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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. This is becoming another 'when i was a kid' thread, so here i go then....

    When I was a kid in Britain we didn't have tin cans or plastic bottles to throw away as they didn't exist. We bought our drinks in returnable bottles and they had a deposit on them so you not only took your own back to get the dosh but looked around for others to take with you. They even had rubber screw tops that you had to take back as well so there was nothing to throw away. There was no Mc Donalds, KFC, Burger King or any other 'fast food' outlets other than Fish&Chip shops. We often ate our chips on the way home and then put the newspaper they were wrapped in either in a rubbish bin provided in the street or in the dustbin back home. These days everywhere you go you will see garbage from these outlets messing up the countryside. There were no 7-Eleven, Tesco Express, Chinese or Indian Takeaway shops where people buy bags full of everything that's pretty much bad for you and then dispose of what's left all over the roads and in the countryside. We were taught at School not to throw rubbish in the streets and if your parents, other relatives or even neighbours that knew you saw you do something like that there would be a stinging price to pay at some time shortly afterwards, like a clip around the ear.

    Seems to me that wherever you go in this modern world things have actually got worse as far as personal discipline's are concerned. This is all the result of poor parental and teaching behaviours favouring the 'liberal' attitudes that my Father always warned me would ruin the future of the Planet. Not far out in his assessment was my old Dad.

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  2. Crime of passion, not premeditated 10 years max if that , more like 5, totally acceptable in all societies.

    I always feel the term 'Crime of passion' is used as some sort of excuse. It certainly would be in this particular case where the term 'Frenzied Attack' would be more apt. Stabbing anyone 50 times cannot surely be described as a crime of passion; I would expect a single stab wound or two might occur in a passionate moment. We don't know the full facts as yet but one has to wonder if the Canadian guy had his suspicions before returning to Thailand and was therefore 'brewing up' all the way back. Of course, if this should be the case then you could say it was a premeditated attack.

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  3. No big deal. NOT Rolls Royce engines. Aircraft engine fires are fairly frequent and because most of them get engine shutdowns before anything really serious happens most of them are never reported by the media. Hands up anyone who has done 200 plus flights and has never experienced an engine failure. I've flown more than 500 times and have lost count of the failures, fires and other 'emergencies' that I have been subjected to.

    If you're flying to the UK end of June next year let me know what flight you are on and I'll avoid it:-)

    Pussy !

  4. It's a very sad state of affairs up there and you wonder why the Temple Monks don't get something sorted out with their Thai followers and have a big clean up campaign.

    Generally the Thai countryside is treated as one gigantic rubbish tip by the Thai people who just don't seem to care or understand anything about respect for nature or their surroundings. Education, education,education is what's needed but TIT, we just know it won't happen.

  5. No big deal. NOT Rolls Royce engines. Aircraft engine fires are fairly frequent and because most of them get engine shutdowns before anything really serious happens most of them are never reported by the media. Hands up anyone who has done 200 plus flights and has never experienced an engine failure. I've flown more than 500 times and have lost count of the failures, fires and other 'emergencies' that I have been subjected to.

  6. For Thailand's sake I hope they abandon the ridiculous notion of bidding for a F1 race.

    A country and people that put so much store in saving face have been embarrassed for years by the 3G fiasco and now the Futsal farce. Another would be just too much.

    You really think the 'real' people of Thailand are embarrassed by these things? You've got to be kidding; they don't give a rats arse as they are too busy trying to make a decent living. I sat with five Thai's in my village last evening and brought up the Futsal fiasco and guess what? They didn't even know what the hell I was talking about. You need to get out more.

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  7. Your description of a feminist could also describe a lesbian...dont judge books by their cover.

    Women these days realise they dont need men to survive in this world, Thailands no different but perhaps Thai women are more from the old school, a quality most women in the west arent any longer, and surely Thais are also following.

    Heres a point; most grandparents in the west got married and stayed married till death do they part.

    Nowdays, 50% of marriages fail....why?

    Because the old school followed the idea of the man earned money, the lady looked after the house. She relied on him, which is similar to the ways of alot of Thais nowdays. I like that, its a good thing. Old fashioned but good. It works.

    Im sure alot of feminists find it hard to have male relationships, stay married etc. Thats their problem, good luck to em.


    'Similar to the ways of a lot of Thai's nowadays' The old ways were the best ways but our Grandfathers didn't have 'Mia Noi' + as many as three others on the side. My guess is that if you told a Western man he could have as many wives/girlfriends as Thai men do, then there would be a lot less divorce in the West !

  8. I started to plan my move out of Britain in 2000 having already done all the homework on finances. I had traveled widely for work purposes to many area's of the planet and had decided that I wanted to live either somewhere in or around the Med' or in South East Asia. After more travel and discovery I plumped for Thailand and then started the search for a possible partner. Played it cool whilst I continued to visit and plan, sold everything, finally moving here at the start of 2008. Apart from the odd family visit I would never consider going back to my Mother country as it's very far from the 'Land of Hope and Glory' that I grew up in.

    I am happy to say that I did not forget anything, and I certainly did not leave my common sense in the departure lounge at Heathrow.

  9. They've been around a while, yes they're nice but so few per packet. Makro you can get the big bags and pig right out.

    Also look out for a German "Chocolate 4 You", green label's hazelnut praline, only carried at 7-11's catering to foreigners and hi-so areas.

    Ritter and Toblerone of course, tan and red label Swiss brand forget the name, Guylian makes a bar now, Dove's not bad, Hershey's nuggets in a pinch, all available at that kind of 7, but at places with low turnover it can sometimes be a bit stale.

    Anyone else noticed that out of the three flavours of the heavily marketed Mega bars, the Truffle flavour, the tastiest one seems to be getting phased out leaving only Almond and boring old Classic? Nestle did the same thing ten years ago and then seemed to just toss in the towel completely to Wall's.

    I've given up many vices over the years, but I"m afraid the chocoholism will be the last to go.

    Plenty of truffle ones up here in the North. Just ate one ten minutes ago for mid-morning snack. Maybe I should start shipping them?

  10. Personally, I've always been a strange creature wherever I've lived ! That aside; yes we are Aliens to the Thai's and it's not likely to change in my lifetime. However; I really do believe that strange as I may be, I still consider myself to be a Human Being and I don't give a damb what the Thai's think I am as I am happy in my own bubble.

  11. As a Farang I would take the 'other Farang' to one side and give him the message in very plain and understandable terms with a cut off date for your 'help'. If they don't move out by the day specified remove all their kit out into the road.

    As previously stated, your wife will always put her family before you, the Alien Farang, who is merely tolerated because you are financing the whole tribe. Sorry, but you have to man up and take the bull by the horns as your wife is never going to throw her sister and kids out. Indeed, it's tough, but she would rather throw you out first.

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  12. Well; I took some visiting pals to The Dukes today for lunch. When the bill came I thought shall I upset the poor lad and pay by card? As I was in a good mood I paid cash so I hope the staff don't nick it .

    Btw; the ribs are still up to the high standard that I have come to expect. As for the Pizza, well, I will eat what's left tonight in the usual way. One day when I grow up maybe I will actually finish one of those biggy's on the premises !

  13. Honest post OP and I wish you well whatever you decide to do. If 'love' is only 10% of the reason that you are staying then your 'love' life with this woman is on the way to oblivion anyway. As suggested by others, I would tell her just before I did the off. Some 'nice' Thai girls turn into your worst enemy once they think you are dumping them. Be careful and stay cool.

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