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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. If you have a Yellow Book (Tabian Baan) , that is more than enough to keep them happy; providing of course that it shows the same address as your wife ! If you don't have one and you are married here then I suggest you get one as it opens a lot of doors quicker and gives you a smoother ride all round. However; I don't think it's in the rules that you need a residence certificate for marriage extension but if you post on the VIsa forum I'm absolutely sure the boys there will give you the whole thing chapter and verse.

  2. there was a jumper up at Teppanya Hospital a few nights ago.

    The gf and her girlfriend stopped a week ago on the overpass near airport plaza... had a young girl there about to jump. They talked her down, typical story, heartbroken twenty-something caught her bf in bed with another girl. The girls took her to a nearby coffee shop and spent the next few hours talking with her, telling her they'd both experienced the exact same thing in their lives and that they were now pretty happy, so it was nothing to kill yourself over. Eventually they took the girl to the bus station and bought her a ticket to her villiage. They did get a call a few days later from her just to say she arrived home and was doing ok. Alls well that ends well, I guess...

    Your girlfriend and her friend deserve whatever plaudits they get. I once helped talk a Guy down who was going to jump off the Bristol Suspension Bridge and after we had succeeded people were saying to us 'You should have let him jump if that's what he wanted to do'. The attitude of some people is almost beyond belief !

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  3. The statement "never go to Immigration" may not be quite correct. When entering Thailand people visit Immigration at a checkpoint, whether it be a border crossing or an airport.

    THEN there are the ones illegal. I suspect there are relatively few.

    I think relatively few compared to the overall number, plus they're probably more likely to be reclusive and not go out much or spend much, but overal there could be quite a few of them.

    We can't really say how many there are but there are a good few tucked away out in the Boonies, and the further out the better they like it.

  4. At a guess, immigration do 8000 - 10000 extensions a year, based on between 30 and 40 a working day.

    Of the foreigners I know staying more than 6 months a year, 75% extend at immigration annually. My guess would be 12-15,000. Many more short term starters each year.

    I live here year round. I don't visit immigration. I doubt I'm the only one.

    You are most certainly not. I know of two others who are here without current Visa's, one doesn't have a Passport either. Not my business so good luck to you all.

    Some of us don't legally need to visit immigration on the type of visa we have

    Fair comment; but as I said, none of my business.

  5. I liked the river venue but have often found it easier to catch up with visiting friends/family at the Night Market for a feed if they are sans transport and in a hotel.

    I know the price difference has been mentioned (as being higher rent equals higher prices). I always found this a bit disconcerting, more like one venue had a "Thai/Expat" price and another "Farang/Tourist" price. Certainly other establishments (with rent differentials) i know do not have a different price structure per venue for the same product be it food or other things. Dukes is about the only one I know that does. To me it is somewhat exploitative of tourists and I have seen many condemn Thais for similar exercises.

    It has actually jaded my view a bit to the point where I gently and discretely steer guests to other places. If I go there I feel a bit sour and ripped off and I do not like the idea of my family/friends being ripped off (just my feelings folks sorry). When I went there the food was very very good no issue there its just that I can't bring myself to go there any more.

    Never take life too seriously; nobody gets out alive anyway !

  6. At a guess, immigration do 8000 - 10000 extensions a year, based on between 30 and 40 a working day.

    Of the foreigners I know staying more than 6 months a year, 75% extend at immigration annually. My guess would be 12-15,000. Many more short term starters each year.

    I live here year round. I don't visit immigration. I doubt I'm the only one.

    You are most certainly not. I know of two others who are here without current Visa's, one doesn't have a Passport either. Not my business so good luck to you all.

  7. Having already gone to the expense of building a place upcountry, I could easily live there on 10k a month including household bills, food and Thai whisky at 120 baht a bottle!

    Renting a place could be as little as 2k a month, depends on where and what you want. My Thai is poor, I don't gamble but I enjoy the mountains, waterfalls, fishing and generally chilling. I do download lots of movies and TV series to watch of an evening and I have a couple of dogs and a rai of land to potter about on.

    Simple needs?

    The High So's will be along shortly to tell you that you are up for Cheap Charlie of the year and that you shouldn't be living in Thailand if your not bringing in at least Half a million Baht a month to live on. It's ok because we don't take any notice of them either !

  8. My Father, who spent almost his entire adult life in the Military would not let my Mother use Talcum Powder on any member of the family as he said they were taught way back in the late 30's that it was poison and blocks skin pores. Never used it and didn't allow my family to either but TIT and Wifey uses the ruddy stuff every day when exiting the shower. Nothing I say or do can change this as one word from me and she does exactly what she wants to do anyway !

  9. Stoneyboy the other eight are,

    Not smoke

    Not drink

    Never worked in a bar

    Never had a Farang BF before

    No tatoos

    Speak some English but not too much

    Dont need money for her family

    Dont have a buffalo in her family

    That cuts out about 75% of the female population of Thailand then. But wait; around 89% have a Buffalo in the family somewhere !

  10. Plenty of land for sale out in the Boonies to the South of the City Tommo, and at reasonable prices. You need to get yourself out in the sticks and motor around to find things but stay away from all those fancy agencies and do it yourself. Your budget is a bit short by about half a million if you want to find a ready built Moobahn house even out beyond Hang Dong. Gotta be looking a 2 million plus for a decent place.

  11. LMAO. certainly didnt spot the mk2 at first sight, but now you mention it, LOL.

    Oddly they have been made that one for years, the older ones from the mid 90's.well in UK in 1993, were all wood and leather inside ....... the photo is a 2013 model Viewt and colour is Cherry Green, the inside looks as they have come from the Nissan March...


    Want a funny pickup from 1994 ?


    Not sure if you're referring to the Jaguar UK years of build but the Mk2 was built from 1959 until 1967. Presume you are talking about the Hybrids in the 80's/90's?

  12. Getting true facts here is nigh to impossible, the Public Health dept say

    the restaurant was selling contaminated fish ,in an other report I read,

    Restaurant clean nothing found, then another report Streptococcus,

    found but not the same strain that allegedly killed the student,then it

    was the students fault as she must have already been ill,as her friends

    where only a little ill.

    Confused ,I think we are meant to be, the most important fact is missing

    name of restaurant.its exactly the same when bacteria was found in 3

    brands of toothpaste,which brands the public was never told !!!

    So Thailand is definitely not a nanny state ,you have to be responsible

    for your own life.

    regards Worgeordie

    Like the Mrs is always saying...'You have to take care yourself in Thailan, nobody cares you' .

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  13. Where possible take Nakorn Chai Air (NCA) buses, they have 2 drivers on board and thery change regularly.

    NCA is very safety conscious and very service conscious.

    I've also heard they have a 'secret shopper' crew who takes buses regularly to check the service and safety levels.

    Well said; they are the only Bus company I will travel with. If they don't go there....nor do I !

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