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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Thank-you for a sensible post. 10 out of 10. ????
  2. There's a few of them around here because lots of forests about. There illegal to use on road by all accounts but people do. I can only suggest you go to your local DLT and ask politely there what they know.
  3. Have double or triple glazing installed. Have secondary door fitted either inside or the outer side of the existing room doors. Insulate the ceiling if not already done so. If the walls are thin insulate them with foam board & plasterboard sandwich construction from inside. If you can and prefer you can space the outside wall with brick ties, insulate and have an outer finished brick wall built. Put thick heavy curtains that are also lined to windows and also to inside of the doors. If you have to ask how much will it cost you can't afford it.
  4. They have Pfizer in Sukhothai I've had both Pfizer's the 2nd one affected more than the first, felt a bit flu like for a couple of days no big problem. My wife 1st jab was Sinovac and no real symptoms her 2nd is Oct 10th and she said that will be Sinovac. In Sukhothai it seems there is no choice. The fact your son made up his own mind to be vaccinated is good and I hope he can get access to Pfizer.
  5. Why are they working on mRNA vaccine because it's different to the one they produced to protect their population quicker than anyone else, is that an OK answer for another criticizer of the Chinese people.
  6. As usual USA number 1 and I believe Sinovac was ordered in the beginning Brazil for example because it was produced in great quantities fast nothing else was available and then all the western vaccines started coming out in greater numbers Oh!! It's rubbish, typical. ???? It's W. H. O. approved.
  7. The Black Death came from China too and was found in an area of China in 2016 from memory. Mix that with covid whow!!
  8. Only irresponsible people would post what you are posting. What Scientist college did you come from the Red Bell bar.
  9. That's goes all against Scientists and Doctors and NHS Staff in the field. You would have to report on the condition of of every case of the people you know especially the one who died. My daughter is a Paramedic Emergency Ambulance driver and she and her colleges are fed up with going to pick up people who haven't been vaccinated and have ended up getting covid. One of my sons in UK had both jabs and got covid and felt bad but not hospitalize. 5 days or so he was fine.
  10. My wife was told in Sukhothai the Pfizer is only for falangies.
  11. I don't have a problem with vaccines, I think it would be fair to say of the vaccines in USA given how many were Sinovac the first vaccine produced I believe. As said before there's 4 types of vaccines produced last I looked maybe there's later ones now. Or previous ones alter or upgraded.
  12. Fair whose being fair. If it was my school I wouldn't sign anything if the vaccine has been approved by W.H.O. You would have to address to issues to the Thai govt or W.H.O.
  13. All I know is our Local govt hospital vaccinated Thais and my Mrs with Sinovac and others with Sinofarm they wouldn't give me Sinovac they said I'd have to wait until they receive Pfizer which they did in August and had my 2nd in September.
  14. I thought it was the govt that is ruling the vax rules. My Mrs is getting vaccinated because she will be allowed to serve and open up her café if she had 2 jabs.
  15. On my phone can go straight to ANF with no problem. On my computer is was the same until yesterday saying. What am I supposed to do anyone thanks.
  16. How are your LED bulbs holding up I have bought 6 and 2 work.!!!
  17. There a list of what is required for marriage extension, I follow it to the correct order every year since the Sukhothai immigration office opened, I know there boss is CM immigration. This was our 4th attempt at getting it right and every year they change something and move the goal posts. I guess there's nothing you can do about OK but it had been good for anger management. This time a letter from the bank dated the day before we went to the imm office to confirm the amount money required was not good enough as it has been for the last 3 times also the bank book updated on the 6th and us going on the 7th was not good enough when it was the last 3 times. The guy there was OK with but when God checked she told him no, everything from must be dated same day you come. Good job imm is not far it was at Maesot before but we never had any trouble at all with them.
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