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Everything posted by Hanuman2547

  1. Perhaps the Russian government could organise a very large cruise ship and then set sail from Bangkok to Vladivostok. From there they could either take a 10 hour flight or a six day train trip to Moscow.
  2. As far as I'm concerned they can be flown by a Russian government plane back to Moscow. Just make sure everything has been paid before they leave including the fuel for the plane!
  3. If it was my hotel I would only accept Russians if they can pay in advance in cash.
  4. I was living on Soi 10 in 1999 when the Green walkway was completed. It was very nice to use going from Soi 10 to Lumpini Park.
  5. Perhaps the Russian government should charter a plane from Phuket or Bangkok and fly it to Tbilsi, Georgia and then they can bus it from there back to Moscow or wherever else they need to go in Russia. Option 2 would be to charter a plane to Bucharest, Romania and then they could take a bus across Ukraine to Moscow. I'm sure it would be an interesting bus ride.
  6. Too "small" for these pitchmen (and women) who are basically pimps for the major hotels and tourist industry.
  7. Can you take a large growler to a brewpub, have them fill it and then take it home? It's a common practice in the US. Or does Thai law prevent you from leaving the premises with a craft beer? Asking for a friend.
  8. Need to stop buying oil and everything else from Russia. A full economic boycott of the country. Putin has gone mad and is a threat to Ukraine and possibly more countries.
  9. Congratulations! I hope he goes faster next year!
  10. Ukraine needs to send a very special set of people. People that have a very special set of skills. Skills that can render Mr. Putin to be incapacitated.
  11. Stop Police corruption? It's more likely to snow two feet deep in Bangkok than to stamp out RTP corruption!
  12. "The Minister revealed that the idea of a land entry fee was firstly raised into discussion following the 2015 explosion at the Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, in which many foreign tourists were also injured." Perhaps had Thailand had better intelligence on the Erawan Shrine bombing it could have been avoided. Instead they would just like to take the easy route and tack on an entry fee.
  13. A very sad and tragic accident. I hope that a thorough investigation will find out exactly what happened. RIP to the bicycle rider.
  14. Pushed, jumped, accidentally fell, the possibilities are many. First off, all railings should be 1.2m high. That would solve a lot of problems. Won't stop a determined jumper though.
  15. Just a terrible look. That's not how to attract tourists. Of course, with the current Thailand Pass system that is killing tourism anyway.
  16. "Speaking to Thai language news outlet Bangkok Biz News, Tourism and Sports Minister Pipat Ratchakitprakarn explained that Thailand Pass is a state registration system and it can not simply be cancelled. “The Thailand Pass system cannot be cancelled because it holds data and important information on tourists which can be used to trace them when they travel in Thailand,” Mr Pipat said. Since July 2021, anyone visiting Thailand has been required to register using the Thailand Pass system." What a load of rubbish. Yes, it can be cancelled. You didn't even have it just a little while ago. You just need to dismantle the system. Why the need to track the movements of every tourist entering Thailand? Is this North Korea or the former East Germany? You already have hotels required to report all foreigners staying at their hotel to immigration. What's next, ankle bracelets with GPS monitoring? I see an increase in tourists bypassing Thailand and going to Vietnam, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Laos.
  17. How does the Motorcycle taxi guy know how much she is pulling in each day? On another note, it sure pays a lot more than teaching English
  18. Well they might use Krung Thep but very few use Krung Thep Maha Nakhon in everyday conversations. It's just too long!
  19. Vietnam changed the name of Saigon to Ho Chi Minh City after the end of the American War in 1975. 45+ years later the local people there call it.............Saigon. Looks like it didn't really take hold. I wouldn't expect the Thais to really accept this change that much in their daily lives either.
  20. The competition for tourists among the countries of SE will be won by the nation that has the least amount of hoops to jump through.
  21. They have also developed some very good skills which combined with their ability to work for a lot less than an American film crew makes them very employable.
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