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Everything posted by Kwasaki

  1. Well I don't know I could understand higher service costs if you take a Toyota to main dealer they will always find something they say needs doing or it needs this additive or that additive. At Cockpit where I go the 4x4 vigo never cost anymore than the 2wd Isuzu in my experience.
  2. Well you sound depressed, I was having a bad time with Asthma which ain't much fun but went to the local hospital and check me out great. Get ya self down to govt hospital and get em to sort you out, 65 is young these days.
  3. Hope you are getting picture now about people on this forum. There is an ignore facility available. ????
  4. I want to still be riding my big bike at 80 it will make me feel good just like it does now.
  5. Looked at a full new system for my Blade 28,000 baht. ????
  6. Well I have to get the truck very muddy skidding around on our farmland after all the resent rainfall we have had.
  7. Agree 4x4 I have missed. The Isuzu we bought as a workhorse and it's been great and so cheap to own compared to the Vigo 4x4. A couple of 100 baht can get you pulled out whenever we have been struck and just take corners slow in the wet. ????
  8. Horses for courses used Cockpit for servicing the 4x4 Vigo and Toyota money grabber dealer was outed after first free service. I use our Vigo's 4wd all the time in the wet and on long journeys for 7 years. Our Isuzu 2 wheel rear wheel drive has been struck 3 times since owing it but been treated the same after first free service with Isuzu has been serviced at Cockpit ever since.
  9. Agree the Vigo 4x4 was bad in 2 wheel around corners so the Vigo I had was rear suspension tuned at Cockpit and I use to drive in 4x4 on long runs it was on rails. There's not a lot different in speed between 2•8 & 3•0, the 2•8 obviously must be smoother and and more refined you would expect it to be. I'm never likely to buy a Tuna now but if I did it would be 4x4.
  10. I have driven quite a few SUV's and the Fortuner I did like it but it was the 3•0L 2 wheel drive my Vigo 4x4 was just as good. As for people who want a SUV they good value. After driving Mazda CX9 that is what I would want so I'll stick with my truck.
  11. You have you view and opinions that's a fair call on a forum. I have always been what they call here a big motorbike enthusiast I don't think you understand people who like motorbikes. There many big bikes that make noise not just H.D's because of the large engines.
  12. I think in 20 years young people will still be smoking pot. Seat belts dunno I rarely wear one. My motorbike exhaust is loud but passing the noise inspection test. For electric bikes you can buy speakers so it sounds like a motorbike. ????
  13. I bought cheap just to try them out. The first pair 1 went quick, bought 4 more expensive ones and only 1 out of 3 worked. ???? The 2 are still working good but one flickers. How long have you had them ??
  14. Be fair my mind still works. ???? I can ride my bike.
  15. His referring to different type HD sound I think. Harley's are allowed up to 99 decibels in Thailand.
  16. Fair call, it's nice where I live lots of quiet road and highways at certain times of the day. Make it a pleasure for me to ride out and feel good.
  17. Your not a bike person are you. ???? I'm 74 ride my supersport bike and I feel 44 again riding it and it sounds sweet, passed the exhaust noise inspection last week. I ask the guy is the noise level high, he said yes but you can make it noiser if want to. ????
  18. That's unfair depends where you live it was gonna cost me more than 5000 baht to do it myself.
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