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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. What surprises me is that Thai's don't smash up these Banks regularly as they offer just about the worst service on The Planet !
  2. I believe you; My Wife has three friends who are supposedly 'teachers' and what they know about anything other than Food or Sanook you could write on a Postage Stamp. They only took the jobs for the Pension and all the borrowing 'perks' available to them from the Banks. The Kids learn absolutely nothing from them whatsoever !
  3. Running away from responsibility in Thailand is par for the course; as is lousy driving. The School Truck looks well past its sell by date before the 'accident' occurred and i would bet if it was inspected by 'proper' Ministry of Transport Engineers it would be condemed to the scrap heap instead of being allowed to carry Children !
  4. Teachers need to spend more time actually 'teaching' something useful or; God Forbid', answering questions, as the majority of Kids coming out of School here know little more than when they went in ! The whole Education system is an utter disgrace.
  5. Normally if they deliver to home it's 400 at the old price !
  6. He should be more concerned with the amount of Women killed on Motorbikes in Thailand every day and the Women Murdered by Husbands. Ex Husbands and Ex Boyfriends !
  7. Why is it my Niece insists that her Honda Scoopy will only run on Benzene and says she can't use anything else ?
  8. Said to BIL a couple of weeks back ''Why don't you and SIL ever wear seatbelts in your Truck ?'' Answer was ''Never worn them and never will as they are dangerous '' ! Right; that's settled that then !!
  9. No doubt he's collected a few more expensive watches from dead people !
  10. Men over 70 are still driving Buses around the country as well as filth emitting Tipper Trucks when they should be retired and living a more relaxed and comfortable life !
  11. Disgraceful; typical Thailand, a Nation of Chest Beaters and Flag Wavers who will remain in the Third World for Generations to come.
  12. The classic Thai 'Wannabee'; the country is full of them, mainly that 'Wannabee Rich ' !
  13. RIP Lady and Child but 'Lap Nai' is now being used as an excuse as often as 'Brake Failure'. Majority of Accidents here are caused by Brain Failure or just Lousy Driving Skills !
  14. At least Boris goes to work on his Bicycle; how does Prayut EVER lead by example ?
  15. Yep; and won't be long before you will be 'Tested' entering the country and told you will be paying for a month in isolation at a five Star Hotel !
  16. Has he backtracked yet on his statement that Covid had 'Peaked' in July 2020 ?
  17. It's all a terrible misunderstanding; everyone knows that when they say don't panic it means PANIC !!
  18. Shouldn't be a problem as you can't own any Land !
  19. They have to show you they are earning their 1,900 Baht !
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