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Posts posted by jcb2001

  1. Not what I read from another source.

    It said that a Chinese Govt web site had reported the premier saying there was no G 2 G deal for rice but Chinese importers would buy 200,000 tones per year from Thai exporters for the next 5 years.

    No doubt this would be new seasons rice so there would be no decrease of the millions of tons in stock

    Unfortunately there has been so much BS from this Govt that it is difficult to believe what they say, they have of course brought that on themselves.

    Usually, an announcement like this is done in a joint communication with both countries speaking about the reached deal (MOU).

    I, for one, don't trust one thing PM Yingluck says. She has a history of distorting the facts to fit her's and Pheu Thai's needs.

    I'm sure China has a different slant or view on what was agreed to.

    • Like 1
  2. During his studies abroad, he has learned from many professors. Detailed money laundering from the university of Montenegro. The use of blood diamonds as a medium of exchange Africa. The ins and out of professional sports from FIFA. How he is lecturing in Beijing on how to set up a one ASIA under the Shin Dynasty, bringing out his Chinese heritage.thumbsup.gif

    While hanging out in China and planning his next step for "One Asia", maybe Thaksin will step on a few toes of the Chinese political elite. I'm sure they just won't ask him politely to leave the country as they did to him in Dubai.

  3. "...but who also get behind the wheel of a vehicle without having the correct documentation, such as an international driving license."

    Rental cars do not require international driving licenses ... does anyone know if Thai law does?

    From my understanding you do require an international licence that is translated into Thai and if you are in the country for 3 months or more then you require a Thai driver licence. Australia has the same laws. I have also heard that if you are involved in a collision then the Thai insurance companies will only accept a Thai driver licence but I will stand corrected.

    Been driving all over Thailand for the past 5 years with my Nevada DL. Never got a Thai DL or International DL. Checked numerous times at police checkpoints without any problems.

    Guess I'll have to get a Thai DL if they press the issue now.

  4. This is quite common in undeveloped country like Thailand !!!

    Sorry I don't think its common AT ALL!

    It might not be unusual but it certainly is not common.

    Suggest you visit Issan, especially Ubon during morning rush hour. This is very common here.

    • Like 1
  5. I would consider a Yamaha if i were you , far better build quality and better resale value than any Honda.Have a look at a Yamaha Nouvoe ,Mio or Spark. Dont forget good safety equipment,good luck,and take it steady. .

    Questionable if Yamaha is of better quality. Your opinion I guess. I only see young school girls driving around on small Yamahas like the Mio with automatic transmissions. Not much of a man's bike with a floorboard to plant your feet on. These bikes are called scooters, not motorcycles. A 110 cc bike will beat you to death after several hours of highway speeds. Get a real motorcycle with as much cc's as you can afford. And forget the automatic transmission, as they are nightmares to get worked on.

  6. "Chamlong Srimuang of the now-inactive People's Alliance for Democracy was spot-on last month when he said all this tension would be reduced if the government put a brake on the amnesty, reconciliation and charter-amendment bills."

    Maybe there is still hope for Thailand. Hope Pheu Thai sees the writing on the wall and backs off its aggressive push to pass all these bills through at once. Great article. Keep up the good work Wasant and The Nation.

  7. Great stuff if you like irony. Thaksin has taken corruption to levels undreamed

    of by past piggies at the trough. Now he wants to end it ?? Too funny for

    words. Sometimes I feel like I am living in the Twilight Zone here.

    Where the absurd becomes reality.....

    UURRR realy,, seems to me there was a corrupt I'm above the law guy in the U.S,,, NIXON, check matewhistling.gif

    Just curious. What does Nixon have to do with Thaksin?

  8. What happened to having a public referendum to constitutional charter changes? Am I missing something?

    A bill this important needs the utmost scrutiny before it is made law of the land. Getting the people's approval in a referendum would have gone a long way in either supporting or rejecting the most important bill the country of Thailand faces. I thought this was part of the process. I guess I'm wrong.

    • Like 2
  9. Laughable - but equally sad.

    With all the problems at home, the rarely present PM/DM wants to travel more to lobby for Thailand to get a seat on the UNSC. All window dressing to show how important and powerful the Shin clan are. Sadly millions of poor Thai people who have been deprived of an education will believe what they are told.

    "Sorry your house is flooded again - and you haven't had the promised money from the last flood yet. But the PM/DM is doing a wonderful job lobbying for our country to be internationally recognized for its stand against corruption, human trafficking and rights abuses and our stand for democracy. Even the UN takes her seriously. Of course, she needed a budget for all this but its money well spent. Much more important than infrastructure, health, education and water management."

    In the other thread ("Why is Yingluck not goint to Washington"), you wrote that "The US can't invite the proxy of a criminal fugitive for an official visit"...

    The article of The Nation in the OP of that thread was a delight for the usual Yingluck-PT haters, with immediate sarcastic replies... Most posters writing in that thread were really happy to read that Yingluck could not be the host of the US for countless reasons. A real great article whistling.gif

    Now that the same newspaper reports that the US government has said it was ready to host Yingluck as a state guest (making at the same time the speculations of the other "journalist" rather wrong)... you come up with millions of poor Thai people who are deprived of this and that, flooded, bla bla bla, no money, ... bla bla bla ... Yingluck spending the people's money... No infrastructure, health, education,, water management...

    It's funny how you guys find enough time to write all this... You don't miss one occasion to criticize the government... one way or the other, it does not matter, as long as you can criticize clap2.gif

    It's also funny that when the Yingluck administration has a plan to develop the infrastructure... You don't like it. Thaksin's 30b health care for the poors... Not good enough. When the government distributes tablets to students... You hate it. When Yingluck wants to spend billions to avoid floods and have a better water management... You only speak about corruption... But when Yingluck is travelling abroad, then you imply that she gives more importance to the UN than to infrastructure, health, education and water management... blink.png

    I wish Yingluck a very good and productive trip to the US and the UN.

    I look forward to see the pictures of her encounter with Obama on this forum thumbsup.gif

    It will be quite ironic to see Yingluck at the UN talking about Human Rights.

    • Like 1
  10. Yingluck has done more to advance Thailand in the international scene than any Thai politician. Her trips are far from 'lavish' and she is strengthening the importance of Thailand globally. Thailand remains a pretty important geo-political player.

    Of course, she could just stay home and do her nails, but then she would be bashed for not doing enough to further the country.


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  11. On the bright side, that was efficient, on the down side, Thailand needs to start more screening, there are far too many international fugitives heading here.

    "Thailand needs to start more screening"

    "A New York District Court issued a warrant for his arrest on July 17,” he said.

    β€œHe used his passport to enter Thailand at Phuket Airport on September 6

    "We were informed by the US Embassy in Bangkok today that Mr Hunter was in Phuket."

    Or maybe their countries of origin need to keep track of their "fugitives" and step up screening who's leaving their countries. It seems the US and European borders are awfully porous and the surveillance by the various police forces rather lax. If the US embassy knew his whereabouts at this point, why did the US not know he was travelling out of country in the first place. His passport should have been seized or revoked on July 17th.

    Good point. The problem is America does not have a formal exit control program. Customs does not have the manpower to check passports on departing travelers. I believe there is talk that TSA start doing this. A big mistake as I don't think any TSA agent could even tie his own shoestrings, much less find a wanted person departing the country. Entering the US is a different story.

  12. Madness, I arrive on my own yacht, which in the past i have done, according to this if I am washing down my decks am I liable to prosecution for working, or I am repairing the radar same again



    I know the Philippines would welcome foreigners there who want to build or repair their own yachts.  No questions asked.  What's wrong with Thailand?  We are not welcome anymore?  For the first time in 5 years, my retirement visa was not approved due to new requirements that are not in writing.  Just the immigration officer's discretion as to what they need for documentation.  It's time to reconsider my desire to live in Thailand.

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