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Posts posted by trainman34014

  1. Here in the North the same thing happens. Something you have to get used to just like so many other quirks if you want to live happily in the Boonies. It won't change any time soon, and in fairness, we can't expect it to. Not our country, it's theirs, and they do things the way they always have.

  2. In defence of the OP, these amounts look small, but at the end of the month when the bill lands it can easily work out at

    10 transactions x 20 baht x 30 days - 6000 baht.

    Not so small now eh? I bet there are months the fees are astronomical

    I remember one month when I was starting out my fees were 44,000 baht equivalent.......painful.

    Bleth; as a company owner you should know, or I hope you have learned, how to get around these things. In theory the 44,000 Baht should have already been paid in by customers, so the pain shouldn't be that bad. If this was not the case at the time then I guess you were still on the learning curve.

  3. I think that more places should be accepting cards by now, not less. How far behind do Thailand's business people want to be? What will happen after 2015 when ,we hope, more people will arrive from the likes of Seoul, Singapore, KL and so on ,where much larger numbers of folks are using cards on a daily basis. Will they be happy when they can't use their cards for purchases as they can elsewhere in the civilised world?

    Not long after I got here I went into a Builders merchants to buy numerous items. When I got to the till I was told that certain items had a surcharge for using a card and certain items didn't. What kind of business thinking is this? I have since found that Global do the same thing, as well as others. IMO it's all backward or non-progressive thinking in todays world. I would have thought by now that Restaurant owners would have solved this problem by adding a little more to menu prices. After all; it wouldn't have to be a hefty rise on each menu item and would in the bigger picture be unoticed by most customers.

    If you lads go the ATM route you will lose my custom...unless you can talk AEON into installing at your premises. Don't do it; I think your heads have been in Thailand for too long !

  4. i once posted something about my wife saying we could survive on ฿10 000.- a month at a tight pinch. I wasn't advocating it by any means. My daughter got feedback the same day when she went to the market, as did my wife a little later. The ladies were afraid that their Farangs would reduce their pocket money.

    How someone found this out I can't imagine, but I am being watched... not that I care, I won't be telling when I go on holidays.

    Well, you should know that CM is a small city and if you p*ss your pants, it will be the talk of the town the next day. biggrin.png

    I fart a lot and nobody says a word !

    • Like 1
  5. I live in a Bicycle Bubble. I'm out and about every day as I would go crazy if I was stuck indoors. Heat doesn't bother me much so it's an all year thing and I get to meet dozens of locals out in the Boonies. After nearly 5 years everyone knows me no matter which route I choose and I am always happy to talk with anyone who is interested. Never been in a bar bubble, with of without bar girls, just not interested as I have my little Thai gem at home. Said Gem is not all that socially minded and is far more happy in our Love Nest (her words), so any beer drinking is done with friends coming to our home for food etc. We do venture out for dinner or lunch now and again but she is an A1 cook who enjoys her kitchen so normally we only go when she fancies a break.

    Each to their own; I've got Farang who live not far from me who live inside a Refrigerator 24/7 and are rarely seen. Good luck to them, not my business.

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  6. Some (just some) of the reasons not to drink any form of soft drink or soda's as some name them...

    Phosphoric Acid: Interferes with the body's ability to use calcium, which leads to osteoporosis, softening of the teeth and bones. Phosphoric acid also neutralizes hydrochloric acid in your stomach, which interferes with digestion, making it difficult to utilize nutrients.

    Sugar: It is a proven fact sugar increases insulin levels, resulting in high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, premature aging and more negative side effects. One can of drink puts you over 100 percent of the RDA of sugar.

    Aspartame: This lethal chemical is used as a sugar substitute in diet drinks. There are over 92 different health side effects including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. Further, when aspartame is stored for long periods of time or kept in warm areas it changes to methanol, an alcohol that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid, which are known carcinogens.

    Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks can cause jitters, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, elevated blood cholesterol levels, vitamin and mineral depletion, breast lumps, birth defects, and perhaps some forms of cancer.

    Soda (carbonating) drinks is one of the main reasons, nutritionally speaking, why many people suffer health problems. Aside from the negative effects of the soda itself, drinking a lot of soda is likely to leave you with little appetite for vegetables, protein and other food that your body needs.

    Seems to me any carbonated or sweet drinks laced with sugars and caffeine including sports drinks like Gatorade and Red Bull should also be scrutinised but demand and craving of these drinks will outweigh the sensibility of health. Taxing them will do nothing other than giving the Govt more revenue. Educating the public is far more intelligent and therein lies the exact reason Thailand won't.

    We need a breakdown like this for Beer. That would be very interesting.

  7. Endure....Not quite as simple as you make it seem. The court has to hear all the evidence the Police have gathered to prove the confessor actually 'did it'. There have been many cases where people have owned up to murders and other crimes they never actually committed. Notwithstanding all this; if the British Police put the suspect on TV the case would never reach a courtroom.

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