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Everything posted by connda

  1. Just wait until the government fulfills its vote-buying promise by handing out 10,000 THB to every Thai adult in Thailand. Can you hear that sound? "Bbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" The sound of new money injected into a weakening Thai financial system. And then the screams of Thais as inflation decimates the economy and average Thais. <Fills cheeks with air> "PUFF"
  2. Baht Slides: Economic Impacts for Thailand Happy farang ex-pats.
  3. I spent 24 years in IT. Part of maintaining a server farm is understanding and implementing server and operating system security. Granted, OSs like Android and iOS were just coming on the scene when I took early retirement, but you could easily see that these OSs were literally built to harvest user data and they were not built to be "locked down" by the end-user seeking security. Then you have to trust developers and whatever proprietary code they are using in their applications - like banking applications. Buggy non-secure OSs on your phone + questionable financial applications = good-bye money. No thanks.
  4. Works until the internet goes down, or your phone breaks, or you forget to charge it, or your phone gets a virus, or Truemoney gets hacked, I could go on but why bother. Cash is king. And 7/11 is where I break my 1000 THB bills for change.
  5. Just send your wife over the Channel from Calais and have her utter the magic words: "Asylum." Then? Bob's your uncle.
  6. I've seen "tourists" killed by a machete wielding tuk-tuk driver for less.
  7. I agree 100%. Not because I have like or dislike about Trump, my feelings about him are neutral at best. Nope - it's the Lawfare being wielded against politicians. This is fun to watch. Fun in the sense that once the Lawfare Genie is completely out of the bottle in the US, there will be no way to put it back in. And then? Let The Games Begin as the US political system and system of justice descends into third-world irrelevance. But "Oh?" Ya'll think it stops with just Trump? Nope. Lawfare will be the cudgel and the baton used to beat political opponents by whichever Uni-Party Swamp-Critters whom manage to ooze to the reeking surface of the US ruling class. The US will rip itself apart. As the USSR's Chief of Secret Police, Lavrentiy Beria said, "Show me the man and I'll find you the crime" Yeah - I can't wait. <pops popcorn and grabs a beer> What those who fail to study history simple never comprehend is that the evil Genie who grants them their wishes today becomes their tormentor tomorrow. Until then? Dance in the streets like there is no tomorrow. "Oh!" And then read the history of the French Revolution. It's a great example about how "turnabout is fair play."
  8. The beauty of these halcyon days of "migration" to the West is all that a non-farang has to do is to get within the borders of a Western nation and then utter the words - "Asylum."
  9. And then they try to economize by purchasing cheap goods from Lazada and Shopee only to get hit by a 7% VAT on Chinese goods. On top of inflation. Yep - keep the ol' government foot stamping on a human face forever.
  10. There are a whole set of tropes that are being spewed by Pro-Israel stakeholders. Most are variation of the smears and tropes we heard in the late 1960s and early 1970s during the anti-Vietnam protests but upgraded and changed to spin a tale that supports only the far-right Israeli settler-occupier side, just like the smears and tropes spun a tale of the global march of Communism world-wide if Vietnam should fall 50 years ago. Vietnam fell and the much vaunted Domino Theory never materialized. The Domino Theory was propaganda and was never what the Vietnam War was about which went decades back from before the US involvement or for that matter, the French involvement. If you don't understand the nature of propaganda, and you don't study history, then you just suck it all down and wipe your mouth with your Covid mask. I'm a free-speech absolutist, and a US citizen, and a supporter of the US Constitution - including the rights of free speech, the right of assembly, and the rights of religious freedoms...including Islam. Palestinians -- whom are also original "Semites" and include Palestinian Christians, Palestinian Muslims, and Palestinian Jews too -- all have the right to exist between the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The protests have a purpose - to end genocide of Palestinian civilians which is unconscionable. Like the 1960s, a new generation has just found its political teeth and its power. I'm aghast at those who claim to support the US Constitution as they at the same time are urinating on its protections. Regardless of what people are saying on college and university campuses in the United States right now - It Is Protected Speech. And I've heard all of the arguments against protected speech back during the Vietnam War protests when the authorities tried to break up those protests too. And you'll hear them again. And like 50 year ago, they're rolling it out again. Wait for the Democratic Convention in Chicago. It will be 1968 Two-Point-Oh. And for all the same reasons. And probably ending in similar results. Yeah baby - we live in interesting times. And at this rate, soon to go mushroom-cloud shaped. A whole lot of powerful people want to see WWIII come to fruition on multiple fronts. And like the last world wars, everyone will get sucked right up into the vacuum unless people start finding their common humanity.
  11. ...working for the Zionist cause. I'm sure he'll be well rewarded, like Abbas. Until he's no longer useful.
  12. Grab it by a branch. If you come away bleeding, it's a lime.
  13. You mean "snobby English." Interestingly enough, I'm a yank but spent my first three years in a "snobby English" private school back in the 50s. Needless to say I came back to the US with that proper Oxford accent. It disappeared in due time. Get me around those people though and I can flip back into the dialect to this day. Fun for messing with people's minds. You imprint languages at a young age which is the best time to learn. Dialects as well.
  14. There is no "Thai taxation issues" on SSA payment. Social Security is covered under the US-Thai Dual-Taxation Agreement. It's exempt.
  15. "Hello beautiful unmarried Thai spinster. I am very rich Nigerian American man and very handsome too. I'm having trouble paying the freight fees to send my pallet of $100 bills to Thailand. If you could just send me your life savings, we can get married when I arrive in Bangkok after which I will buy you a Benz and we'll move to London and live the life of jet-setters. Remember my love, this could be you!" And they fall for it again and again and again and again and again - because? Greed has no limits for either party.
  16. Do you want cosmetic surgery - in other word do you want to be without scars - or do you just want the moles removed. If you just want the moles removed, a GP can do a shave excision although I'd recommend having all moles biopsied. I'm in the latter category. I never cared about scars so I had mine removed via shave excision. Regarding prices - Cosmetic is gonna cost you - think upwards of 20K+ THB. A shave excision and biopsy at a government clinic might set you back 1000 THB. At a private hospital by a dermatologist probably about 3K to 5K THB.
  17. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/federal-benefits/social-security/ https://ph.usembassy.gov/contact/#socialsecurity
  18. If this was a farang, the airline would have already filed a defamation case against him.
  19. Then Humza wonders why his coalition is in pieces. Racism in all it's forms, regardless of the ethnicity and skin color is its object -- white, black, brown, and all shades in-between -- is ugly. But there is now an acceptance that racism toward those of Northern European descent is OK. It is not. Humza got what he deserved -- reported to the police for his hatred toward ethnic Scots. And then the backlash cause by his so-called "Hate Crime" law shattered any mandate he had to govern.
  20. I'll have to file this post with the Scottish Police. The lettering is black. The other 99% of the background - White!
  21. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to report half the posts here to the Scotland Police as Hate Crimes. Boy will you farangs be sorry when you're extradited to Scotland. <caveat - parody>
  22. The answer is "No." You can open a regular account with any Thai bank and then submit the Direct Deposit paperwork with SSA Manila. The Bangkok Bank "restricted account" that could only be withdrawn in person as the only option is a throwback to days I'd prefer to forget.
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