Well Chidchob the owner of the track was seemingly quite convinced that the Government had rejected the proposed 5 year extension of the contract (normal length) based on the political affiliation with Bhumijai party. Now it appears they are laying the groundwork for rejection on the basis of the fee being non negotiable which it will be. Why would Dorna and Liberty Media lower the fee for such a phenomenally successful event, crowd something like 200k plus 10 or 20. Personally I think they should hang on to it for dear life because they’re a long way from an F1 deal.
Thanks Dr Jack the last time I renewed in Bangkok I had to traipse down there twice it’s a10 hour return journey for me, so now it’s only the extra 200 dollars or so. I remember they were quite finicky about the photo, I had to go to a shop that knew the requirements
I’ve got a retirement extension expiring mid January 26, and a passport expiring early June 26. I don’t want to change my extension date to June and have to go through the process twice. So I will have to front up in January with a new passport.
I’m travelling to Australia for 6 weeks end March and two months in October. I’d prefer to get the new passport there, cheaper and far less hassle, but I guess that’s not an option as my reentry permit would be in the old passport?
Sorry to the OP for divebombing the thread
I didn’t hit on a link. As mentioned in the OP I barely used this card, 3 transactions in the last year all via Pay Pal. So I also have some doubt about them. I don’t carry the card around so I don’t think it’s been skimmed. The bank staff expressed the view that the scammer might have used a random card number generator. But I was suspect about that because of the baht connection; I basically live here most of the time
I didn’t hit on a link. As mentioned in the OP I barely used this card, 3 transactions in the last year all via Pay Pal. So I also have some doubt about them. I don’t carry the card around so I don’t think it’s been skimmed. The bank staff expressed the view that the scammer might have used a random card number generator. But I was suspect about that because of the baht connection; I basically live here most of the time
I do use cash primarily, however the wife is less teckernogical than me. I have to do her online shopping but we get COD. However I have some other interests that require the use of a credit card, business expenses and the like
It’s not the phone number as I have 2 of those. It’s definitely that one card. My only theory is the scammer had some second scheme in train but the changing of the credit card number meant they couldn’t carry through with it. I also have web access via a completely different process so it’s not the app although I will follow your advice when I change back to the Aussie number soon. I mean it’s not really a hassle having a credit on the account more of a nuisance not knowing why.
I’ll try to be concise. About 6 weeks ago I was notified by bank via an in app message that a transaction had been attempted for about 33k Aud. Was it me Y/N. Ok I hit N and opened the app and that transaction had been declined, over the limit, however there were 2 others for about 1500 each sitting there as pending. All 3 were denominated in THB. The details were scant FB/Meta Adv then a series of numbers and letters.
Naturally I disputed and 3 days later the transactions had been processed and then reversed and a new card had been issued. I should say I barely use this card only for things that my main card can’t do.
4 days later a new transaction in THB appeared with the same coding but for a $600 plus credit. It’s been sitting there as a completed transaction now for 5 weeks. The bank wasn’t really interested. So what is the scam?
Yes I extended yesterday at a different office. She had a problem with the statement not being up to the current day, then I showed her the passbook with the 100bht deposit. She conferred with colleagues and it was deemed OK
The Doctor I see here usually for flu like symptoms, for many years dispensed me a different brand of Brown Mixture amongst the other meds. I found it very effective and I thought quite strong opium wise. Last time he did not give it to me. Btw I had only been a few times over the years
How many wealthy Thais with overseas assets and income are there ? How many old farang are here subsisting on adequate incomes from their previous country. I think A beats B by a country mile both in numbers and amount potentially owing.