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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. What's needed here is Lidl or Aldi and they would shake up the whole Supermarket price racket; which is what it is with almost all Local Malls and Supermarkets now in the hands of one family. Naturally; the Germans would not be allowed in as they would be 'Competition', which is a dirty word to Thai Billionaire's ears !
  2. Bearing in mind the Cars are all Japanese Makes and the Japanese have cut off the Russians as well it is more than possible that the Car Exports will be banned by Japan. Also; with the Rouble shot to bits why would they want to order large consignments of anything; especially if they are going to have to pay more for 'middle countries' to handle Transhipments ? I see Exports from La La Land drying up completely in the coming weeks.
  3. A few 'Generals' Off-Shore Bank Accounts just got fatter !
  4. They are ordered to dump used Fuel Oil at sea; you can normally find great blobs of it on your local Beaches in your home country, it's everywhere !
  5. China doesn't need to Invade Thailand; in many ways it already controls it with around 95% of the so called 'Elite' being Sino-Thai !
  6. Indeed; nowhere near enough pain will be administred to Russia and Russian's in general because of the actions of the Evil Putin. If The West was determined he should fail then what better way than to punish ALL Russians. It wouldn't be too long before his own people turned against him and he would have more trouble than he could cope with. Sadly; Liberlism in The West has badly affected the whole working of Government minds, which have turned to Marshmallow !
  7. People are buying them up here in The North from Supermarkets and riding them home up Main Roads. They are a menace and when they come up silently behind you on a Bike there is no warning. Just to make matters worse most seem to be ridden by Geriatrics who are probably at least partially Blind and Deaf . Not having a go at old people as i'm one myself but one with more sense than to ride one of these on Major Roads !
  8. We have a Lady friend who is a Teacher and she says it's been a complete waste of time as Thai Kids don't want to learn in the classroom let alone online !
  9. TAT will predict outrageous numbers; the 200,000 probably relates to February alone and then on to a Million by May, 5 Million by August and 20 Million by end of the year generating 300 Billion Baht !
  10. Thailand........' Hub of Arrogant Obnoxious Chest Beating Hi So's '........they are certainly Number 1 at that !
  11. They can't stop them very fast because of all those 'Go Fast' stripes and 'Flying Crow's Heads' painted all over them these days; making buyers believe they are buying Sports Cars with room for your shopping in the back ! The Thai love affair with Pick-Up's is born out of Small Men with Small Brains thinking they will show an image of Big Face and Big Balls !
  12. Yeah; you can stand your Beer Glass on their head while they.....................!
  13. The BMW''s are redundant now then; just one day overstay and it's 'SWAT' outside yer house !
  14. Majority of the Bad Guys are in or work for the Government !
  15. They think they can shake off the World Wide image people talk about wherever you go... ''Bangkok; oh yes, the Sex City of The World, one big Brothel and in the rest of the country people still live in Mud Huts with Straw Roof's don't they ? '' Don't laugh; i've heard similar things said in many country's when people ask me where i live ! Another view you get when in Singapore or Malaysia,Taiwan etc is ''Ah yes; Thailand, the Lunatic Asylum of South East Asia'' !
  16. Policemen and Soldiers sell a lot of Guns in Thailand; well known in The Villages in the North.
  17. And more and more machines are being brought in which means less jobs all round !
  18. All the Topic needed for a Headline was.............''Thailand is still stuck in the Past '' At least 50 years behind in some respects and 100 or more in others !
  19. With all the great food there is to eat they have to eat <deleted>. Hope the enjoy the Worms; they deserve them !
  20. Yes; but that's in a country where people are actually interested in doing their job. This is La La Land where people work for only money and not for Job Satisfaction !
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