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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. 17 hours ago, JoseThailand said:

    The funny thing is that those grandmas are old bar girls lol

    More Garbage; my Wife of 15 years was a Nurse and she is now 57 and retired.   It's total nonsence that every Farang that is married is married to a Bar Girl !   Indeed; i've never set foot in a Thai Bar and have no wish to do so.

    • Like 2
  2. A lot of Car Drivers drive with no hands or one finger or thumb on the steering wheel too; which means no control over the Vehicle whatsoever and after many 'Accidents' they always have another excuse like 'wet road' or 'lap nai' instead of telling the truth that they were not in control of the Vehicle !

  3. 44 minutes ago, redwood1 said:

    You are correct FREE Plastic bags from 7-11  are critical to saving Thailand....We want 100% free plastic bags 100% of the time....

    I bought about 8 items the other day; got to the Till and said 'Bag Please'.   Didn't happen; so i said  'Call Manager Please' and this scruffy looking Pleb came out of a back office and said 'Uh ?'.  I said 'Uh; no, i want a Bag for this many items, whereupon he told the Young Girl to give me a Bag !

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/4/2022 at 8:50 AM, movsrus said:

    Ain't love great.

    What Love was that then; a lot of Thai Men and Women have no idea what Love is, as they have never felt it, given it or recieved it.    Just one example; my Wife of 15 years told me that her Father never once gave her a cuddle in her entire life and her Mother was so busy in the Market night and day trying to earn enough for the Family to eat that she didn't recieve much attention from her either.   Her first Husband (deceased at 39) was , in her words, 'as cold as ice' and sex was a jump on, grunt and two minute affair.    Small wonder that many Thai's don't understand 'Love' at all !

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  5. On 6/2/2022 at 11:45 AM, ikke1959 said:

    The kids can't ask questions because the teacher doesn't know the answers.... When I was in school teaching I asked some teachers to explain something about a celebration and she didn't know what it was....just as an example..

    I believe you; My Wife has three friends who are supposedly 'teachers' and what they know about anything other than Food or Sanook you could write on a Postage Stamp.   They only took the jobs for the Pension and all the borrowing 'perks' available to them from the Banks.   The Kids learn absolutely nothing from them whatsoever !

  6. Running away from responsibility in Thailand is par for the course; as is lousy driving.   The School Truck looks well past its sell by date before the 'accident' occurred and i would bet if it was inspected by 'proper' Ministry of Transport Engineers it would be condemed to the scrap heap instead of being allowed to carry Children !

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  7. 23 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Bought a 15 Kg PTT bottle yesterday 380 Baht , that was before

    price went up, maybe Chiang Mai more expensive , or Government

    prices are not the same in reality .

    regards Worgeordie

    Normally if they deliver to home it's 400 at the old price !

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