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trainman34014 last won the day on February 6 2019

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About trainman34014

  • Birthday 11/14/1945

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    Chiang Mai

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  1. And that hits the nail on the head, as the Thai 'version' of Buddhism allows them to become a Monk/Nun for a short spell, Make Merit, do a few dozen Wai's and all will be forgiven and even forgotten ! A Country that just lives on excuses for all wrongs, no matter how serious those wrongs may be.
  2. If you don't like heat why are you in a Tropical Country ?
  3. Really; have you seen the state of the Pavements in Hua Hin for instance ? The condition of the Roads around the Moat in Chiang Mai ? Electrics just about everywhere ?
  4. Some people might have to be woken up to deal with this and others might have to put down their Sweet Water Drinks and Doughnuts, both of these efforts will disrupt the normal slumber in Government Offices. As for 'Navigating these Waters'....they would have trouble Navigating a Duck Pond !
  5. Easy to forget now that Yingluck promised the HST from BKK to CNX would be completed by 2016; she even designed the on-board Lunch Boxes !
  6. Forward Planning is not a strong point in Thailand; tomorrow or the next day is about their idea of 'vision' of the future !
  7. Who cares ? One way or the other it won't help ordinary Thai's !
  8. Ah yes; who was it who put the C++t in Scunthorpe ?
  9. Buddhism not taken seriously in Thailand; just like everything else !
  10. Been here nearly 20 years and virtually nothing has improved on the roads. Indeed; things have actually got a lot worse and it's not just about the innefectiveness of the Thai Cops, who after all, have the same mindset as all other Thai's and the Uniform doesn't change that. I have spoken to many Thai Drivers about this particular problem at Crossings and almost to a Man/Woman their 'Attitude' is predominently that they (drivers) are more 'Important' than Pedestrians and people who want to cross the road should wait until the road is clear ! Echo's of what my good Wife told me when we first met...''Biggest problem in Thailand is 'Attitude' ''
  11. Just depends how much they are prepared to pay to continue to be A+++holes !
  12. I've got an idea that will solve this problem once and for all.....Stop Drinking and Stop visiting Bars !!
  13. My bet would be that the Pharmacy Owner is not in the 'Tea Club' and has no pick-up box on the wall that the BIB visit monthly . No Money= Zero Police Service !
  14. Seems to me Thai Men don't know the difference between Loss of Face and Loss of a Liabilty !
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