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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. We know severql 'Teachers' and they are all only interested in the job because of the Pension.    We also have a friend that works for the Government in a better job and she told us people only want to become Teachers when they can't get a better job....again for the Pension.    Not many have an actual interest in teaching Children.

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  2. 2 hours ago, FalangJaiDee said:

    Nice fantasy, boomer. 

    id like to take a PhD class on Thai psychology, particularly “face,” and crime+punishment. It is honestly fascinating to me and extremely enigmatic how weighty face loss is to them, the insane reaction, and also the very light jail sentences or fines imposed for vicious violence. The lengthy jail sentences deter most people in America from these acts, but in Thailand, I can *sort of* understand how someone would be willing to throw away only a few years of life if it meant absolving a massive degradation to their reputation in a society that prizes it.


    I’ve read “How Thais Lead,” and “Inside Thai Society,” but it’s only really the window dressing of their psyche. There doesn’t seem to be any kind of true introspective works that are native. 

    if any of you guys do know some good books on the topic I’d like to read 

    All i can tell you is that my Deceased Thai FIL Murdered another Man with a knife in cold blood one night after a drinking session.   The Man who died was his 'best friend'; who after drinking a fair bit said something FIL didn't like and out came the knife.  He was sentenced to 15 years in Prison but was out in 8, never showed any remorse for the rest of his life, never cared that his 'friend' had a young wife and child that were left without any financial support, would happily tell his story of Murder to anyone who would listen.   Understanding these People is difficult indeed.

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  3. It will be 'High Speed' until it reaches the Thai Border and then stop !   Still enough to dump all their goods at the Border and undercut Thai prices; same as the Chinese are already doing.


    No point in Thai Farmers and Producers complaining when their own Government is more interested in the Personal Wealth gained from buying F35's, Sub's without Engines and People Trafficking.

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  4. 3 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

    Luckily our son has a high paying career,he earns 3 times this ,but still complains ,his girlfriend also earns quite a good salery ,but is always broke ,mind you she always has something new to wear

    We have a friend who's Son gets 45,000 a month in a really good job but he's always broke because he went out and took Credit on a Crew Cab Pick-Up just for show that he didn't need and wastes loads on Gambling, Drinking, Smoking etc and instead of getting his own place or saving for one he still lives with Mum.   His Mum is not happy but he's told her that he is staying there until she dies and he gets the House !

  5. 3 hours ago, puck2 said:




    ,,,, yes, the Thai people and the farangs will remember corruption, his hesitation fighting the Covid, his militäray governing style with no respect for different oppinons, his hastily flight to China for "good miliitary" advices, thanked by ordering the Chiese submarines.


    And all his actions acommpanied by CORRUPTION !!! This is very obvious when you look back at the crazy test & Go scheme, the Thai pass etc. People with some brain recognise that all these overpriced schemes have been full of corruption, accompanied by higher than normal prizes. Guess where the money went to? To people now billionares with a "low" monthly salary of +200.000 THB or less.


    And most important, you forget every time that he  has got his job by a coup, a criminal action. He should stay in prison in a normal democracy.

    All understood but we are in a Country ruled by Gangsters in the cause of Gangsters.    Never kid yourself that Thailand will ever be a 'normal' Democracy or that normal Democratic rules will apply; it's never going to happen !

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