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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Thaksin has run out of choices.  Yingluck was 'wrong for the job' and indeed didn't want it; refusing at the first ask but giving in to Brotherly pressure.   Time for PT to be thinking of a New Age Leader; someone who would give them more credibility with the people and actually be a good PM.   Seems to me though that the 'Leaders' at PT don't have enough Brains between them to see the light !

    • Like 2
  2. 19 hours ago, CharlieH said:

    Why not just add it to the car tax !

    Aint no dodging that, and clearly visible if you try.Any outstanding fines are collected at the same time or the car is off the road.

    Clearly Visible Eh ?   I just been around to our Local Market and counted 9 Vehicles with out of date Tax; one of them 4 years out of date !    See it every time i go out and meanwhile the so called 'Police' are busy at the Station....Zzzzzzzzzz and couldn't care less.

    • Thanks 1
  3. Just got back from a week in Phuket.    Around 85% of people not wearing masks; the remaining ones being mainly Thai service staff in Hotels etc.   Majority of Tourists were Arabs and Indians; though not huge numbers and Thai Tourists out numbered them.   Seems the days of Taxi Mafia are over for now; just 150 Baht for a reasonable distance and Hotels half the price they were before Covid, excellent from a Tourists point of view.


    Many Bars and Restaurants still closed and even Central Mall in Patong still closed.

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  4. On 6/16/2022 at 9:35 AM, Eric Loh said:

    90 days reporting cancellation and casino projects are 2 of the least concerns of voting Thais. Shoot himself on the foot like he did with the controversial fire sales of watered down 1997 assets. Plus he is perceived as arrogant, defensive and a bad listener. 

    Being 'Arrogant, Defensive and a Bad Listener' are all plus points for Thai Politicians !

  5. 5 hours ago, sambum said:

    I have lost count of the number of times I have seen staff at Macro and Tesco Lotus watch farangs pick up bottles or cans of beer/alcohol and watch them carry on with their shopping only to be told at the checkout "Sorry, no can have", much to the annoyance of the customer.


    Would it not be an exercise in Customer Relations for ALL the staff to be instructed to notify the customers picking up booze out of purchasing hours, "Sorry, no can have"?



    That takes Brains and Managerial Organisation and in Thailand both are in very short supply !

    • Haha 1
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