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  1. As long as he made it to the airport without being detained then he would have had a 20,000 baht fine (the overstay is capped at that amount). and after paying it would be put on his plane.
  2. I have been coming since 1981, honestly I don't see any difference, things looked filthy and rundown even back then.
  3. Funnily enough, I remember an article in the Bangkok World (or possible the Post) back in 1982 discussing the constant headline of 'The Driver fled the scene'
  4. This is not a proposal but law. If you reside in Thailand for 180 days or more in each tax year then you are considered a tax resident and required to file and pay tax. The only difference since 2024 is that the loophole of only bringing in money that was earned over one tax year before has now been closed.
  5. Minutes or Hours... ROTFLMAO, I remember when the US introduced the ETA, and also promised approval in minutes or hours. I never had one approval in less than 24 yours. So you think Thai immigration can do better?
  6. No, of course not, it is similar to the US program which has been around for at least 15 years.
  7. While I agree with most of your post, I have made insurance claims a couple of times over the last 42 years and never had my rates jacked up 100% or even anywhere close. I have told you a million times to stop exaggerating.
  8. It's not a 'different system' it is a lack of common sense, consideration for other road users and a firm belief that what they do is right and everyone else is wrong. I have not really seen anyone coming to an intersection blasting their horns aggressively, either Thai or Foreigner. Roundabouts are a problem not because they are too polite but because of the ones who charge into the roundabout thinking everyone else must stop for them. There is zero understanding of right of way by Thai drivers, either at T-junctions, cross roads or any other form of intersection. They simply keep pushing until others have to allow them out. Basically Thia's throw out the highway code when they get behind the wheel and do what they have seen others doing while they grew up. Driving standards here have not improved in the 40 years I have been driving here, because there is no real enforcement of the traffic laws. Trying to assimilate Thai driving habits will get you pulled over in short notice back in the real world. There is no 'technique' to learn, what you need to do is simply drive defensively and expect them to do the unexpected because they generally will.
  9. After 40 years here I can safely say I do not know a single person who believes things are the same in their own country. It is one of the main reasons that people come here.
  10. 25.2 mill actually. The cost of luxury imports into Thailand is astronomical.
  11. Lets be honest here. This is designed mainly to attract wealthy Chinese and hope that this will also be accompanied by accelerated Chinese investment in sectors that can foster technological advancement in the Thai economy. However there is no hard evidence to suggest that this will (As hoped) kick start the Thai economy in any way. It will also essentially shrink the pool of potential condominium buyers (who will now have a more desirable investment option) in a market that has long been oversaturated with empty units.
  12. That has been true for the last 40 years, so what is different now?
  13. What a bunch of <deleted>. I have been coming to Thailand for 42 years and I have seen this thing happen throughout that time. The only difference here from most western countries is that they are more likely to use a knife or a gun, in fact that is pretty common here.
  14. U-Tapao didn't take larger aircraft until the runway extension was completed in June 1966. prior to that KC-135's, C-130B's and other large aircraft used Don Muang. The First B-52's were based at U-Tapao in April 1967.
  15. Depth perception test is no longer used. only the colour and reaction tests now.
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