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Posts posted by connda

  1. I understand how it seems like the story is out of the blue, Connda- but as a suggestion, considering her age and what she said- perhaps she is feeling insecure about getting older? I mean, I don't know either of you so it may be that this is completely unhelpful advice, but perhaps you could do/say something to reassure here about the 'real' topic, which is her getting older, while ignoring the trivial thing that set her off. Maybe buy her some flowers and remind her of how much longer you both have, etc., etc..... just a thought.

    Good advice. She actually is dealing with (drum roll)...menopause! ohmy.png Hormone roller-coaster~~~~~ She actually called me up and asked me to buy her an Ice Coffee. Maybe she just "broke the ice" on the silent treatment. I'll toss a rose in and see what happens. :)

    • Like 2
  2. Ahhh ... a wonderful example of the renown Thai Sulk ... not to be confused with the renown Thai Silk.

    You seem to have the required temperament to outlast it.

    Note to self ... remember to play water with the gf this Songkran

    Thank God she doesn't stick her lower lip out and give me the Thai Pout. I just get the furrowed eyebrows, down-turned lips, and silence. More like the Thai Serious Face. Probably has to do with her being over 50. The Thai Pout seems to be a younger girl's method. I see it on Thai soap opera all the time!!!

  3. Crime:

    Insisting on being Politically Correct on this forum.


    Forced to write on a whiteboard, "I will develop a thicker skin." a million times - or - until your writing hand turns black for lack of blood - or - until you are overcome by white board marker fumes.

    ... or a 'blackboard' if he is using chalk

    Ask someone under 20 years old what a blackboard is, and watch for dazed and confused looks. ;)

  4. That sounds great, son!

    I first came here while in the military about 30 years ago. I fell in love with the place. And I agree, every time I hit US soil after being overseas, I experienced "reverse culture shock.' Pretty amazing huh?

    It isn't perfect here...there is good and bad...but you live, learn, and enjoy. If you come here with an open heart, you may never want to leave, or you'll keep coming back!

    Hope you are able to realize your goal soon! The best of luck smile.png

    • Like 1
  5. Here we go with the "discriminated farang" thing again. Yes, Thais are xenophobic and jingoistic, and they are not the only ones in the world.

    Get over it and enjoy the good things in this beautiful country, or pack up an leave.

    Your indignant, self-righteousness will not change a thing. And if you feel like a "second class citizen", realize that is only in your head. I don't feel like a second class person, I don't care about status, and I could give a rip about what anyone thinks about me regardless of their color, culture, or other orientation.

    You say this is only and "observation?" Dude, it's emotional and its eating away at you. If you had a thicker skin you would have stopped the post after talking about the dog pinching a loaf in front of your house.

    Wake up man. Stop playing the victim -- you'll be happier.

    -- Political correctness makes me want to puke!

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  6. The advice I gave you regarding building a house in Vientiane was honest and if I say so myself, quite helpful. If you choose not to take advice offered then don't. No need to throw your toys out of the pram. Just cherrypick what you consider to be good advice and laugh at the b*ll*cks....


    Interesting. Nice catch Lovelaos. I looked though the thread and, by golly, I don't see a bunch of "Disgruntled Alcoholics" responding to Focus' initial post. There is good information there.

    So Focus -- what is your real problem. Amazing. Yeah dude-- goodbye!

  7. Focus, you're throwing the baby out with the bath water. On a typical post, I'll get a few stupid remarks, a few that are relatively useless, a few "trolls", and some useful, informative replies.

    Yes, and you will get replies urging you to be careful. I've lived here 5 years and I've been burned and scammed more than once by Thais on various things. Most of those happened in the first 18 months I was here. Live and learn. Many of the individuals who urge caution are doing just that -- passing on their experience. Not all, but many.

    Sure, there are some folks out there that have an overly negative view of Thais, and they probably always will. If you don't find their remarks useful, skip them and move on.

    But let's look at your comments: You allude to all these Disgruntled Westerns who get there information from bar girls or other drunk, sloshed, alcoholics (I'm paraphrasing here). You're painting with a pretty broad brush there too, sport.

    My experiences and those of a large number of Expats who have lived here for over 5 year are based on personal experience -- we're not "disgruntled" and we don't get our experiences in an alcohol induced stupor from questionable sources. Many of us are married, have jobs, are family oriented, and enjoy Thailand enough to accept the good with the bad.

    So, if you're really that self-righteous sport, the only advice I can give you is, "Don't let the door hit you on the butt on the way out." Otherwise, cool down and accept this forum for what it is, and accept the good with the bad.

    Up to you! wai.gif

    • Like 1
  8. It just means "foreigner" dude. And like other posters have said, I've never had anyone call me "farang" to my face. But it does come up in conversations. Sometimes I'm being talked about, sometimes someone else. It just means pasty white, foreigner.

    Yeah, Thais are xenophobic, but don't take the "tag" too personal. At least when I'm in my wife's village and someone says, "farang" I know who they are talking about - being the only "farang" in the village.

    Being indignant won't change a thing. Accept it and move on -- Farang. jap.gif

  9. With Songkran just around the corner, I'm interested in finding a schedule of activities for that long weekend. I have guests coming in from out of town, and I promised them an "interesting" time. I'd love to know what is happening around town during Songkran. Does anyone know where a schedule is posted? :)


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  10. 18.789884,98.997958 - Meh Kaa (แม่ข่า)

    they are the main distributors for Chiang Mai for Motorbike and Bicycle parts. They have just about everything and anything. Think they are open everyday except Sunday.

    edit: My Thai is horrible....

    I popped that into Google map. Right behind Verachai Court off of Chang Moi. I'll check it out.


  11. Wow. No luck today finding motorcycle tires. I probably passed 20 stores selling car tires, but no motorcycle tires. Did a lot of driving and only came across small motorcycle shops selling a limited number of tires, and no English speakers, so I couldn't explain what I wanted (the widest, high quality tire with a better than average speed rating). I speak some Thai, but not enough to get those specification understood.

    So still looking for recommendation, especially for a shop where someone speaks at least some English. I really want to get new rubber on my bike.


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