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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. When you say you have checked all 'S' bends connected to toilets shower outlet and sinks, do any of them leak out leaving the pipe to the Cess pit open to internal bathroom space. Don't take much.!!!
  2. So when I say to people that the EU is being hardline and just bloody mined over what the Irish people want in not letting a soft border remain, I'm told no your wrong, so why don't the Irish tell the EU to bog off.
  3. Yes met lots of people in many places having been on the building trade, met Hell angel guys that look scary but aren't and lot of the time nice guys. Anyone loud and drinking can be annoying, it seems OP was more concerned about looks and judged them on that.
  4. Well OP was uncomfortable so got up and left the place. Next.
  5. Personally I wouldn't touch Stallions. Don't know what you mean by model numbers, there's only one Honda 500X motorbike. High Mileage is not important with this bike buying S/hand and they are being bought at reasonable prices and can be sold again with little loss. I know of one for sale if interested with extras which is going for around 120k.
  6. That's a bit judgemental, why are people like you and others here bothered, either don't take any notice or engage in conversation.
  7. What's wrong with Cockney's, any loud people can be annoying.
  8. Of coarse not, we seem to have a mis-understanding about my reply to you.
  9. There exploited human beings with kids amongst them, have a bit of heart.
  10. Not surprised the on the dole mentality and work on the black is ingrained within communities.
  11. No they didn't. Immigration and being in the EU hasn't done them any good would be my analysis.
  12. Your knowledge is not in question in fact I respect your input but you need to realize what I say will and is always right.
  13. I think for the EU the worse is yet to come. Middle of next year UK will be way out on front.
  14. Newcastle and Sunderland have always been in a slump.
  15. Long shot but may help, there's a guy in Baan Suan, Sukhothai, who fixings BMW's there the only cars that you can see at his workshop, his next to the traffic lights just before the left turn to Baan Suan on road 12. Don't know if his listed internet maybe google GPS Maps street view can show his place.
  16. Emotional no, just don't understand why things are made so difficult. Get rid of Nth Ireland then they voted stay in didn't they, problem solved.
  17. Well with the risk of pointing the finger at the EU, isn't it the EU being inon-flexible to resolve the situation. Surely a boat can leave UK and go to Nth Ireland without a problem.
  18. Get a strong LED spot light and shine it at the camera.
  19. What I don't get is once immigrants get to a safe country many still want to go UK, what are other safe countries doing that makes immigrants want to leave that safe country they have already reached. Why is UK so attractive is it still what I remember as a joke when i was a kid but the situation actually was a true story alledgely about about lifeboatmen picking up people in channel shouted not help but social security. ????
  20. Joint measures with France, so that's the immigrants sorted next. ????
  21. It's the EU boarder thing with Ireland i don't understand how can a line in the sea cause so much trouble, move the flogging boarder line, can't be that difficult.
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