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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. 22 hours ago, billd766 said:

    But that was 46 years ago and Thailand is far more visible internationally now than it was then


    Whilst the military have large numbers, the majority are unwilling conscripts who also have guns. In addition they have mobile phones and access to the internet.


    What would the military leaders do if the conscripts refuse to shoot the protestors? Remember that they also have guns and if you shoot a few there are a lot more left, and they will not be happy troops.

    What the Military Leaders would do is jump on waiting Planes to take them to their plush homes in other countries already bought and paid for with dirty money.  No doubt they would award themselves another Medal for being clever enough to leave the turmoil they created.

    • Like 1
  2. My Wife is Thai and a former Nurse for 25 years.  She will tell you that Thailand is very much a Third World Country and the 'Elite' that run the Country want it kept that way as it suits all their Corrupt behaviour and keeps the Sheeple Uneducated, Dumbed Down and no credible threat to them.


    The Mountains of Paperwork will remain for Generations to come as it is used as the reason for huge 'workforces' in all Government Departments that 'cover' for the Bosses running other Business's on the side and swanning off on lavish Holidays with their Mia Noi's whenever they feel like it, all at the Taxpayers expense.   Thousands of uneeded Civil Servants are employed and given long paid holidays and a Pension, mainly just for 'being there', as many do nothing more than continuous runs during the day for Food and Drinks for the rest, just sit and watch it happening as you wait for hours in any Government run Office !

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  3. Stayed on Phuket for a week in June; two different Hotels, 5 Star in Patong for 800 Baht a night, Buffet Breakfast Included and a 5 Star Beachside Resort for 1,000 a Night with Buffet Breakfast included.  Both were bargains and we had several cheap Taxi rides and a cheap Island Tour, 9am-4pm  1,000 Baht in a nice SUV.    In Rawai at the Seafood Market we ought live Asian Lobstes and had them cooked for 50 Baht each at a Restaurant Opposite.


    This is not the Phuket of five years ago with everything overpriced and constant gouging; once again it's become a pleasure to go there and the only Tourists apart from a few Thai's were Arab Men and a few Indian Families.


    We saw many Hotels, Restaurants and Cafe's closed and several for sale; even the Central Mall in Patong is still not open as not enough visitors for them.


    You can't feel sorry for all the Traders though; as many were fleecing the Golden Goose for the last 20 years or more without ever thinking about 'what might happen tomorrow ? '.

    • Like 1
  4. 22 hours ago, superal said:

    Please forgive this digression but my point is relative in dual pricing .

    Has it ever occurred to you why there is never a price on the wind screens of used car sale sites ? It is of course that they will try to extort as much money as they can from you . A foreigner will pay top price .  There is dual pricing between Thais , as I know first hand , where in my daughter in laws shop she charges a lower price to regular customer and higher to unknown customers . None of her merchandise carries a price tag    

    This is an area where Laws should have involved for years to ensure everything is priced for the customer to see. These sort of pricing scams should be thing of the past but hey...this is Thailand where most things are at least 50 years behind others !

  5. The Hoteliers know that the Country is run by incompetent Fools who know nothing about Business other than what they can cream off it for themselves.   Military Gangsters bedecked with dozens of medals they have never 'won' but simply award to themselves, just staying in office to enrich themselves to the fullest extent until they finally get booted out.


    I just feel really sorry for Business people trying to make a living when the occupants of Government House just keep doing their best to destroy any hope of recovery in the Tourist Sector !

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