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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. It's just ceiling system that was common and easy to install years ago. As seen it hang under a roof structure also under concrete planks of and upstairs room. In our under roof space upstairs above the ceiling I used the steel structure to stand on with a plank also to install rolls of foil covered fibreglass insulation. Not only was it better to contain the cool air from the air-con it reduced a considerable amount of noise from outside.
  2. If a ceiling can't take the weight of fibre covered foil rolls for which it is designed to do then the only explanation is your builder don't wanna do it. The insulation of the underside of a roof can be done after but should be done while laying the roof is under construction.
  3. Because there's only a one-side report anything else true or not is propergander.
  4. If your ceiling is non removable and you want to insulate the ceiling it is done by accessing a ceiling space from part removal of the roof. Whether it could be carried out would be down to the ceiling structure.
  5. It's a tiled ceiling within a grid of T bars and cross T bars supported by wire. Like a room of ours but OP has rectangle ceiling tiles our one has square.
  6. Wrong words maybe I me alone see as a back down from his initial rhetoric. As I said France 24 translation was he would agree to No-Join NATO in the peace talks. It will be repeated all day so look for yourself.
  7. 106 is a good road then onto Pia maybe unless you have done it. Nam mountain roads is a great ride. Lots of road works knocking about but not too bad.
  8. A France 24 translation report this morning of how understood it.
  9. All the quotes about my opinion and actuations of how I think if it helps you fine. So I haven't condemned Russia's and Putin attack in any of my quotes OK. As I said Ukrainians President is started to back down and will agree to a no-join NATO agreement.
  10. I know now that wanted to stop the death of people on both sides is a terrible thing to say thanks for pointing that out.
  11. I fully agree with you but many people are supporting Putin that's what I hope changes and he is stopped.
  12. I hope not for much longer the sooner Putin is stopped in whatever way without esculating the war the better.
  13. You are funny push back as much as you like I will still post my opinion on the situation like it or not. Next.
  14. I heard on BBC world talking to a Ukrainian guy that is was over 200 cars and they went through Russian held territory so let's hope more get out.
  15. I'm a great believer in Toyota so just service it at a good dealership or vehicle servicing company and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
  16. Yeah it is frustrating but keep asking about, I would say most the guys who know will be in Bkk.
  17. Tell me who to ask I have only my own opinion on the situation.
  18. Propergander in war is what you'll get, don't listen or read media and wait for the outcome then.
  19. Try a different Izusu dealer by posting where you live so others here can recommend one. We have a car electrical shop that sorts air-cons maybe there one where you live. Try a Cockpit or BQuik and if they cannot help they usually know someone who can.
  20. Well like it or not it's war the fact is that many people are dying no credible links are required.
  21. The shelling of parts of Ukraine by the Ukrainian forces I thought is the excuse for Putin to conduct his rescue mission.
  22. I've got use to it, they leave indicators on as well. You just have to be aware of what goes on here on the roads to stay safe. What can do is hand out some old CD's to them to fix on the rear. ????
  23. Good to see a lady getting a sign on Russian TV, I hope this will be a start of Russian people getting Putin out of power. Sadly the bombardment of Kyiv centre has started.
  24. Whataboutism history is the reason for Putin carrying out his so called rescue mission of Ukraine.
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