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Everything posted by trainman34014

  1. That can be a blessing as they have the terrible habit of putting coins on top of your notes which then end up all over the floor as you are wrestling with the other hand full of goods/bags etc. They just can't do things properly !
  2. I understand there are 20,000 jobs available for Foreign Labour in the Tourist Sector; so there are plenty of jobs available for Thai's 'if' they want to work. Sadly around the Villages where i live are hundreds of Thai 'Men' i have been seeing every day for 15 years sitting around doing nothing apart from drinking Beer from 8am and smoking rolled up Tobacco Leaves whilst their Wives work 20 hours a day to support their habits and feed the Family. It's about time the Government got their own 'Men' to actually do some work and stop worrying about a few Farang with no Work Permits !!
  3. What about 'Investing' in the hundreds of things that need doing already instead of dreaming about being Spacemen ? Seems to me that most of those running this Country are already living in a Parallel Universe and are totally oblivious to the needs of the Country and its People !
  4. If these people are all Chinese Nationals; which i doubt, then round them up, seize whatever assets they have in Thailand and deport them back to China for Xi and his henchmen to deal with. Then many of them really will face the Death Penalty, which would be carried out very quickly.
  5. Ahem; so was the Red Bull Heir...apparently !
  6. Forget Education unless it suits the Fuedal Patronage System that Thailand is !!
  7. A lot of this nonsense makes me laugh. I've been to China on several occasions and i always find it cheaper overall than Thailand; Hotels and Food in particular. I think the main reason Chinese want to come here is the lax rules and the feeling that 'Big Brother' is not watching their every move !
  8. Is there anything here that isn't 'Half Baked' ? They can't even bake a decent Pie !
  9. And of course we know how 'Expert' they are in everything they say and do !!
  10. What could possibly go wrong ?
  11. Thai's can't count; everyone knows that, so the Dogs will be doing the counting !
  12. Actually he's pointing at it and saying she stole it from him...Lol.
  13. Don't forget the Beer and Lao Kao under the tables hidden by Tableclothes and Plastic Sheets !
  14. The only thing that motivates the RTP is CASH; so if the Government offered than a couple of million to find him they would do so. Anyway; this is all smoke and mirrors just to make it look like Prayut and the other Gangsters he works with are actually interested in finding the Scum, which of course they are not !
  15. Oh dear; he hasn't been sharing the takings !
  16. They are not there to 'protect' the Thai people but like the Army, who are there to 'supress' the people as required by one Corrupt Government after another !
  17. This is the first step on learning how to be as Corrupt as the rest of the Force !
  18. I doubt a single other person in Thailand will care if he celebrates or not; why is this even 'News' ?
  19. Captain has already been on TV talking about how the Men in the Sea will be having a difficult time....beggers belief !
  20. Agreed; in the 16 years i've lived here i've travelled widely and Poverty is just about everywhere in the Country. In that 16 years the 'Middle Class' seems to have grown; mainly Government Civil Servants with better wages and Pensions to follow but so many of the Poor seem to be no better off at all and the current 'Government' (Bully Boy Thieves) have done nothing to help of any real consequence. The Banks and Lending Institutions are reckless and just make matters worse. A change of Government may make things somewhat better but judging by past History that may be a forlorn hope !
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