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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. OK brexit has been the damage nothing else. Covid and Ukraine is not a problem.
  2. You get beaten up in my village for giving a restaurant that. ????????
  3. So sad these kids were so uneducated, 2 still not found. Survivors hearts stopped not a good sign.
  4. Good news in the UK finance world and predictions that inflation will be halved by the middle of next year.
  5. So what's going to be done about it how is it going to be dealt with.
  6. UK population will be billionaires by this time next year.
  7. To be fair 200 to Rwanda wouldn't achieve much. Immigrant trafficers would tell their clients Rwanda is full now. The only answer is to put them into the work place and make them pay their way. That way they can make own decision to either stay or go somewhere else.
  8. Working abroad out of the EU was where I did well.
  9. Did you not know that, there were others to before homo's, and to make it clear I don't mean irons.
  10. Like the rest of the world in peace and trading, I quite agree.
  11. Not really mis-understanding is a bit rich, when you talk of African people's.
  12. My bad I did mean to refer it to struggling UK, never mind the UK will change dramatically over time and I see civil unrest becoming a constant problem.
  13. I would like to see many more deals to lift UK live from it's depth of despair.
  14. No, many people know the Aboriginie people were populating Oz and there were probably others before them.
  15. Now the indigenous English will go through what happened to the Celts.
  16. Be careful with though, what i do is use my translate app and then copy English to Thai and re-check again translated to English. Sometimes it doesn't translate correctly, you can alter the English for it to explain in Thai better. If important I get my Mrs to check it out.
  17. Information is based on experience not what sales people and people here say, it's mostly all in the head most of the time is what I find.
  18. I seem to remember it being 7k and a bit something for a baht gold in Nov 2000. i paid 300 odd pounds for a neckless.
  19. All tyres sold in Thailand these days are ok, just some wear out quicker than others. With my tyrelife experience in the motor trade you will always get tyre company sales talk and OCD car owners. Regular inspection of tyre walls inside and out and tread, correct recommende presures is adequate for normal road use.
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