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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. It's not so much inflation in our village it's lack of work to as shops and restaurants are shut up because of covid and people using takeaway. My wife has problems with people not being able to pay their rent because of the the lack of customers.
  2. Hi if the car has one, that could well be more of a rattle noise but tensioners can make noises. The shalfs on pulleys get dust and when worn can get squeaky not a big problem but annoying. At some stage best to just get it fixed or turn the radio up. ????
  3. Yeah they get squeaky and dry but when there done there done and OP's 150k kilos ain't that much.
  4. Why because the same has been done by western countries in the past but that's OK OK when it come to western media.
  5. I'd pick up excuse the pun a cheap 2 door Vigo. Age would be no concern as long as it's running and taxed and insured.
  6. Only you can decide that yourself. Someone with a Aerox will say it's better than a Nmax and vice versa.
  7. Have you tried spraying the alternator pulley with some WD40 and if that stops the noise get a can of grease spray.
  8. 6 months I wouldn't do anything other put pest repellent under the bonnet and inside the car, make sure aircon vent is shut.
  9. Well they can't get a license until they pass there test in Thailand. They need a driver accompanying them that has a 5 year Thai DL. Schools seem to be the best way to go these days.
  10. Russia's still heading for Kyiv too so a lot of good that's doing.
  11. Why what's the difference of NATO sending arms over the border and Ukrainian pilots flying jets over the border. Or what wrong with sticking the planes on trucks and delivering them with the trucks that are taking arms over the border.
  12. It wouldn't bother me to ride it as long as no-body was coming the other way.
  13. So jet fighters arn't consider as arms which they are already supplying Ukraine with, I just don't get it.
  14. Yeah people are saying Boris is so jammy the invasion came just at the right time. ????
  15. That's the problem here it was not one sided it was stated history of event the likes of the truth.
  16. There's no other choice other than waiting for the possibility of Putin being taken out of power.
  17. The terms have been layed out by Russia I don't think they will move on those.
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