur, the entire affair - financially - is settled by the insurance company. Insurance isn't freaking free. However, given the circumstances - i.e., the scooter driver failed to yield right of way while driving an unlicensed electric scooter that really has no business being driven on the road, I can understand why this is taking time to sort out. My guess is that the insurance company will refuse to pay.
  17. Another blurb from ChatGPT: Both the insurance company and the car driver are going to have a field day with this in court.
  18. As I stated above: "regarding self-preservation on Thai roads: when a 50kg electric scooter meets a 1200 kg car - the car always wins and the scooter driver ends up dead or injured." The same applies to people driving bicycles who believe they have "the same rights to the road as a car or truck." Of course they do - until they get hit.
  19. From our friendly ChatGPT: "In Thailand, at an unmarked intersection, the vehicle approaching from the left generally has the right of way. However, it’s important to note that traffic rules can sometimes be interpreted differently by different drivers. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to approach intersections with caution and be prepared for unexpected maneuvers by other drivers. Stay safe! 😊" So, Khun Swiss farang's left side of his body got smashed indicating he failed to yield the right-of-way to the vehicles on the left. Which goes to show - people driving electric scooters on the road aren't licensed to drive on Thai road no less understand the extreme dangers of doing so. I'm just amazed because the accident is so avoidable. Dude on the scooter should be yielding to anything bigger than him in the first place just out of self-preservation. Regarding "Justice?" "Justice" in this case is that Khun Swiss farang is at fault for his own accident and should pay his own bill - i.e., failure to yield to oncoming traffic on the left at an unmarked intersection. My guess is the the car's driver's insurance company will sort it out - well - if the car's driver is insured as of course, "This Is Thailand." Needless to say that the unlicensed EV scooter isn't insured at all.
  20. First - Correct me if I'm wrong, but in Thailand or in left-lane countries, those on the "Left" in an unmarked intersection have the right-of-way. (That looks like Lamphun where there are two roads paralleling a train track. Both roads have stops lights that are turned off making all intersections "Unmarked Intersections." Regardless of what the law is or who will be at fault - I personally drive with EXTREME CAUTION at those intersections and will give way when in doubt) Corollary 1: You don't need a drivers license to drive a scooter, so you don't need to know the rules of the road. Corollary 2: If you don't know or care about the rules of the road - you can get killed. Second - regarding self-preservation on Thai roads: when a 50kg electric scooter meets a 1200 kg car - the car always wins and the scooter driver ends up dead or injured. Corollary 1: If driving on an electric scooter - drive with extreme caution and give way to larger vehicles. Corollary 2: I can't believe for a second that he didn't see the larger vehicle coming and instead chose to drive out in front of it - or - he didn't look which makes it his own fault. Third - personally I would drive one of those three wheel electric death traps on the open road. Are they even licensed to be driven on the road? I've never seen one with a license on the front or back so my assumption is "No." Corollary 1: The electric vehicle should be licensed. Corollary 2: The people driving them should be road tested and licensed to drive one. I don't have much sympathy. My guess is that both drivers are at fault. The scooter driver for not driving with extreme caution, and the car driver for being a typically aggressive Thai driver.
  21. Can't wait for the howls of angst from the "Western Farangs Who Hate Everything Russian" especially when Thailand enters BRICS.
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