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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Watching American politics is like waiting for a train wreck. You know it is going to be bad, you just don't know how bad.
  2. My boys went to this school. It's a huge school of roughly 6,000 students, all boys, in grades 1-12. 200 infections really isn't that many when you consider 6,000 students and about 400 staff.
  3. Looks like a lot of guys married to Thai women will have to have the Thai wives make the hotel bookings when they go somewhere in country.
  4. For many reasons, I don't think Thailand will be successful in winning the bid to host the World Cup.
  5. The woman is nothing but a train wreck. I feel sorry for anyone that gets involved with her and her poor kids who have to endure having a mother like that plastered all over the tabloids.
  6. Glad that she was found safe and unharmed.
  7. Do you have some examples? 1) in state vs out of state university tuition? 2) resident vs non resident for local attractions?
  8. Currently the Thai baht has been on an upward trend ranging from 35.17 to 35.4308 to the US dollar.
  9. Agreed! Why would anyone from Europe, the US, Canada want to go to Thailand during the rainy season in Thailand and the peak of the northern hemisphere summer? On top of that airfare is always higher. November through mid-March? Ok, that is a more conducive time to travel to Thailand while the northern hemisphere is in the midst of winter.
  10. My luk krung son was looking to come over to Thailand in December. Airfare jumped from a high of around $900 to $1350 economy in a matter of weeks. Those are about the cheapest fares around. A lot are in the $1500-$1600 range. A far cry from when they were $600-$750 just a few years ago. Maybe after September the prices will come down some.
  11. I think a few Thai riders are going to have to die before anything starts to get done. Farangs are simply expendable.
  12. Watching the video was a bit unnerving. The farang was very compliant after he was on the beach. He made no attempt to push the long poles away. Never lunged at the advancing police. He easily turned over onto his stomach which you want in order to place the handcuffs on him. It doesn't always go that way. When on the sand it took only one officer to put him in handcuffs. A non-compliant person will take a lot more than one officer to handcuff him. Try 3-5, it's not that easy.
  13. Ah, but were they local Thais or Thai tourists? Not that any Thai or Thai tourist would ever be carrying the dreaded Monkeypox.
  14. Thailand ranking 110 out of 180 puts them a bit on the below average side of things. No surprise there.
  15. I wonder where Mr. Wanchai is getting his information from? Any verified research that concludes tourists could infect the macaques with the virus that causes monkey pox?
  16. I use the A/C on at night but it is set to a low fan speed and at about 26C. I also try to keep the unit from blowing directly on me as it gets too cold.
  17. We did this through the Thai Consulate in Chicago. We made an in person visit. They registered the marriage and sent us copies through the mail. Very easy. Later we also applied in person for Thai passports for our two kids. They arrived a few weeks later in the mail. Much easier than doing any of this in Thailand. This was also 30-35 years ago so it's definitely not current information.
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