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Everything posted by connda

  1. Ask the stewardess or steward for assistance.
  2. Suggestion? Marry your girlfriend, then apply for a Philippines SRRV visa, and live in the PI instead of dealing with Thailand. Then live happily ever after. The End
  3. All that was needed was to get rid of the actual Semites in Palestine, hence The Nakba of 1948 (or the first genocide of Palestinians). Were did they end up? Many in Gaza. Now in Gaza - Nakba 2.0. "That's not so. That's not so." Well, history is written by the victors (so The Nakba of 1948 wasn't in the curriculum of any US school I attended) but time will tell. The world is changing and changing quickly. Hegemony gives way to multipolarity and the colonized in the Global South and ME shake off their colonial masters and begin the process of establishing sovereign states sans European overlords. And those oppressed people understand what the Palestinian are going through to reach independence. Give it 5 or 10 years and we'll all see what shakes out this time around from a historical point of view. Well, for those of us who haven't croaked from old age yet, or a thermonuclear humanity-culling exchange.
  4. Creatine needs to be cycled. Can't remember the exact proportions but I'm sure it's on the Internet.
  5. Don't forget the Messianic Christian cults, especially those in the United States, who yearn for The Rapture and The Second Coming as well as the signs and prophesies regarding the building of the Third Temple which will require the destruction of Al-Aqsa Mosque. "Unblemished" Red Heifers anyone? I have friends in the US who are Messianic Christians. It's interesting to see what they post on Facebook.
  6. The assumption here is that the Persian civilization that developed the precursor to the game of Chess - Shatranj - doesn't have the advanced engineering capabilities to anticipate the engineering required to create bunkers that can withstand an offensive strike on their facilities by weapons developed using Western engineering? The problem with Western war planning and strategy is hubris: underestimating the capabilities of those whom you wish to defeat and dominate. Every Westerner knows that Iranians are just a bunch of medieval, rag-heads camel-jockeys living in the 19th Century, right? But the Persian are not. Trust me, all of those West Point cadets who are required to read The Art Of War. For the majority of them, it goes right over their Western-bred intellects. And for those who understand? They never are advanced to a position of authority as they can see strategy from multiple perspectives, which means they can see the flaws in the status-quo and the party-line linear planning that passes off as "exceptionalism." The nature of the world is about to change. I hope our younger generations, our sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughter, as well as they own children are able to survive. And I use the word "Our" inclusively in include all of humanity - not just the citizens of the country in which one is born. "Global Warming WIll Kill Us All," little NGO supported curmudgeon Greta and friends yell and scream! Nope -- Thermonuclear Warming Will Kill Us All. <tick-tock, tick-tock, so says the nuclear-winter-clock, tick-tock, tick-tock>
  7. And somewhere in the totally insane segment of your own subconscious, you actually believe that you personally will be totally unaffected by a Middle Eastern nuclear holocaust? People like yourself simply amaze me with the depth and breadth of your ignorance.
  8. I'm going down to shoot my old lady, You know, I've caught her messin' around with another man.
  9. US President Joe Biden told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that the US will not aid any Israeli counterattack on Iran, US media report, citing senior administration officials. Axios and CNN report that message was passed during a phone call between the pair. Axios reports that Biden told Netyanyahu the US will oppose any Israeli counterattack. CNN reports that Biden said the US will not take part in any such counteraction. Fyi - If the US or West counter attacks, then the Straits of Hormus and the Persian Gulf and Bab El-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea close for traffic. Why? Insurers will no longer insure ships. Effects: Skyrocketing gas prices and commodity shortages, skyrocketing inflation in the US, and Biden along with most Western leaders up for reelection can kiss their leadership roles goodbye. US politicians know the score - they'll be removed from office this November. Here at home (considering "home" Thailand): Locally grown fruits, vegetables, and meats like chicken are readily available. My car gets over 50+ mpg of fuel so when the gas costs double or triple - we'll still be able to drive.
  10. “Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth into battle—be Thou near them! With them—in spirit—we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended in the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames in summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it— For our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimmage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is the ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen. -The War Prayer, Mark Twain https://warprayer.org/
  11. BREAKING NEWS! Iran potentially triggers World War 3 In case the Main Stream News which is reporting this didn't notice, Israeli bombed the Iranian embassy consulate on April 1st in violation of international diplomatic conventions that protect ALL diplomatic missions worldwide. The naysayers are now saying that "consulates are not embassies and are not covered by diplomatic immunity." Well Kids - that's a two-way street. If players like Israel, supported by US and Western military power and might wish to change the rules? Well - then don't complain when suddenly US, Western, and Western allies consulates become legitimate targets. So reality: Israel potentially triggers World War 3 on April 1st when they bombed the Iranian consulate in Syria in violation of all diplomatic norms. The UNSC and UNGA should have condemn the action - they didn't. So this is the world we live in - Did you believe there would be no response? There is so much hate, enmity, and ill-will as humans do what they have done since their ancestors were beating their foes with rocks and sticks in order to take from other instead of producing their own. The only difference today - Nukes. And I fully expect to see a world-ending nuclear exchange in my life-time as I now believe that the chances are higher that we will all end up dying of starvation and radiation sickness in the dark of a nuclear winter (if we are not lucky enough to be flash-cooked) then dying of old age and natural causes. Why - human greed, human avarice, human hatred. You all are taught (every one of you) to hate your state's enemies from the day you are born. You can't see other humans as being in the same situation as yourselves. You have no empathy nor compassion for any other than your own tribe. So - you celebrate global war; you hope and wish for global war; you pray for the defeat of your own country's enemies. You will die fools consumed by hatred and anger. Try embracing your common humanity as your deaths will be cause by global elites who consider you be be little more than bugs under their feet. Do you want to live - then come together with other compassionate, sane, normal, average humans on this planet and demand that world governments and your psychopathic "leaders" stop this insanity, including calls for complete nuclear disarmament. Alas - too late. Be careful what you wish for. Enjoy what's coming.
  12. Note my response about creatine and kidney disease above.
  13. Yes, I used to years back when I seriously lifted. Yes- it works. Now with that said, keep an eye on your kidney function as you age. The amount of creatine in your blood is used to determine your kidney health and Chronic Kidney Disease. I've got to assume that creatine places a load on the kidneys. Get a Kidney Function Blood test including eGFR. If your kidneys are OK - go for it. If not - stop.
  14. Bunk - you can drink water.
  15. No - Actually I watched a video of a group of Thais beating the snot out of a elderly foreign couple with the final shot being when a Thai guy decked an old farang woman and knocked her out. What happened? Probably very little. Stories where Thais commit assault and battery on foreigners are memory-holed in the media. Memory-holed...made to disappear as Thai on foreign violence can affect tourism. So they stories disappear. Or are settled with a small fine and a wai. But when a farang does something to a Thai? Well - open your eyes and look at the hyperbole.
  16. If a Thai man kicked a foreign woman in the back, it would be a small fine and an apology.
  17. Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows that the war is over Everybody knows the good guys lost Everybody knows the fight was fixed The poor stay poor, the rich get rich That's how it goes Everybody knows Everybody Knows - Leonard Cohen And everybody knows Thaksin condition That's how it goes Everybody knows.
  18. I've participated in the past. The Thai Deputy Government Spokesperson perhaps isn't Thai as everything listed above is typically part and parcel of a typical Songkran celebration and it's almost always done in the spirit of the celebration. The elites who are too "special" to come down and party with the commoners should either take the sticks out of their derrieres or just go to their country clubs where they don't have to rub shoulders with the hoi polloi and commoners. They'd be better off to just jump in the private planes and leave for the week. Everyone else in Thailand will get along just fine.
  19. Avoid dehydration: Drink your single malt scotch with soda instead of "neat."
  20. If you put "Wishes" in one hand... ...and Buffalo Poo in the other 💩 ... ...guess which hand will fill up first. "Right!" Suggestion to the RPT leadership: Until you adopt first-world traffic enforcement standards - like using patrol cars to pull drivers over to moving violations and suspected drunk driving (as opposed to escorting VIPS) - then the carnage will never end...... nor will the baseless predictions that "this year will be different" (we hear the same thing every year) - and you'll have your poo-hand always filled with kee kwai as well as egg on your face for claiming that your old, tired road-block paradigm is going to have any more of an affect than it's had in the past. Heck, it's a celebration when the RPT catches a few hundred drunk drivers out of the few hundred thousand weaving down the road.
  21. Thai gold was in excess of 41K / baht-weight today. After the vote-buying money giveaway that price will head exponential.
  22. Just made a trip up to Chiang Mai for my wife's dentist appointment and then returned to the rice fields of rural Lamphun and home just after lunch. The roads were actually not bad in the least, especially the highways. It was one of the more relaxing drives I've made recently. Made a quick stop at Lamphun Big C which was nuts. Just needed to buy a few essential to get us through the next five days and then headed for the exit. So now - staying home and staying off the roads until after the 16th. Sawatdee Bpii Mai ya'll.
  23. In 17 years here in Thailand I've had food poisoning twice. Both times after eating at internationally known chain restaurants. I have never gotten ill eating Thai food either from restaurants or street vendors. However for the "influencer?" Do stupid stuff, win stupid prizes. In other words, eat raw and supposedly fermented meat dishes, win a few days glued to the toilet with the sh**s. As my mama always said, "Stupid is as stupid does."
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