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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Yeah I am with you on your views. Our village is a tourist area and a religious area so many tourist don't bother to check the area they visit and wonder why they are ignored in some situations by some Thai people.
  2. So you don't have a good fit body. ????????????
  3. But what if you have a 6 pack fit body. ????
  4. I know the local police. ????????????
  5. Strange you came across as someone who has been in Thailand a good while but that post says you know absolutely nothing about having Thai friends. So many stupid men here.
  6. No matter what you know about guns this is Thailand and bb guns are legal to own so take your western knowledge and your western ideas a flig off.
  7. Don't know about other areas, if it's a falangie most Thais don't seem to care some do and see it as disrespectful in and around village especially around the temple areas.
  8. Yeah but the TM barrel is not aluminium but over time will wear, that's why I make sure it's oiled when using the steel. I will get the glass ones next.
  9. Chang is my beer but I don't own it. In OP I stated I was asked is this my restaurant replying no I am a friend of the family so I understand now they then knew where my legions were.
  10. Seeing how much the rating upset him so is why I removed the 1 star rating. I really didn't think it was such a big deal and seeing as I wasn't going to go back again that alone would of been sufficient.
  11. Glad you got the drift of the post smuty. Yeah you have me caught out, I had 2 large bottles Chang beers 1 at a shop with seats outside @52 baht one in what I call my pub @ 60 baht.
  12. He doesn't understand the use of the word racist in a complex situation back those days. As we know Powell didn't consider himself racist he was just being patriotic all those many years ago IMHO. I remember the days I laughed when some people wanted the blackball in snooker called the mauveball. I think blackboards in schools are called chalk boards.
  13. Fair call my bad I realized that now, have forgotten how sensitive some people can be. That's why I edit remove the 1 star.
  14. British for man mush.????
  15. I won't tell you otherwise I will hunt you down and offer you out for a street fight. ????
  16. You are weird are you not maybe you are a friend of his ???? you need to learn how to read an opening post. I'm retired I wouldn't be so stupid as to open a restaurant in our village maybe he has realized that and hence his bad behaviour. People I know have eaten there but my hasty 1 star rating was over beer price which was harsh hence the removal of the 1 star rating. It is you that is Pathetic and an apology is not needed.
  17. My after shave is not that bad and I don't get drunk I like to go many different places for a change, his place is off my list for the price of beer not what he did.
  18. 90 baht for large bottle Chang I pay 52 and and 60 in my pub restaurants I go to so when asked by google to review apart from the initual contact my casual response of 1 star was not fair so that why I edited and removed it.
  19. Again fair call, I wiil not review anything anymore.
  20. Fair call again but after what his wife said to my wife when my wife was trying make amends and to talk to her trying to de-escalate the situation that happened in my pub restaurant, that ain't gonna happen.
  21. Dunno what you mean.
  22. Yeah my mates said that I shouldn't use my real name on Google when giving star ratings. I'm gonna rate anything any more. My mates all wanted to know the name of the restaurant to give it one star I said no way. They have problems enough in the village now because of Thai gossip thats gonna be bad enough.
  23. Whow ! That's a bit of a deep post are you a mate of his, or you do not understand the casual approach I took to rate the place the way I saw it right or wrong excepted. So answer this, does what I did deserve threats after being hunted down or just a hello excuse me why did you give our restaurant one star.
  24. That's what my wife told me funny enough but I told her I don't care what he thinks. Last fight I had was in UK 23 years ago when a guy said you married a packy I said no she is Thai he said there just the same. ????
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