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Posts posted by connda

  1. I want to change my Business visa to a Marriage visa. I approached Thai immigration in Nakhon Ratchasima and was told by the immigration officer that the only acceptable proof of financial support was 400,000 baht in a Thai bank account for 2 months. He will not accept 40,000 baht a month income. Regardless of how the law actually reads, with this immigration officer, I only have one option. :)

    So here's my problem. I transferred the required funds into a Thai bank account that is in my name. But my current Business visa will expire before the money is in the account for the "required" two month period. So, what do I do?

  2. I was planning on changing my Non-Imm "B" to a Non-Imm "O" Marriage visa next month (current "B" visa expires in early September). I'm working and I'm able to meet the financial criteria of 40,000 Baht per month.

    However, when I went to my "friendly" local immigration office today (July 22, 2009), I was given a document (written in Thai) outlining the requirements to obtain a Non-Imm "O" Marriage visa. The immigration officer took a pen and crossed out the 40,000 Baht financial requirement and said that it was no longer acceptable. He said that I had to meet the requirement of 400,000 Baht in a Thai bank.

    A few years ago, you could have either 40k Baht income or 400,000k Baht in the bank. Then, immigration changed that to only accepting 40k Baht income. Then within the last year I thought they changed it back 40k income or 400,000k in the bank. Now I'm officially confused, but not at all surprised.

    When did the regulations change again?

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