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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. 70 Baht is cheap compared to the 89 and 92 i saw yesterday. They have jumped on the Bandwagon with Coconut Oil as well and that's up to 105 when no need for that at all.
  2. And how much of it will be diverted to Accounts of certain Thai Generals in Caribbean Bank Accounts ?
  3. All i can tell you is that my Deceased Thai FIL Murdered another Man with a knife in cold blood one night after a drinking session. The Man who died was his 'best friend'; who after drinking a fair bit said something FIL didn't like and out came the knife. He was sentenced to 15 years in Prison but was out in 8, never showed any remorse for the rest of his life, never cared that his 'friend' had a young wife and child that were left without any financial support, would happily tell his story of Murder to anyone who would listen. Understanding these People is difficult indeed.
  4. It will be 'High Speed' until it reaches the Thai Border and then stop ! Still enough to dump all their goods at the Border and undercut Thai prices; same as the Chinese are already doing. No point in Thai Farmers and Producers complaining when their own Government is more interested in the Personal Wealth gained from buying F35's, Sub's without Engines and People Trafficking.
  5. We have a friend who's Son gets 45,000 a month in a really good job but he's always broke because he went out and took Credit on a Crew Cab Pick-Up just for show that he didn't need and wastes loads on Gambling, Drinking, Smoking etc and instead of getting his own place or saving for one he still lives with Mum. His Mum is not happy but he's told her that he is staying there until she dies and he gets the House !
  6. Neighbours Daughter works for a well known Supermarket and she says they are suffering from ever greater numbers of Thai Shoplifters; mainly of food items and when caught they all breakdown and say they have no money for food or to feed their Families. Timebomb waiting to explode methinks.
  7. Anyone know of any Cat Boarders around Chiang Mai ? Can't find anywhere that will look after a Cat while we are away; must be somewhere surely ?
  8. All understood but we are in a Country ruled by Gangsters in the cause of Gangsters. Never kid yourself that Thailand will ever be a 'normal' Democracy or that normal Democratic rules will apply; it's never going to happen !
  9. Five years would have been more realistic. Sentences as lenient as this do nothing to improve the situation on Thailands appaling roads full of appalling Drivers and Riders !
  10. No problem; they will get jobs washing up in a Thai Restaurant, that's what all Thai's do abroad !
  11. No point in fitting Engines anyway when they will just lay rusting next to the Aircraft Carrier that is slowly rotting away !
  12. When it's wet they need no other excuse. They can't drive properly when it's dry and perfect driving conditions !
  13. Prayut will be as much use as a Chocolate Teapot; for him and his Entourage it will just be a Holiday at Taxpayers expense !
  14. I just tell all Friends and Family to go spend their money in other countries until all the silly rules here are dropped once and for all. They are losing Billions and will continue to lose more until they kick all the nonsence into touch.
  15. Let's be bluntly honest; the majority of people you meet in Thailand are as thick as two short planks, many can't read and/or write but will tell you they can and even if they really can, do you think they ever watch any news or read any, as most seem to be fixated by junk on TV or junk on their Phone's ! When did you meet a Thai Shop Assistant ;or indeed, any Retailer or Service Provider that can count more than 1+1 without a Calculator ? Anyone met a Thai 'Builder' that can give you anything like a proper 'Estimate' for work that needs to be done ? Could they tell you how much the Labour Portion or Materials Portion would cost ? Ever met a so called 'Skilled Tradesman' that could actually read a Proper Architects Drawing, Plan or Blueprint ? Ever seen a Thai 'Bricklayer' that can actually build a 'proper' Wall ? Ever met a Thai so called 'Electrician' that knows much about Earthing or Grounding, or that actually tests his work ? Ever met a Thai 'Roofer' that water tests his job when he says it's 'finished' ? When you 'think' about how much 'thought' they put into anything they do or 'learn'; then you know just how Dumb the majority are. Just look around at how many are riding Motorbikes with Masks on but no Helmet; is there anything dumber than that ? They 'think' a Mask will protect them but a Helmet is of no use to them or their Kids. There is no hope of improving Road Safety matters here as from the top down they are an incredibly dumb People's. After 15 years living here i have seen zero improvement in 'thinking' by anyone at any level and i don't expect there to be any change in the next 15 years. !
  16. Pointless; they would wake up, do a dozen Wai's, wave goodbye and go right back to sleep !
  17. If they are ever let loose with Sub's i for one will never set to sea again !
  18. ''Get it done'' he said ; as i for one don't want to be paying back my slice of the Bung !
  19. Yes of course; it's always from 'Neighbouring Countries' as Thai's don't burn anything do they ? That's why when i ride my Bike every morning a could easily lose count of the smouldering Bonfires, Rubbish Heaps and Paddy's seen every day of the week !
  20. Wait until you have been here 15 years and you will be even more Mind Boggled !
  21. No; his original promise was that he would ''Return Happiness to the People''; but that promise has gone the same way as all his other false promises !
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