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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. In negotiations the " illegal and unprovoked " words wouldn't go down well.
  2. I would say fair call but it goes much deeper and more complicated than an agreement.
  3. I agree with your view point. As an individual with just my wife and her family next door in a village living cost increases for me over the 16 years I've been here I have not been noticing much except diesel and petrol and that's always gone up and down over the years.
  4. In my experience not average I would say it's the working class self employed that struggle and many just rely on the 800 baht a month from the gov.
  5. Thanks for posting a lot of past and news gets swept under the carpet when some actions in the present starts and then emotions cloud the truth. Someone close to Putin has appeal to him to cease and negotiate or take him out.
  6. Depends whether there young conscripts or vet soldiers and nobody seems to know what the real situation it because of the propergander and exaggeration on both sides.
  7. Veggies are locally grown for us. Some other stuff will go up because of vehicle fuel costs. Fuels been higher than it is now some years back. It's still a very low cost of living here.
  8. So what is the price increase I still paid 580 for a box 12 chang classic.
  9. There still reporting there humanitarian rescue of their bro's in Ukraine.
  10. Not sure what you mean, since the end of WW2 they call it the long peace but look at history e.g. 20 years in Afganistan. I remember as a kid after ww2 when my Dad come back how relatively poor we were and how long it took to get to a reasonable living standard. Myself have only had a brief encounter with the PLO in Qatar. I not good at taking orders I could only be conscripted into a service in a war. All I can say in a war situation I would get my family to safety far away asap. I cannot imagine how the Ukrainian people fleeing are feeling I hope I never will.
  11. Well either one will be better than the situation continuing as it is at the moment. Things are getting worse by day in Ukraine and there needs to be and end to it one way or the other.
  12. Mistakes on both sides have been made in history. It seems nothing is learn from them. The majority of people in the world now I believe want peace and just get on with their lives. Maybe there could be an end of the world or hopefully everyone listens to imagine by John Lennon.
  13. I agree to anything that will stop the loss of human lives. Whether it's exceptable by all in the situation that Ukraine finds itself remains to be seen.
  14. Using an example of a personal attack on my life is pointless of course I would seek refuge in his house after I had killed him and rescued his family from improper behaviour in neighborhood of such a person. There are are Russian people in Ukraine why would they not use those routes.
  15. Not stupid at all to take those routes if you wish to survive I knew you say that as you don't seem to care if Ukrainians continue to suffer and die.
  16. Your like a broken line on a 78 record. Ukraine has been invaded. Demands have been made before and during the invasion. Whether or not Ukraine except demands is up to them. I just believe it would be the way to go.
  17. It would be Ukraine agreeing to Russia's terms not the world being negative with some redrawing of border lines in Ukraine will bring peace and stop the needles loss of lives.
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