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Posts posted by chang1

  1. 12 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    Actually I just read the article and was totally gobsmacked, if you haven't read it, I would suggest you do as it says face masks are dangerous to the wearer, and that is the NIH stating it.


    I couldn't believe what I was reading, but when I saw it was from NIH, I said it has to be credible. 

    I only skimmed through but soon came to the conclusion it was mostly truths and half truths twisted to give the wrong conclusions.

    It was not from the NIH just look at the reference list - 67 of them so credibility is suspect.


    Masks especially the thin blue ones don't stop you getting covid19 and it has never been claimed they do - by anyone clued up. They are worn to reduce (not stop) the transmission of covid19 by reducing the droplets coming out of your mouth, especially when talking or coughing, from spreading. This reduces transmission by about 30% according to the last figures I saw.

    The article also goes on about breathing problems - absolutely not a problem for all but those with severe breathing problems. Funny how some cannot walk from the restaurant front door to a table wearing a mask but are quite happy to sit around people when they should obviously be shielding at home if they are that ill. 


    Masks are for other people's benefit not yours so selfish people will use any excuse to not wear them hence this biased article. 


    One real problem I didn't see mentioned that is real is glasses or in my case safety glasses get steamed up making it hard to see where you are going or what you are doing (it is still  cold in the UK). This is a real danger.


    I will now look at the article you linked to from the same source and expect much of the same bias.


    • Thanks 2
  2. 19 minutes ago, Johnnyb2good said:

    Hi guys! Wanted to put the FINAL nail in your hoax coffin.


    The coffin that has “sociopathologized” virtually everyone in this group, the ones who can’t wait for a deadly “vax,” the ones who have locked themselves away in mortal fear for over a year, the ones who staunchly and religiously wear their ridiculous face-panties even when driving alone and admonish those who don’t...it’s all a lie.


    All of it.


    Should you have even ONE shred of intelligence and intellectual curiosity left in your brain...read and download your beloved science from the NIH. Do so now as they’re deleting it and people across all platforms desperate to hide the truth.


    It’s over.



    There's no hope for some people once they join the cult.


    "It’s over" - if only that was true. Unfortunately for Thailand it is just about to take off.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


    I hear you loud and clear, however I still have time as there isn't any vaccine here yet, when it arrives, I will more than likely have to go with one the mRNA ones via a private hospital, and from what I have read, they have the least, AZ & J&J would be like Russian Roulette for me.

    I just hope the vaccines don't have a yet to be discovered major problem like Thalidomide had. 

    Hope all goes well for you and that if you do get your vaccine of choice you feel the relief I did when first my father was vaccinated and again when I was. I often work close with others and thin blue masks don't give me much confidence. I always wore an N95 mask but now am happy with the blue masks.

    • Thanks 1
  4. 5 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:



    Walking time bombs after being vaccinated, coincidence, maybe, the risks are low they are saying, that appears to be the case when you see the number of people vaccinated surviving the vaccination vs those vaccinated that don't, usually within a week or two after having been vaccinated.


    Risk is weighed up according to ones own views and to me, any risk of death is high, and in this life we have lived, the risks have always been there, pick any risk you like, it is still a risk, high/low, but to me, while they don't know what is causing these blood clots at the moment and saying it is a coincidence doesn't rub off well on me, e.g. they are saying a person could have had a stroke a week or two later if they didn't have the vaccine, so it might not be the "experimental vaccine", they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people, but that is enough for me when they say, it's a coincidence until they can establish causality, but in the meantime the show must go on for them and if this was an approved vaccine, those deaths would have stopped these vaccines in their tracks, but because it's approved under emergency use, they can still go forward, regardless if more people die, regardless if the risks are low, life is cheap.



    "they don't know, and that is what they should be saying, but they don't want to panic people" - that clearly is what they are saying as shown in your linked article.

    As it is so rare, it is not clear if blood clots are linked but the research is ongoing as it certainly has not been ruled out. 

    Even if they are certain that vaccines caused these people to die for no known reason, I would still want to be vaccinated as the risk is so low compared to not being vaccinated. 


    To me there are 2 reasons to get vaccinated which need to be weighed up against the risks of being infected with covid19 or risks of vaccine side effects. 


    First is the obvious, well proven benefit of having a far greater chance of surviving after being infected and a much less chance of suffering from long covid.


    Second is by being vaccinated you help reduce the spread of covid19 to those around you. This is something you seem not to take into account. You may be asymptomatic but you could infect a member of your family who has a serious reaction to covid19. When people stopped giving the MMR vaccine to children,  due to the false claims it caused autism, it seriously reduced herd immunity and caused a lot of suffering. 


    Risk of being infected in Thailand is very low compared to where the UK was just 3 months ago. So there is little incentive to get vaccinated. Now that the UK strain is spreading that will change very quickly. Then look at what happens if you get infected. If you are young and healthy you will be at a very  low risk of dying but long covid could still be a problem. But what about those you live with or regularly visit? You may be OK but you could easily end up killing them. 


    Then there is the risk of vaccine side effects - incredibly low even from the lower quality ones like sputnik or sinovac. The UK started by vaccinating the most vulnerable people so if there was any significant problems they would have shown up already. You could say it is the world's biggest ever vaccine field trial ever conducted on an experimental vaccine and it passed spectacularly well.



    Being vaccinated is like wearing a seatbelt in the back seat of a car. It can not only save you but also the person sat in front of you. 


    You aren't just gambling with your life you are gambling with those around you as well and the odds are already stacked against you by a margin that is rapidly increasing. 

    • Thanks 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, Miami007 said:

    Once you are vaccinated, you are extremely unlikely to get infected and infect others. 

    66 million fully vaccinated in the USA and fewer than 6000 that got the virus. 99.99% protection is pretty good odds.


    Do you mean infected or affected? I thought the vaccines were around 90% effective but very few were affected enough to need hospital treatment. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, Benmart said:

    I am not qualified to determine if anyone has "a problem with alcohol", nor do I have an education or experience in rocketry.


    Those who pontificate, may believe they know more than the mere mortal beings who may have different opinions on this complex matter.

    Alcohol has been linked to increased infection rates right from the beginning due to it's effects on behaviour and the establishments it is consumed in. Clever people have already done the research and published the results. 

    • Like 2
  7. 45 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    100 %..........  After all these years abroad with all kinds of nastiness lurking around every corner i'm in the same boat....... Last time i was in Afrika i saw a man die of cerebral Malaria....... three days,    Brown bread !   I'll take my chances with C19 thanks......     As for experimental vaccines........ I'm no guinea pig..... 

    This is precisely why vaccine passports are essential. Even some nursing staff in old folks homes are refusing to get vaccinated. The UK government is debating whether or not to force them to and if vaccine passports should be made mandatory. There are many opposing them because they are "devicive". Surely that is the point - I want to be devided from these anti vaxers. Why should most of us get vaccinated and then have to mix with people who treat covid as if it is not a problem and vaccines as a problem?

    There should be consequences for those who refuse vaccines when they have been fully rolled out. Vaccines don't stop you spreading covid but they do reduce it which means less restrictions are required. It's like driving a car, we are all forced to take a test, making it safer for everyone. There will always be some who don't want to take a test and are statistically more dangerous to those they are near. If there are too many unlicensed drivers, the number of deaths will become high. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. 35 minutes ago, AMFWolfie said:

    compared with westerners Asian deaths are massively lower than their western counterparts and that's a fact.

    Not that simple. Climate and culture will be playing a much bigger role. Deaths are less but death rate is similar and in the UK Asians are more susceptible than farang. The UK strain is about to show how bad covid is. 

    You are doing the right thing by getting out before it gets too bad. The UK was bleak after Xmas but now things are really looking up but the other strains are not far away. I picked up 28 free lateral flow test kits no questions asked (except how many I wanted) this week. So along with the tests I get when visiting sites and my vaccine I should have a good chance to stop me unknowingly pass covid on to the rest of my family. The testing station where I got the tests from was empty whereas they used to have a que.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Psychic said:

    Yes, some of the horror stories emerging out of Brazil are truly frightening.


    Some hospitals have run out of anaesthetic and have had to intubate patients by restraining them.

    A nurse described it as torture.

    President Jair Bolsonaro has told Brazilians to "stop whining" about Covid-19, as he criticised measures to curb the virus despite a surge in cases and deaths.

    His comments came a day after Brazil saw a record rise in deaths over a 24-hour period.





    We worry too much.


    • Haha 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Seems like coverment chest is empty! Last year needed only few case's and they lock down hole country and ban alcohol sell! Now seems like nobody give a F! If dont have money why buying stupid submarines! Its more important to them than peoples well being.

    Simple, they and the wealthy have now been vaccinated and feel safe the rest are expendable. 

    • Like 2
  11. 4 hours ago, DBath said:

    It would be interesting to see the number of active cases by age group, cross tabulated by province.  The gov’t should publish, then we could have a more in-depth and intelligent conversation. 

    That would be a lot of numbers but I would expect them to be similar to other countries. Here's some figures for comparison for England during lockdown (bars, pubs, non essential shops, hairdressers etc closed) and people being vaccinated (one or more doses) eldest first down to those over 50 



    Estimated percentage of the population testing positive for the coronavirus (COVID-19) on nose and throat swabs, daily, by age group since 21 February 2021, England
    Thailand needs to do a lot more testing to make a meaningful comparison but there is little doubt that young people are far more likely to spread covid if there are no restrictions in place and they are the last ones to be vaccinated. 
    They should not be blamed for it but instead restrictions should allow for this fact. Closing places where they meet such as bars and education establishments will be far more effective than asking them to distance. Blame those that allow young people to get together not the young people. 
  12. 2 hours ago, Surelynot said:

    As explained in some articles the vaccine will not necessarily prevent the spread, but limit hospitalizations and deaths.......turning it into an everyday illness, rather than a life threatening illness.........the UK is already expecting a upsurge in infections even with the relatively successful and aggressive vaccination program.......as Johnson said (not a lie this time) cases will increase as we ease lockdown as the decline in cases was due to lockdown not the vaccine.

    True, except vaccines do also reduce the infection rate. The current vaccines can handle the UK variant but the SA and Brazilian strains are more dangerous, so we still need to be cautious. Vaccines will always be behind the latest strains just as the flue vaccines are. Covid19 will be around in some form for years to come. Vaccines will enable us to live with it just as we live with flue. The question is how many people will we sacrifice yearly in return for a normal life without restrictions? Of course everyone will have a different answer largely depending on how vulnerable they are, hence the headline. 

    My cunning plan is to change 2 of the normal vaccine priority groups. Government members and wealthy hisos should be last in line not first. This simple and easily enforced rule would concentrate efforts like nothing else ever could. Instead of the general public being expendable they suddenly become a priority. The headline would then be "Young people still being infected due to the governments slow rollout of effective vaccines". 




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