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Posts posted by connda

  1. That UK "mature" woman, if visiting Chiang Mai, would make herself totally unavailable to men. Hence, we go with the flow. Thai women it is.

    Me a loser? Phtttth! Bite me. My preference was Asian women as soon I as experienced hormones.

    What man in his right mind wouldn't prefer Asian women? Racists perhaps? You and everyone else who think White Women are the end all, are you maybe just exhibiting your own racial biases? Mai?

    • Like 2
  2. I have known many Thai women who had took up with farangs in Thailand, being lead to believe that these guys were single, had no other commitments, were sincere and committed to these women. Then after a period of having a free girlfriend and bed partner during their stay in Thailand, held together by deceit and lies, the guys suddenly disappeared off the scene leaving these women emotionally hurt and bewildered.

    Lies, cheating and deceit can work both ways. Perhaps she was just a decent lady that has been scorned and hurt? And has good cause to be angry.

    So far we have only heard a brief account of one side of the story, as our herpes100 seems to have taken a powder and gone silent.

    And I see the exact same thing, but turned around 180 degrees:

    Then after a period of having a free boyfriend and bed partner during his stay in Thailand, held together by deceit and lies, the girls suddenly become vicious and nasty leaving these men emotionally hurt and bewildered.

    Simply depends on your perspective. I've know way too many Thai women tapping multiple farangs.

    And interestingly enough, their BF is generally doing the same. Likes attract likes. Karmatically -- make perfect sense!

  3. My 2 1/2 month old puppy just got bit by what I think is a small Tarantula. Two poke marks to the nose.

    Not sure of the toxity of spiders here in Thailand. I got the culprit in a jar, and I'm including a picture in this post. From previous reading, it's my impression the most spiders in Thailand are not dangerously toxic, but now I need to know for sure.

    Can anyone offer advise as soon as possible?



  4. Let us pray to the Holy Mother of the Buddha they can spell the name Thailand correctly!!!giggle.gif

    Thailand could be spelled; Tailand. Better than that, the country should revert to being called Siam, a perfectly good name.

    For a period of time, not long ago, some hyper-intellectual linguists decided to complicate the transliteration of Thai - using the Latin alphabet. Hence, we have a plethora of Thai words which are confusing (sometimes flat-out ridiculous) for those who are not abreast of the manipulation.

    here are just 3 of thousands of examples:

    Suwarnbhumi (airport) - when spoken by a Thai person, sounds like Suwanaboom

    Tha thon or Tha Thorn " " " " " " " Taton

    Korn (meaning; 'person') sounds like 'kon'

    putting h's everywhere is confusing, unnecessary, and sometimes just plain stupid. H's after T's, ...after P's, even after K's. Transliteration is not for pleasing Thai sensibilities, it is for easing the pronunciation of Thai words by foreigners.

    sorry if this rant is off-topic. Not really.

    There is no TH sound in the Thai language. So why transliterate with it? It makes no sense.

    If there was, Thai would sound like Thigh (as in the upper portion of your leg), and Thailand would be Thigh-land (which might be more appropriate for the sex-tourist). wink.png

    "Hey Bob, where ya gonna vacation this year?"

    "Well, I'm thinking about a sex-holiday in Thighland. I hear the Thigh girls are hot!"

    "Watch out of those Thigh jetski scams. I hear our diplomat is talking to the Thigh authorities."

    That sounds better, 'eh? lol

  5. It would probably get more press if the diplomats go directly to Puket or Pattaya, rent a jet ski, wait for the swindle, and have one of their top news agencies descend on the scammers in the act. Get it on tape. Diplomats can't be touched by the authorities, so they can essentially laugh in the faces of the scammer and the "helpful police negotiator" and tell them to bugger off -- get it on camera and broadcast it prime time in their home counties.

    Perhaps the 'loss of face' would carry more weight then mere words.

  6. I agree with others that the "intention" of this program is admirable, however the vast majority of Thais that I've met just are not very proficient at planning and implementation. I attribute that to a Thai cultural perspective that doesn't perceive a timeline much beyond the here and now -- which, again, is admirable if you are a Buddhist monk striving to live in the present, but is counter-productive for businesses and organizations that need to engage in project planning cycles. My guess is that there are not many certified native Thai "project planners" in this country. Along with English language skills, this country would benefit by emphasizing project planning skills in their universities if they ever wish to be competitive in the ASEAN community, no less the global community.

    Anyway, the present c******f*** is just an example of great intentions that are so poorly thought out as to make the program virtually ineffective. Yeah, a few kids will benefit, but the end result will be negligible. Well, imho.

  7. @issangeorge

    You might not know of any/many businesses in the village itself, but I'd imagine that there are a few here and there - or even on the outskirts of town. Some kids normally have to come to school from further afield, so maybe there are some appropriate businesses to be found further away. Our Thai neighbour has a type of "Womens' Club" for the locals - and when they occasionally (once or twice a year) have to raise money for a good cause, they always seem to be able to persuade the local businesses, shops and stores to cough up a few items for their fair.

    Anyway, as I mentioned, it would probably need the permission of your school to try and persuade 'others' to support a teacher. One possibility is to allow any supporting business to have a certain sized poster in/near to the school.

    I suppose one could question how Thais eagerly and regularly support their wat/temple with donations, but donating money for their kids' education isn't a done thing. However, I'm not really sure I want to speculate too much about that........ rolleyes.gifwhistling.gif

    Also, see the above post from thesilentman - that's an excellent example of how to overcome some of the difficulties in helping to teach.

    And to thesilentman - it sound great and good for you!! I'd certainly be interested to know a bit more about how you manage your private classes.

    Do you have a "classroom" available, with desks and chairs - black/whiteboard available?

    Are kids in completely different age groups taught together?

    50 baht an hour isn't perhaps a great deal of money - but I doubt many of our local villagers have that much spare money. I might try to embark on a similar quest if things don't pick up in this area, even though there is already an "English Language Classes" thing in a private house and run by a Thai. It's quite a distance from us and I've absolutely no idea if anyone sends their kids there.

    I wonder if it'd be worth asking our local school to "donate" a classroom at the weekends (or evenings, maybe) for any such classes.

    Whatever - good luck with your classes - a great initiative - and I hope they're a big success! thumbsup.gif

    Cheers biggrin.png


    50 baht and hour from villagers who make between 200 to 300 baht a day? Minimum 10 students to start a class. Hummm....

    Real philanthropy there ermm.gif .

  8. I got mine at our local Amphur office in Lamphun province. Brought my passport (with 1 year extension based on marriage), my wife, and the local head of our village. The employees at the Amphur office were friendly and helpful. They filled out the forms, the head of the village signed a paper verifying I lived at our house in our village, and about 45 minutes later -- Bob's your uncle -- I had my Yellow House Book. That easy!

    • Like 1
  9. Has no one thought of the tourists? Friends of mine have stopped coming to Thailand in favour of Cambodia and Vietnam. They got tired of being kicked out at only 2 in the morning and having to drink alcohol from tea cups.

    The whole reason for Pattaya's existence is tourism (sex). I haven't been down for a while though so it may have changed.

    Actually now Chiang Mai is where all the late night sleeze action is. They just re elected the mayor in Pattaya and construction interests are building 100,000 more hotel and condo rooms this year. I feel your pain man. 2AM who wants to stop drinking then, the night is young. Chiang Mai is the place now.

    It's interesting who they are catering too also. Someone just built a "hostel" on Loi Kroh Road in CM and I've seen at least two others of similar design around the tourist areas by the Moat. 99 baht per / night. Looks like they are ramping up for the backpacker crowd.

  10. Reimplementation of the machine gun as the death penalty of choice for violence school gang related crime. All members of the schools involved (teachers, students, parents) are forced to watch executions close-up and personal each time one of these senseless killings takes place. All "deep pocket" are taken to civil court and the victims family are duly compensated for the atrocity. This sort of inbred, cultural notion that teenage children are not responsible for there actions until they are perhaps in their 20s (if even then) is ludicrous. Responsibility lies in the home, in the school, with the teachers, and the administration. Buddhists are not raised this way -- so what is the disconnect?

  11. The longer I live here the more I believe that the average Thai simply doesn't have what it takes to plan and implement plans in a modern world. They muddle along --- and then the rest of the world will pass them by. Fuc*-ups like this would get you quickly fired in the private sector of my country. And in the public sector the populace is astute enough to start screaming when they see gross incompetence like this.

    The only future I see for Thailand is one run by sharp, cut-throat multinational corporations that have the local government paid off at the macro and micro level. The person behind the curtain pulling the levers isn't a Thai. Any other programs aren't meant to succeed, they're meant to distribute the wealth to those with the most.

    I'll take care of my own family and call it good. I consider this beyond redemption until I see it differently.

  12. I bought a pair of Bonntrager 26 x 1.5" @ 450B/tyre down here in Chumphon (not cheap). Semi-slick, roads here in Thailand so good that you can forget knobblies unless you are a serious MTB-er and want to wreck you body and bike. AA

    Changed the tires to street tires. It's actually enjoyable to ride. I should have done the three years ago.

  13. I was approached today: 2.5 hours per day at only one school (there were three schools interested in me) at 200 baht / hour. No exceptions. No flexibility in defining the program. No mention of work permits, visas, taxes. "You work or no?"

    "Now that you put it that way -- No."

    Thais will lose their competitive edge in the global markets by wallowing in their own entrenched, inflexible bureaucracies and xenophobia, and in their complete lack of understanding as how to develop win-win scenarios.

  14. As usual, small rural schools will be left in the dust. Thailand isn't going to lose their competitiveness in the ASEAN group do to a lack of English speakers; they are going to lose their competitiveness due to their inability to function outside of a counter-intuitive, self-defeating net of bureaucracies that are inflexible and counter-productive to the goals of high quality, productive, seamless global trade. If it's easier to trade with The Philippians, the Philippians with get the contracts. If it's easier to deal with Myanmar, then Myanmar will get the contracts. Thailand will be left with scabbed over, bloody holes in each foot where they have successively shot themselves with their short-sighted, politically motivated (and opportunistically corrupt) policies . Good luck keeping up with the other emerging societies who can actually embrace change. Like the tablet computer for 1st graders fiasco, this is just going to be another poorly administered cluster**** that will ultimately succeed in lining the pockets of a few well placed Puiyai within the various Thai bureaucracies while providing little if any real benefits for the teachers and students, especially in the poorest of the rural locations.

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  15. I have a mountain bike I'm not too fond of. I use is for street riding exclusively. I'd like to change the knobby tires to a narrow street tire to reduce drag.

    I've got Kenda Nevegal 54-559 26 x 2.10 tires mounted on Alexrim ASD-1 rims.

    Can anyone recommend a street tire replacement for this?

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