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Posts posted by boogiewoogie

  1. Its all about booze. When russian on vacation he drinks like there are no tomorow. Cold nature, instability back home, etc.

    Also if u wanna understand russians u need to understand there are two russias.

    First is Moscow and StPete with well educated people(mostly) and some of them even have manners.

    Second is rest of it. Very bad ecology(google Chelyabinsk ot Tagil) , pollution, lack of education. Google pictures of Magnitogorsk, for example. Would u be happy if ud live there?

    So at the end Russia is like UK, but 10 times more chavs. Maybe even 20.

  2. how do you know that non-malay non-muslims are discriminated against? Q&A or hearsay , CNN or BBC

    btw, the topic is about a the OP who is a muslim contemplating to move, not about what you intend to ask

    True, i saw a lot of chinese guys on ferraris and mercs in George town and KL. I wish i be descriminated this way.

  3. Alternatively, there are terminals for full size buses that go to the airport.

    Are we talkin about north terminal? Near sukhumvit? I been there and all i saw are busses to ekamai and mochit. Is there a schedual availavle anywhere?

  4. Now, I do not want to place fear in any of the dog haters hearts, so I will tell my story in a very gentle fashion, but you guys will probably whine to the mods about big bad dog loving Hyku. A bit annoyed about my opening comment? Good. because you may now realize how dog lovers feel about inflammatory anti-dog posts. Take your hate somewhere else!

    I was chillin' will my beach dogs(the Thais take care of them, so this clown was lucky he ran in to me) and the dogs start barking at some guy. They must have sensed he was an as$%le because the guy picks up two bricks, and starts menacing the dogs. They have made no attempt to bite him , but he keeps lunging at them. He looks all big and tough with his bricks and black t-shirt

    So heres the problem. Guy walks near ur dogs, do nothing. Ur dogs start to bark. U do nothing. Not trying to shut them up, not tellin mr big guy that dogs are no danger. No, u do nothing. Actually u start to play mr tough guy urself tellin him(threatin) he gonna have troubles if he gonna protect himself. Lol.

    This is what i would do. If a dog start to bark at me 1st thing i do is locate closest stick, brick or whatever to protect myself. If ur dog come to me(they usually try to approach u from behind) i would show them a stick, maybe even swing it a little, if dog continue to approach id use it. Becouse rabies shots are expensive and i value my life.

    Ps my english suck, i know

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